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De-Cluttering Threads: Links Inside

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So as not to clutter up the other threads (:lol::lol::lol: I just crack myself up)


here are links to the decluttering threads that I think were helpful. Feel free to search and add your favorites -- KEEP It CLEAN!












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ELEVEN MINUTES?!!!!! You are amazing!


I must confess that am both laughing and feeling convicted about this thread. Since we moved into our new-to-us space in June, things have been in an uproar! I am currently with Unicorn, on the 11 DAY plan!


State of the house today... Three big stacks of boxes still to unpack taking up space in the downstairs family room. One bathroom mid renovation and unusable.


(And moaning about it here, because my phone won't let me get to the end of posts to delete the stray letters, even my text here has unnecessary clutter!)


Kitchen cabinets doorless and in the process of being sanded in prep for painting. No light fixtures in dinette area, which we can't use anyway, because dh has moved the table and chairs to the family room and set up sawhorses to sand the doors to the room.


Can't eat dinner in the dining room, because we repurposed the dining room to be a future coffee den, and the formal living room to a large dining room. Which has no overhead light fixture. My project this afternoon is to move kitchen operations to the basement.


Dd has collected every stuffed creature and they are strewn all over. Add in a tub of small plastic critters (that are not unlike Lego pieces when you step on them in the dark). She is going to get real mad in about a half hour when I tell her it's time to dismantle Narnia. She fancies herself to be Queen Ellen.


My desk is buried in paperwork, half for the student organization I sponsor, the other half for great books study materials. And I can't sit at it because my teenagers have decided they like to spread out their homework projects on the library floor. That's gotta change.


Anyway, I really, honestly, truly had just squawked aloud (as I vacuumed sawdust off my defunct kitchen counters), "I know I could get rid of another 2000 bits of junk!" We are actually on our second bagster-type dumpster. DH is filling them with construction debris, but I've been sneaking stuff in whenever I can. ;) I was also thinking how much satisfaction I'd be feeling if I'd done my "Tossed' tally again this year. I feel sure I'd have already surpassed last year's total.






We are our second bagster-type dumpster.



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ELEVEN MINUTES?!!!!! You are amazing!


I must confess that am both laughing and feeling convicted about this thread. Since we moved into our new-to-us space in June, things have been in an uproar! I am currently with Unicorn, on the 11 DAY plan!


State of the house today... Three big stacks of boxes still to unpack taking up space in the downstairs family room. One bathroom mid renovation and unusable.


(And moaning about it here, because my phone won't let me get to the end of posts to delete the stray letters, even my text here has unnecessary clutter!)


Kitchen cabinets doorless and in the process of being sanded in prep for painting. No light fixtures in dinette area, which we can't use anyway, because dh has moved the table and chairs to the family room and set up sawhorses to sand the doors to the room.


Can't eat dinner in the dining room, because we repurposed the dining room to be a future coffee den, and the formal living room to a large dining room. Which has no overhead light fixture. My project this afternoon is to move kitchen operations to the basement.


Dd has collected every stuffed creature and they are strewn all over. Add in a tub of small plastic critters (that are not unlike Lego pieces when you step on them in the dark). She is going to get real mad in about a half hour when I tell her it's time to dismantle Narnia. She fancies herself to be Queen Ellen.


My desk is buried in paperwork, half for the student organization I sponsor, the other half for great books study materials. And I can't sit at it because my teenagers have decided they like to spread out their homework projects on the library floor. That's gotta change.


Anyway, I really, honestly, truly had just squawked aloud (as I vacuumed sawdust off my defunct kitchen counters), "I know I could get rid of another 2000 bits of junk!" We are actually on our second bagster-type dumpster. DH is filling them with construction debris, but I've been sneaking stuff in whenever I can. ;) I was also thinking how much satisfaction I'd be feeling if I'd done my "Tossed' tally again this year. I feel sure I'd have already surpassed last year's total.






We are our second bagster-type dumpster.




I LOVe those bagster/dumpster things. Trust me, I see lots of stuff going fromn the storage unit directly into one of those.


Well -- the best laid plans -- I was getting my keys to go get mums and batteries for the candles in the windows and the landscaper pulls his humongous truck into the driveway -- but the leaves will be blown and the lawn cut and that will made a world of difference.


We have cookies baked, goody bags made (you'd think we were having a freaking party) - candles all over the place -- if I can I will run and get batteries and forget the mums -- not alot I can do about that now.

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ELEVEN MINUTES?!!!!! You are amazing!


I must confess that am both laughing and feeling convicted about this thread. Since we moved into our new-to-us space in June, things have been in an uproar! I am currently with Unicorn, on the 11 DAY plan!





This made me feel so much better, until I realized that you have only been in your place since June, and I have been here for...well, years. :tongue_smilie:

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Mine was one of those threads. We did a TON of dejunking before we moved and I still need to go through the girls' clothing, etc. It is SOOOOO worth the effort to have LESS STUFF.


:iagree::iagree: I think that the only reason the kids and I are able to get the house ready in a jiffy is because of the days and weeks we spent dejunking as you so aptly put it.

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