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Leeeeeaaaaavin' on a jet plane...

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Tomorrow morning, I am leaving my house with an overnight bag, getting on a plane by myself, and going to North Carolina for the weekend!!


I can't even imagine what it will be like to walk through an airport without juggling a stroller, booster seat, and diaper bag. I wonder what it will be like to sit on the plane and sip a drink without anyone begging for some of my ice. I wonder what it will be like to not have to try to keep anyone quiet and well-behaved. I wonder what it will be like to read my book on a plane trip. I'm looking forward to finding out!


When I get to NC, I'm going to spend the weekend hanging out with a bunch of cool people, talking about things that are really important to me. This is a Board/Core Staff meeting for a nonprofit I am deeply committed to. I was appointed to the Board in July, and for the next three years, I'm going to take a trip like this one twice a year. At no expense to me! They're even sending someone to pick me up at the airport.



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Oh man, I thought you were going to say you are coming to see ME! :lol:


You mean you weren't expecting me? :crying:


Have fun!! It's a beautiful time to be in NC!!!


It looks like the weather's going to be beautiful! We're staying at a conference center in a state park in Greensboro, and there may be a chance to squeeze in some hiking.

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You mean you weren't expecting me? :crying:




It looks like the weather's going to be beautiful! We're staying at a conference center in a state park in Greensboro, and there may be a chance to squeeze in some hiking.



Girl, I would love to have you!! Well, you would have to sleep on my couch, but it would be fun! And there is nowhere more gorgeous than Western NC in October. Of course, you are east, but it will be wonderful. Definitely try to get that hike in!

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