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Has anyone experienced something similar to this? (Medical related)

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Along with my other stomach issues, about 1 or 2x/month I wake up with extreme nausea. To the point where I'm shaky and weak and have to hold onto things to walk to the bathroom.


I never vomit.


It lasts about 1 1/2 - 2 hours, and then when I fall asleep, I wake up fine. A bit queasy, but fine.


I'm just trying to understand what causes this because there is never a link. I thought it was because I was eating a snack past 7 sometimes, so I stopped eating past 7. I thought it was because I was lying straight down instead of propped up, and I thought maybe this caused by GERD or whatever to act up. It doesn't matter. It still happens. It doesn't matter what I eat throughout the day either.


Any ideas?


We missed the call from the GI last night, but he apparently didn't read my file before calling because he said we weren't giving the medicine enough time to work :001_huh: He never put me on any meds :glare::tongue_smilie:

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Along with my other stomach issues, about 1 or 2x/month I wake up with extreme nausea. To the point where I'm shaky and weak and have to hold onto things to walk to the bathroom.


I never vomit.


It lasts about 1 1/2 - 2 hours, and then when I fall asleep, I wake up fine. A bit queasy, but fine.


I'm just trying to understand what causes this because there is never a link. I thought it was because I was eating a snack past 7 sometimes, so I stopped eating past 7. I thought it was because I was lying straight down instead of propped up, and I thought maybe this caused by GERD or whatever to act up. It doesn't matter. It still happens. It doesn't matter what I eat throughout the day either.


Any ideas?


We missed the call from the GI last night, but he apparently didn't read my file before calling because he said we weren't giving the medicine enough time to work :001_huh: He never put me on any meds :glare::tongue_smilie:


You should call them back and say:


"You did not prescribe or recommend any medication for me. When you left the message last night I think you might have confused me with another patient. Can you please review my chart and my testing and talk to me about the results and your recommendations?"


If there is any resistance at all, just repeat.

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You should call them back and say:


"You did not prescribe or recommend any medication for me. When you left the message last night I think you might have confused me with another patient. Can you please review my chart and my testing and talk to me about the results and your recommendations?"


If there is any resistance at all, just repeat.


Oh, definitely.


He said he'd be calling back today to discuss it with us. Calling and leaving another message at this point is useless because all the receptionist can do is leave it in his box. If he doesn't call today, we'll be calling first thing in the morning to remind him.

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I'm dealing with something similar, except I do occasionally vomit. It usually happens between 9-10pm, and by midnight I feel fine. It happens about 1-2 times a month and has been going on since March. Last night, I sat downstairs playing video games and suddenly felt nauseous, dizzy, shaky and shivering, and needed to go to the bathroom ASAP. This was at 11pm. DH got up with DS3 around midnight because he wet his bed, and by the time he got back, about 12:30pm, I felt fine. It's like a 2-hour recurring stomach flu!


I do think I'm dealing with acid reflux and post-nasal drip, but it's being aggravated by having two little kids that pick up viruses right and left. They are also getting sick, but not every single time like me. It's very frustrating.

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Do you feel kind of lightheaded as well? I get this sometimes in the night and I think it is from hypoglycemia. I hope your doctor actually reads your file and doesn't just ignore your concerns. :grouphug:






Most often I have this problem in the morning when I don't eat breakfast fast enough, but it happens during the day and overnight sometimes, too. When I'm pregnant my blood sugar drops low very quickly (down to 70 less than two hours after a meal), so I drank protein drinks mixed with milk as the last thing I did before crawling into bed. Those drinks had 33 grams of protein to get me through the night, and I still had to eat as soon as I woke up.


I also get visual migraines from low blood sugar. If I don't eat lunch by 2pm, I can almost count on a migraine.


Birth control can make me nauseous also. My first one made me throw up constantly like I was pregnant. The one I take now is ok but if I miss a pill, I never take two at once like they say to because I'm nauseous for the whole next day.

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Does it occur during/around ovulation?


You may want to chart it for a couple of months and see if this is true.


My seizures are primarily in a catamenial pattern, meaning they follow my menstrual cycle. They peak at ovulation and (what would be) menses (I had my uterus out).


My primary seizure aura has ALWAYS been nausea and vomiting. It is called "autonomic dysfunction", meaning the stuff that should be happening automatically (breathing, heartbeats, digestion, etc.) are interrupted due to signal disruption in the brain.




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You may want to chart it for a couple of months and see if this is true.


My seizures are primarily in a catamenial pattern, meaning they follow my menstrual cycle. They peak at ovulation and (what would be) menses (I had my uterus out).


My primary seizure aura has ALWAYS been nausea and vomiting. It is called "autonomic dysfunction", meaning the stuff that should be happening automatically (breathing, heartbeats, digestion, etc.) are interrupted due to signal disruption in the brain.





This is interesting. I came down with a flu virus in 8th grade, and began having seizure auras from then until I was put on Topamax in college. I was never actually diagnosed as having seizures, but the medication put a stop to it. I've felt myself starting to get the deja vu thoughts again, but it's never connected to the nausea/vomiting. When I had this before, I had a strong feeling of Deja vu, visual hallucination, followed by nausea, vomiting, and severe headache.


I never thought to connect the previous problem with what I'm experiencing now. Hmm.

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Yes, I've been on birth control since January and never had any problems, but the stomach issues didn't begin until May.


I didn't have this night time stuff 2x/month until after the initial stomach issues began.


I had a fasting glucose blood test done and it was normal.


I really have no idea how to figure out the cause. It doesn't seem consistent. It happens whether I eat before bed or not. It doesn't happen at a particular time in my cycle. Sometimes it's 1x/month and sometimes 2x/month.


I usually wake up and feel nauseous so I sit up in bed and lean forward onto a pillow and fall back asleep. I don't know how long I did this for last night, but I woke up again at 1, sat there for a few minutes until I thought I would vomit so I stumbled to the bathroom and got in the shower. At one point, I couldn't stand because I was weak and shaky and really nauseous. After that point though, it didn't get that bad again. I finally fell back asleep about 2:30.

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