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I'm so blue ooh ooh, blue ooh ooh, blue ooh ooh ooh!

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My sister is moving 10 hour away tomorrow and I won't see her before she goes. She is not doing any goodbyes. She has been working and packing or so she says. I just found out she had a brunch at her house this weekend, but didn't invite my brother or me. I just feel icky about this. While I am happy that this move will be a positive one, financially, I am sad that I will not see her very often. When my mom died, I had this feeling that my family would never be close again. Well, it is coming true. Last year was the first year since I was born that I did not spend Christmas eve with my family. They made plans out of town and we couldn't go. Traveling is too much for us right now because my FIL is in somewhat poor health and we don't want to leave him alone for the holidays. Also, I really don't like going out of town to see them because they tend to drink way more than I am comfortable with when they are all together and we just can't pack up and go home when things get out of hand. I am trying to embrace new traditions but it is hard.


On another note, our piano teacher, my BIL (who is married to said sister) is leaving as well. We just had our last lesson with him. He is such a gifted teacher and a positive influence on my children. He came to our house and taught all 3 kids, one after the other. He was like a chameleon, becoming the teacher each of my kids needed. He had such knowledge of music theory and made it interesting. While he could relate on their level, he never talked down to them, but was ever encouraging. His musical selections have been top notch - either classical pieces or modern ones with enduring appeal. His enthusiasm for music in contagious. While none of my kids are interested in music as a career or in performing, they have learned so much with him.


Now I have to find a new teacher. What I really need is 3 new teachers as all 3 kids need something different. I am simply paralyzed at the thought.


I think I am going to have a good cry and a cup of tea. (Do I dare break open the bag of chocolate chips?)

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((hugs)) I'm sorry you won't get to see her before she leaves. My sister moved and hour and a half away last year and started a new life. I rarely see her and miss her so much. We used to get together every weekend. I hope you are able to find piano teachers, too.

Edited by KRG
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My best sister lives across the country from me. It's sucky. It's better since Skype came into our lives. Sometimes we just sit and have a chat and drink a glass of wine together. Sometimes we watch each other make dinner....whatever,.


Last week (this is so COOL because I'm such a big dork!) I was on a beach in the Caribbean and she was in a Sherpa camp in the Himalayan Mountains. She Skyped me on my phone and we were able to see each other and talk. From the dang Hima-freaking-layan mountains to the beaches of St. John! I felt like we were the Jetsons! And who knew they had Wi-Fi at Sherpa camps in Nepal?


The point is....there are ways to keep close. I feel your pain, but it'll be ok. Be creative!

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