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voicemail- do you just hang up like I do?

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Every call I've needed to get through today is straight to voicemail...I just hang up..I never get a call back like I should. And I mean absolutely *never*.


Am I the only one that just hangs up and scowls? :)


I used to always leave a voicemail for both business and personal calls. However, for personal voicemails, I detected a pattern of the voicemails being ignored. Instead, the personal caller just returned my call. There were a few odd moments where I mistakenly assumed the person had listened to my voicemail when they had not. Eventually I stopped leaving voice mails for personal calls.


I have found that texts generally garner a response at far higher rate than voicemails do.

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I hang up if it's someone I know well. I very rarely check my VM; instead I see who it was that left a message and then just get back in touch with them (email, text, call) as soon as I'm able. It annoys some people (like my mom who would rather I just check the message) but most people are like me and either leave no message or a vague, useless one like "Hey! Call me back!" :D


If it's something or someone else I will leave a message.

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I left voicemails when calling the charter school I was trying to get Pigby into. No one returned those calls. If it's someone I don't know, I'll leave a message. Most of the time when I call my friends or people I know, I know that they'll see the missed call from me. That's usually enough to get them to call back. If it's something important and they don't call back, I call them back. No one seems to check messages anymore

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I'll leave a message the first time or two. After repeatedly receiving no feedback, I try another way to get through to a human.


I did try voicemail harassment a month or so ago, to try to get a guy at the school system to call me back. I left at least four voice mails within one week, in addition to having his receptionist sent him an email. But none of that worked anyway.


Voicemail can be awesome, but it can also be frustrating!


Some of my family members went through times when they would not leave a voice mail. They figured I'd see that they'd called and hung up, and I'd call them back. Also, my sister would leave a voice mail containing the rant of the day, without a request for a call back. I kept telling them that if they wanted a call back, they needed to leave a voice mail and say so. It's not that hard! I always call back if asked to.

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I kept telling them that if they wanted a call back, they needed to leave a voice mail and say so. It's not that hard! I always call back if asked to.


This is me, too.


Yes, I leave voice mail. I wouldn't ever expect someone to notice I called and take time to call me back unless I made it clear I needed to speak to them.


Nor do I go through my caller list and call anyone who called me and didn't leave a message. I figure, if it's important, they'll tell me. Otherwise, I assume it was a passing thought we can discuss next time we chat.

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For anyone I know personally, I text. Even my mom checks her text messages before voicemail. I don't call many other places that would require me to leave a message. Every business I deal with has someone available.


The last voicemail I left was at a church. I was calling for specific information on being a visitor and no one called me back. Their lack of response showed they didn't care about new people, even if they didn't intend for it to be that way. Either they ignored me or I was one of dozens of calls and they were too busy to get back to me. Either way, it was a turnoff.

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it takes me awhile to call back. i am not going to lie. i am busy, that is reality. as i am beginning a new school year and trying to make sure i take time for the kids, and my writing, and everything else, sometimes i just don't have time. i will call back when i can, but it sorta drives me nuts when people are upset with me. if i could i would. i leave a message most of the time, especially if i need them to call me back, but i explain why i need them to call me...lol...otherwise i know my friends are busy too! if they don't leave a message i think they are calling just to chat. i need people to leave messages so i can prioritize! :)


as for businesses, no. i would leave a message once then just call till i got someone.

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