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Noisy Knees

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That's me. It could be my nickname. Really, it's only one of my knees that is incredibly noisy. It's awful going up stairs. It sounds like a blazing campfire... even when I'm just laying in bed, if I straighten my knee it sounds positively awful. The sound is enough to make my poor husband vomit.


I occasionally have times where my knee feels like it's going to give out or it suddenly can't bear weight. This morning I've had it happen several times. It's really hard to tell if it's muscular pain or joint pain. I haven't done anything to it recently so I don't know how I can just wake up and have it do this. I still stubbornly went on a walk this morning anyways though. It only bothers me here and there. It's not a constant pain... but when it springs up I can't help but wince and let out an audible complaint about the pain.


I've gone to my doctor about it before, though it's never been quite as perturbing as it is today. She just said, "You have a noisy knee." Thanks!! LOL Perhaps I need to be referred to a specialist of some sort...


I guess I'm starting to get nervous that I'm going to be an early arthritic. My Grandmother had terrible rheumatoid arthritis that started getting bad in her fifties and then got much much worse into her sixties. She had all of her major joints replaced (some twice!) except for one shoulder, which drove her mad with pain some days towards the end of her days.


So, I'm wondering, I suppose if anyone here has arthritis of the knees and if this sounds at all familiar. I've known people who have started showing signs at a fairly young age and since it tends to be genetic, I am obviously somewhat concerned. Since I've never had a major knee injury, I just can't think what else might be causing this. How do they diagnose arthritis? Ultrasound? MRI?

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I, too, have a noisy knee. I ,too, have asked my physician about it. He, too, said that "Yep, you've got a noisy knee!" So helpful. One would think that whatever is happening internally to make that awful noise would have to have some effect over time. I'm curious to see if you get any helpful posters.....since I'm not one! ;)

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My mom and I both have this problem and last year she had her first knee replacement and is scheduled for her next in Jan. My knees turn my stomach when I do squats, etc. The noise is horrible but the pain varies depending on activity. I have had a steroid shot which helped with inflammation and there is OTC supplements(CosaminDS) that my mom's dr. recommended. It is not just a noisy knee...he told her it was something to do with the cartilage and placement of her kneecap. I figure eventually I will have the same procedure.

He also said that weight control is important for her to maintain.

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I have had creaky knees all my life. I remember as a little girl my mom teasing me that I could never go visit the Queen of England because I couldn't curtsey without my knees cracking!!!


My knees get worse though when I don't exercise and as weird as this may sound when I drink more caffeine. I always have this urge to straighten my knees all the time so it is hard to sit some where, where I can't stretch them out.


I've just been living with it all my life.

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My mom had noisy knees. For whatever reason - I don't remember it being traumatizing, or grossing me out, lol - butI can remember her knees always popping and clicking, especially when she'd kneel on the floor for something and get back up. She had knee surgery on both knees a few years ago, at about 56 years old. She had been having increasing pain for a few years, and her legs were starting to actually bow out because of her knees. Now, whether or not there was any connection, I have no idea. But you've certainly got me curious!

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Mine don't, but my Dad's... wow! I remember when I was a small child (so he was in his early 30s), I could mimic back the exact rhythm of clicks and creaks he made walking up the stairs to tuck us in. lol... My brother and I thought of it as a really comforting sound! :) (Well, uh, most of the time...)


He has always blamed his noisy knees on a series of football injuries (and, I think, subsequent surgeries). He's still creaky -- even creakier, I guess, really -- but he doesn't seem to have developed arthritis from it or anything like that.

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She just said, "You have a noisy knee."


I can relate. I had something wrong with my hand for a while. It would hurt and swell. The first doc I saw said, "Sometimes people swell." :001_huh:


Look into finding another doc to look at your knees. There isn't any reason to be in pain if you don't have to.

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Mine don't, but my Dad's... wow! I remember when I was a small child (so he was in his early 30s), I could mimic back the exact rhythm of clicks and creaks he made walking up the stairs to tuck us in. lol... My brother and I thought of it as a really comforting sound! :) (Well, uh, most of the time...)


He has always blamed his noisy knees on a series of football injuries (and, I think, subsequent surgeries). He's still creaky -- even creakier, I guess, really -- but he doesn't seem to have developed arthritis from it or anything like that.


You know, now that I think about it... my Dad's also sound awful when he goes up the stairs... and he's still plugging away at 65, as a plumber... guess I need to just not worry! LOL I did buy a knee "brace" this afternoon as it seems (from website reading) that it's one of the things to do for general knee pain complaints.


Thanks everyone. Glad I'm not the only Noisy Knees around! Hmm.... I think I'm about to change my screen name. NoisyKneesNan :tongue_smilie:

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I am in the process of getting my noisy knees diagnosed. They have been noisy and painful on stairs for 10 or 12 years. I have always just attributed it to a combination of arthritis (which I have in my spine) or the remnants of my sporty athletic days. However, they are now just painful enough to make me consider whether or not a house with stairs is really in my best interests, long term. I just had an x-ray and my dr did an evaluation. At some point he and I will meet again and he'll tell me what he thinks is going on in there. I'll try to remember to let you know just in case it has any bearing on your situation.


I would urge you to consider a fuller evaluation, though, just in case a specific kind of brace or exercise might alleviate it. You might also consider taking glucosamine-chondroitin, which is apparently particularly effective for knee problems.

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I used to have noisy knees, although I'm not certain if it was the same problem you're experiencing.


Mine cleared up when I started using Cod Liver Oil daily. Actually, all my joint pains went away.



I'm not a doctor

Yada, yada, yada...



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I occasionally have times where my knee feels like it's going to give out or it suddenly can't bear weight. This morning I've had it happen several times. It's really hard to tell if it's muscular pain or joint pain. I haven't done anything to it recently so I don't know how I can just wake up and have it do this. I still stubbornly went on a walk this morning anyways though. It only bothers me here and there. It's not a constant pain... but when it springs up I can't help but wince and let out an audible complaint about the pain.



I have one noisy knee, too, but it's just crackly, not painful. The comment I highlighted is what really would concern me, if I were you. I would be going to see an orthopedist, not a family doctor, about a knee that was weak and/or painful for no apparent reason. Please consider this permission to get it checked out by an orthopedic specialist!


Prayers ...


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My right knee has been creaky (no crackling really) for about 4 years. I did something to it while I was training for the Bataan Memorial Death March. I have no idea what I did, but during one of the practice marches, it was just suddenly too much for me to walk on. I went to my chiropractor and he popped it and told me to wear a knee brace and take it easy for a while. That didn't seem to be doing any good and when I went to New Mexico for the march two weeks later I was very concerned that I wouldn't be able to make it the full 26.2 miles and would let my team down.


One of the other ladies in our group gave me some vitamin samples she had that contained glucosamine chondroitin. I took two samples before the march and one during and never felt any pain or creakiness. Even after the full march, I wasn't sore and didn't have any pain for at least 6 months. Of course I was taking the vitamins:) I became a distributor just so I could order them easily and get a discount. I only sell to a few people I know locally and at my cost. The creaky knee did come back, but I am not very faithful to take vitamins. There usually is no pain and when there is, it's usually very mild and more of an achy, tired feeling than full on pain. When I am taking them I notice a huge difference. (So, DUH, why don't I take them all the time?:001_huh:) I've tried several different supplements but the Omnitrition IV with glucosamine chondroitin is what seems to work best. I'm going to give that cod liver oil someone mentioned a shot, too. Well, at least as often as I get around to taking vitamins.

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