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6 Year Old Wants Chores

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Hi all,


My dd6 told us today that she wants a chore chart :001_huh: so we're gonna run with that! She already is responsible for cleaning her room before bedtime, picking up toys when she's done using them and clearing up her plate and cup after meals.


What sort of chores do your six year olds do?

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My 6yo can unload the dishwasher, vacuum, fold small towels, put her clothes away and put laundry from the washer into the dryer. Next we're going to work on wiping counter/mirrors and mopping. And she can brush her little sister's hair and teeth even though that's not something I ask her to do. I saw it when I went into the bathroom one day and there was dd2 sitting on a chair in front of the mirror like she was at a beauty parlor. :lol:

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Things he can do (not saying he always does this): Take laundry out of hamper and put it in the washer. Using a dust pan to sweep stuff off the floor. He likes peeling carrots and potatoes. He's my little gopher (he fetches things for me). He puts his laundry in his dresser drawer and supervises Digby putting his away. He brings laundry from the dryer to the couch, not interested in folding.

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Here are some things our DD7 does.....

Takes the garbage & recycling out

Checks the mail

Takes the sheets off of the kids beds and brings them to laundry room

Brings her own laundry to the laundry room and gets it into the wash - helps fold it/put it away

Helps make dinner

Sets the table

Empty the 3 hole punch & pencil sharpener shavings

Dusts the furniture

Vacuums the eat-in area after meals and wipes down the high-chair

Tidy up the toy area in the basement

Uses a swiffer on the hardwood floors

Refills the diapers & wipes in the bin in Chunky Monkey's room

Organizes shoes in the front hall closet/front door

Vinegar + water spray for the mirrors


WOW....that is a lot. Hope that helps!

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Enjoy the helpful phase while it lasts!


Dusting - with a feather duster or a cloth


Dustbuster or whisk broom for floors


Drying dishes (not breakable)


Helping unload the dishwasher - putting silverware away, for example


Organizing books (smallest to largest, not by category or alphabetical order:tongue_smilie:)


Wiping cabinet fronts, or walls, or baseboards


I could go on, but it is starting to look like a lot like my own to do list!


If she can't break something or make it dirtier in the process of " cleaning" it, then let her have at it.

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My five year old does:

-Organize shoes (we have a huge mess of shoes by the front door, so he puts them in pairs, in a nice line....so pretty).

-Clean windows, whatever he can reach

-Pick up 30 toys (yes, there are 30 toys to be picked up in the toy room, well, there are waaaaay more than that)

-Organize DVD's

-Wipe baseboards

-Pick up his room

-Bring dirty clothes to laundry room

-Wash out recycling bin



and probably a few more I can't think of.

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That's great! Definitely take advantage of her interest in helping!


My just turned 7 year olds do the following:


* set the table

* unload the dishwasher

* sort recycling

* empty trash cans

* sweep up after supper with the hand-held vacuum

* fold laundry (pajamas)

* clean stainless refrigerator front

* Dust woodwork (doors, baseboards, windowsills, stairs)


And of course the ever present picking up toys, books, etc., and picking up their own rooms!

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My six-year-old....


Daily: Sweeps up his birds' seed and feeds the birds, feeds the dog, puts away his laundry, helps clear the table and takes the used dish towels to the washer.


His chore list:

M: Clean all the doorknobs and light switches in the house.

Tu/F: Wipe the front of the dishwasher, oven and refrigerator.

W: Clean the stair handrails.

Th: Dust the bookshelves and help clean the play room or boys' room.


Saturday is Family Cleaning Day. He cleans the glass on the grandfather clock and the fireplace, vacuums the rug in the boys' room, and cleans something else that I ask him to clean, like the door frames or the back doors. He also cleans the bird cage with his brother.



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Hi all,


My dd6 told us today that she wants a chore chart :001_huh: so we're gonna run with that! She already is responsible for cleaning her room before bedtime, picking up toys when she's done using them and clearing up her plate and cup after meals.


What sort of chores do your six year olds do?


We have a rotating chore wheel. I made it a few years ago, so my youngest was six or younger when we started.


It has bathroom, laundry and dishes. Each kid has one responsibility for the week, then moves on.


For a six year old, I think I expected: To take laundry downstairs and sort it by color. To help fold and deliver (with directions) to the proper room. I started with rectangular stuff like towels and with matching socks.


Kitchen: Put away dishes. Our tableware (plates, bowls and glasses) are in lower cupboards so the kids can reach (even though two of the kids are now taller than I). You can start with just sorting silverware.


Bathroom: Emptying trashcans, putting away stuff on counters, wiping counters. Sweeping the floor and taking rugs to the laundry. I think I held off on actually scrubbing toilets until they were a little older.

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- Clean bedroom

- Keep the cat's water bowl filled and clean

- Bathroom sink and counter

- Help with dishwasher (silverware and plastic items)

- Gather laundry, fold towels

- Make rice (in a rice cooker)

- Occasionally sweep or dust


We have her bedroom and the cat's water on her chart daily. Other things are only on certain days.

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