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s/o on smart phone thread ...

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For those of you who do have a smart phone, what do you use it for?


My daugher has an iphone and she has that thing maxed out with all sorts of apps for scheduling, gps, lists, games, etc. She uses it to run her whole schedule/life basically, so for her it is worth it.


I'm kinda a paper-n-pencil gal, so I'm not sure it would be worth it for me. The only thing I keep on my phone now is a list of books I am interested in just in case I find myself at a book store or library. I would like a better camera, so that would be a plus .....


So, if I were to get an iphone, what are some things I could do with it that would make it worth it for me? :bigear:

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I love my Droid, but when the contract is up I'll switch to an Iphone. I want to be able to use Itunes.


I use:



google (surprised at how much I do this)

nook (when I've forgotten mine at home & I'm desperate enough to use that small screen)

you tube

yellow pages App

All recipes app

bar code scanner is neat. (shopping around was never so easy)

Amazon app

the shopping list app is handy also

I use the camera alot & then upload to facebook, twitter & messaging

Pandora radio (Love)

I have a couple of weather apps that I love & so does my daughter

Flashlight app (uses my camera flash as a flashlight)

I do have some games on it too, but I don't use them as much anymore.

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I use calengoo synced with google calendar. It holds my calendar, to do list, appts., kids activities, etc. I have my audible books on there. I spend so much time driving kids places and waiting that it is nice to listen to a book. I have the Bible on there. I am trying to ready daily and that makes it very convenient. The camera on my iphone is really good. I use it all the time, email to dh, and he uploads to fb. I keep my music on there. It has a calculator, timer, stopwatch, and level. I can check email, call or text my contacts, use gps or search maps, plan my menu, and keep track of my low carb diet on my carb diet app. Lastly, I have just started playing angry birds. LOL


I have never been a gadget girl, but having this iphone has been wonderful. I am able to keep organized, and have all my tools right at my fingertips.

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email-have an aol and gmail account

weather-Weather Channel; use it to check temps and radar

zillow-used it to find our current house; still check rentals and homes for sale

out of milk-use if for a master grocery list when shopping

angry birds-fun game

words with friends-fun game

camera-always taking pictures to upload to FB

Facebook-so easy to check from my phone

notes-keep track of little bits of info

ebay-use it to track things I'm buying or wanting to buy

kindle-all my kindle books can b read on my phone

redbox-use this quite frequently when trying to find a certain movie

places-give locations of restaurants, atms, etc. in your current area plus reviews

points counter-give me WW points for foods

calorie counter-can track my daily calories

internet-can access things on internet; I've used this to look up the location and hours of places when we were out driving

texting-do this now for quick questions or things I don't need to have a whole conversation about


I've never been about gadgets and really don't like phones. I don't like to talk on the phone and went for quite awhile without a cell phone. BUT, I. love. my. phone. now.


I accidentally got it wet a few months age and had to wait a couple days for a replacement. I felt like someone had cut off my hand. I use it so much now. It makes things very convenient.

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So' date=' if I were to get an iphone, what are some things I could do with it that would make it worth it for me? :bigear:[/quote']


I'm like you. Even with my iPhone, I still write down everything and carry around a dinosaur dayrunner LOL. I only have the phone because the people who love me insisted I get one because I "didn't know what I was missing out on" -- and they gave it to me for my birthday.


I don't use it nearly to its capabilities, but I use it more than I thought I would. I use the calendar (even in conjunction with my paper one) because we can sync them to each others; that's handy. I use the voice recorder and video and camera functions more than I thought I would. I'm carry a regular camera with me at all times, but sometimes it's just easier to use the phone's camera - especially for instant sharing (via text or email).


I like the various maps. The GPS is helpful, and so are the apps that let you know what's around you. We travel for sports and I travel for work so we're often in less familiar territory and finding the nearest Sonic or Starbucks is much easier with the phone :blush:.


I have very few apps on my phone, and no games. I'm accused of way underutilizing it, but it still works for me and I'm glad I have it. I have six apps, and four of those are work-related (airports and airline information). The other two are iBooks and TuneIn Radio.


iBooks allows me to save attachments from emails and keep them handy on my phone in one area -without having to go back through my emails (it's great for book lists for homeschooling and stuff from extracurriculars). You can also download books to it. We have about 50 books on there, classic and new, but I never use them as I don't like to read on the phone.


TuneIn Radio lets me listen to radio stations all over the country, including my local stations while I'm out of state working. I like it especially for talk radio.


Once upon a time I had an Amazon app, and the camera function allowed me to upload IRL books into my amazon wishlist (or to compare IRL prices to Amazon prices). It was handy to have, but I deleted it when Amazon deleted my wish list. I know there are other apps that do that, with more than books to more than just Amazon.


Both apps were free, and many there are many. My son's phone has a rosary app on it, and the church readings for the day. They have some games, too. There are apps for recipes, stores/coupons, and so much more. I don't use any of them LOL but I'm still happy to have my phone. It's been very convenient.

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In addition to what others have posted I have a master list of library books to check out. We use BSFU and CHOLL so I look at the book list for those on our computer and then check if our library has the books I want. I cut and paste the book location and title into a google doc that is divided by week. When we are at the library I just pull up the google doc on my phone and get the books we need.

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I use my iPhone for:




listen to music and audiobooks

banking (I can even deposit checks remotely with it)


notes, info in Evernote


watch Netflix, YouTube






comparison shopping

practicing my hiragana and kanji

track dh's flight when he travels

editing videos




I use it a lot! Oh, I also make and receive phone calls on the iPhone. :D



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