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Talk to me about Lively Latin

plain jane

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I'm looking at using this program and am looking for some input to the following questions:


1. What would you say are the best things about this program vs. other ones?


2. What are the biggest negatives?


3. Would you use this program again with subsequent children? If no, which would you use instead?


4. After LL2, what program did your child go into? Did you feel they were adequately prepared?


5. Can I use this with a 2nd grader and 5th grader?


6. Does your child have a good understanding of Latin after using this program?


7. Any regrets using LL?


TIA for any input!

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I tried LL a couple years ago. I think my son was 10 at the time. I thought I'd love it, but didn't at all. For me, I was missing some links. We were studying things but I didn't have the big ideas down so it didn't make sense to me. I can't really explain it other than that. I was very excited to try it and then I just dropped it and didn't like it at all. Now having said that, it might have been a me issue because I had read lots of comments from others who did love it. But maybe they got the big picture. I just remember being so confused by it all.


My son is now in a local Latin class using Latina Christiana. The beginning of the TM that I received explains some of those ideas that I missed in the LL book. IF I had of known that information, I think it would've went better with the Lively Latin...I just didnt' understand the what's, and why's before. Now I have a better understanding.



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We love it! I was lucky enough to receive the first level for review earlier this year and we're still using it well after the review is over.


To answer your questions:


1. What would you say are the best things about this program vs. other ones? It really engages them. She doesn't talk down to them, and the online games are a huge hit around here...in fact, when we played it at my office one day we even had passing board members joining in.


2. What are the biggest negatives? The only negative for us was the amount of printing involved, which if you live in the USA wouldn't be an issue because you could order the pre-printed version (too expensive for shipping to Canada)


3. Would you use this program again with subsequent children? If no, which would you use instead? We absolutely will use this again with the next child along! We tried a few and they just weren't as appealing to our family.


4. After LL2, what program did your child go into? Did you feel they were adequately prepared? Can't answer this one yet. :)


5. Can I use this with a 2nd grader and 5th grader? I would think so. Your 5th grader will get more out of it but the second grader will learn a lot from the games.


6. Does your child have a good understanding of Latin after using this program? My kids have begun insulting each other fairly creatively in Latin, so I'd say they have the idea.


7. Any regrets using LL? None whatsoever.

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I'm looking at using this program and am looking for some input to the following questions:


1. What would you say are the best things about this program vs. other ones?


2. What are the biggest negatives?


3. Would you use this program again with subsequent children? If no, which would you use instead?


4. After LL2, what program did your child go into? Did you feel they were adequately prepared?


5. Can I use this with a 2nd grader and 5th grader?


6. Does your child have a good understanding of Latin after using this program?


7. Any regrets using LL?


TIA for any input!


1. I don't have much experience with other programs, but here is what I like about Lively Latin:

Variety of lessons and exercises

It includes history, geography, picture study, and a bit of literature/ poetry

Straight forward approach

Parts to whole


2. Sometimes it could be a bit clearer, but the author is wonderful about answering emails and clarifying.


3. Yes, I would use it again and recommend it to others.


4. We are currently using LL2.


5. Depends on the 2nd and 5th grader. ;) As a general rule, I would say the 5th grader would get more from the program, but it would be fantastic exposure for the 2nd grader.


6. My daughter is making steady progress. She is not a Latin scholar by any means, but that's not my goal. She will sometimes write on napkins in Latin while waiting in restaurants. Does that count? ;)


7. No regrets. It's a great fit for my daughter. I think that's the key-- finding the best fit given all the good options.

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1. What would you say are the best things about this program vs. other ones?

LL integrates history and geography and poetry and word study into it very nicely.


2. What are the biggest negatives?

It introduces verb paradigms or noun declensions with no context. My daughter has trouble understanding why she must memorize something if she can't use it. Also, there is very little translation. I'm okay with a part to whole approach, but there has to be a little bit of context to understand where that "part" that the child is learning is going to eventually fit into the "whole".


3. Would you use this program again with subsequent children? If no, which would you use instead?

Probably not. I like it for my older daughter, but I'll go with Minimus for my second grader... in a year or two. She wouldn't understand the point.


4. After LL2, what program did your child go into? Did you feel they were adequately prepared? I anticipate starting her in Latin Prep 1 next year. I think she'll do fine.


5. Can I use this with a 2nd grader and 5th grader? If your 2nd grader is a run-of-the-mill typical 7 yr old, I'd suggest doing Song School Latin or maybe Minimus. Or just waiting. If your 2nd grader is a fluent reader, gung-ho about academics and ready to focus on details and memorize, maybe. But I'd probably wait a year.


6. Does your child have a good understanding of Latin after using this program?

Actually... she's doing better than I expected considering we only do Latin twice a week.


7. Any regrets using LL? Not really. I think it's a pretty good choice for older elementary kids.

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We use LL and love it! I even do Latin as well.


1. What would you say are the best things about this program vs. other ones?


We have only used Memoria Press besides LL. MP was very dry and boring to us. The LL has the videos (which help a lot!), chants and you can print what you need when you need it.


2. What are the biggest negatives?


The only negative I have found it organization. I do not organize my book the way they tell you to. We do our own thing there. We just go page by page and watch the videos when we are on that section.


3. Would you use this program again with subsequent children? If no, which would you use instead?


I will use it with all my kids!


4. After LL2, what program did your child go into? Did you feel they were adequately prepared?


We haven't gotten through BB2 yet, so I was wondering this myself!


5. Can I use this with a 2nd grader and 5th grader?


Yes! The 5th grader might go faster than the 2nd so be prepared to be on two different pages. My kids are farther apart but ds9 couldn't keep up with dd13.


6. Does your child have a good understanding of Latin after using this program?


Yes, my dd13 picks apart everything now. Any word she sees that has had a Latin word in it she tells me it's meaning.


7. Any regrets using LL?





Hope that helps. We really, really do like it.


There is a sample you can get online at her website that really helps you see how the program is.

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I'm looking at using this program and am looking for some input to the following questions:


1. What would you say are the best things about this program vs. other ones? I haven't used other problems so I can't really compare. I like the variety of lessons and that it includes a lot of history and lessons on word derivatives.


2. What are the biggest negatives? No major negatives so far.


3. Would you use this program again with subsequent children? If no, which would you use instead? Yes


4. After LL2, what program did your child go into? Did you feel they were adequately prepared? N/A, We are in LL1


5. Can I use this with a 2nd grader and 5th grader? I started it with a 2nd grader last year.


6. Does your child have a good understanding of Latin after using this program? For a 7 year old, yes. :)


7. Any regrets using LL? No


TIA for any input!


I chose LL primarily because my son LOVES history and in particular has an obsession with Roman history. So I knew it would be a good fit for him. We started it in 2nd grade and are taking two years to do LL1. I expect we'll take 2 years to do LL2 and then move on to some other Latin program for 6th grade.


I also like that the grammar either cements what he is learning in grammar or sometimes introduces him to a new idea that he then covers more fully in grammar later.


For us it's been a hit. Last year Latin was one of his favorite subjects and he is enjoying it this year also.

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I'm looking at using this program and am looking for some input to the following questions:


1. What would you say are the best things about this program vs. other ones? I haven't used other problems so I can't really compare. I like the variety of lessons and that it includes a lot of history things like word derivatives.


2. What are the biggest negatives? None so far.


3. Would you use this program again with subsequent children? If no, which would you use instead? Yes


4. After LL2, what program did your child go into? Did you feel they were adequately prepared? N/A, We are in LL1


5. Can I use this with a 2nd grader and 5th grader? I started it with a 2nd grader last year.


6. Does your child have a good understanding of Latin after using this program? For a 7 year old, yes. :)


7. Any regrets using LL? No


TIA for any input!


I chose LL primarily because my son LOVES history and in particular has an obsession with Roman history. So I knew it would be a good fit for him. We started it in 2nd grade and are taking two years to do LL1. I expect we'll take 2 years to do LL2 and then move on to some other Latin program for 6th grade.


I also like that the grammar either cements what he is learning in grammar or sometimes introduces him to a new idea that he then covers more fully in grammar later.


For us it's been a hit. Last year Latin was one of his favorite subjects and he is enjoying it this year also.


ETA: I only took one year of Latin in school a really really long time ago. I have found LL very easy to teach as a parent who is learning along with the student.

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I also like that the grammar either cements what he is learning in grammar or sometimes introduces him to a new idea that he then covers more fully in grammar later.



This has been a plus throughout the program.

We are diagramming sentences in Latin in BigBook 2 and it dovetails nicely with the 4 level analysis of MCT and with the diagramming we are doing with Rex Barks.

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