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I have found everyone really inviting around here. I think us lurkers/newbies are just overly nervous. I do try not to post anything crazy or talk about my 3 sets of triplets or my 33 room "cottage" :lol: and everything goes fine.










(Said in my nervous voice)

You guys know I was kidding.....right? :leaving:


Aha! Caught one!












:D:D:D:D You're good.;)

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I have found everyone really inviting around here. I think us lurkers/newbies are just overly nervous. I do try not to post anything crazy or talk about my 3 sets of triplets or my 33 room "cottage" :lol: and everything goes fine.










(Said in my nervous voice)

You guys know I was kidding.....right? :leaving:


Heh. That didn't sound trollish. That sounded like Hive quality snerkiness.



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Often I see a thread and in excitement think "I have something really good to say, today I will post." Then my heart falls, as I see a sea of people saying exactly what I would have said but with more grace, clarity and brevity. <SNIP>


OP, the above is me too!

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Ananda, what a great post! You truly seemed to put all your thoughts out there wonderfully. I totally get what you are saying. I can see, and agree, that if you really haven't experienced it yet then it's hard if not impossible to post about it. However, there is SO much more talked about here than 6th grade grammar curriculum. :) I believe you have much to contribute and you really should.


By the way, I also read a great thread, have much to say on it and at the end of the thread think, "Well, everyone said what I thought. Might as well not post." I think that's a disservice to you and the board and, for me, has limited by opportunity to make relationships here. Talk. Say it. :) I believe I'm going to start posting my thoughts before reading the entire thread just so I will post instead of talking myself out of it. :) Then I can edit my post if necessary.


**Blessedmom4god**, you have 100 posts now! Yeah! :)

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I am often on these boards just to soak up collective wisdom, get new ideas, prepare for next year, or challenge my thinking. But I often don't have too much to say for similar reasons as the op, and since I'm new to this I'm thinking: who will want my limited opinion re: curriculum?


Recently I was slightly discouraged because of the post count discussion, but I appreciate the parents who are willing to take their time to post ideas, share, etc. for someone who may not be ready to "give back" yet. I don't plan to have a blog and I'm pretty sure I won't get to 1,000 posts any time soon, but I know that I enjoy what everyone here shares.


Thanks for starting this thread.

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I am a big time lurker. I know I am dull and boring. My oldest dd is HG and my husband does most of her schooling at this point. My youngest is almost 4 so we are not really schooling her yet. If I had a blog I would bore everyone to death. Maybe I should go introduce my self?

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I lurked for a long time before I began posting and once I got going it got easier and easier.


I definitely feel that there is a vibe around here that experienced homeschoolers should weigh in and the rest of us should sit back and learn from the experts but after reading for a couple years I realized that I sometimes really liked the advice from "newbies" and found that some of the longterm homeschoolers weren't necessarily running homeschools that I wanted to emulate. I think everybody has something worthwhile to contribute and goodness knows that while this is a homeschooling board that there are plenty of other topics to get involved in that have zero to do with education - home or elsewhere.


I think of homeschooling like I do parenting. Yes, I was very good parent to my oldest child when she was a baby even though I didn't have "experience". However, I look back and see how I worried over things that I thought were my fault but weren't and how I patted myself on the back for things that went well that were really just a spin of the parenting lotto wheel. My experience now gives me a different perspective but that doesn't mean I wasn't "good enough" before I had multiple children. I think of homeschooling the same way. I have confidence that things are going well even though we are in the early years though I know when I look back I'll have a more complex perspective of how *I* want my homeschool to function and what I want my kids to know. That doesn't mean I am half-a$$ing it right now and can't string together a coherent reply about something I am currently using when opinions are sought.


Anyway, there are obviously some very well loved and appreciated longterm posters on this forum - as there are on any forum I've participated on. And I can see why as most seem genuinely helpful, kind and interesting. But this is a huge public forum and I can see why a lot of people are more hesitant to post links to blogs (I've gone back and forth about this myself) and really put themselves out there in internet-land.


All the troll suspicion of late is pretty mind-boggling to me - trolls on public forums are a given. I've been active online on forums for over 10 years now and I've never, never, never belong to a forum that wasn't visited by various trolls. Mean girls grow up to be mean women and like to find bullying victims and anonymity provides and easy high for them. I don't post anywhere without realizing that, yes, some idiot somewhere could be reading it. Such is life on the internet.

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See my signature :001_smile:.


I'm a lurker by personality and by self-defense. I have learned so much from this and from other boards, but a) I don't like to repeat what other people say, b) I don't like to keep myself up in the middle of the night composing posts for controversial threads, so I avoid those like the plague, and c) it often takes me so long to think through a response to a thread that everyone else in it has already moved on (so sometimes I feel like a lurker and a thread-killer, which is quite a neat trick, huh?).


My general rule is that I try to repay the knowledge I've gained with whatever knowledge I have to offer. The imbalance between the two is huge, but I agree with Rosie--this is not something to spend lots of time feeling guilty about.

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...I'm a lurker by personality and by self-defense. I have learned so much from this and from other boards, ... ..



:iagree:with the exception that lurkers have no need to be defensive about lurking. If posting was required of a member, it would be stated in the forum rules along with minimum post quota. There would be periodic banishment of non-posting members.

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:iagree:with the exception that lurkers have no need to be defensive about lurking. If posting was required of a member, it would be stated in the forum rules along with minimum post quota. There would be periodic banishment of non-posting members.


Oh, absolutely. By "self-defense" I meant a defense of my own time and head-space. I just don't have the thick skin necessary to participate in internet debates; I spend hours stewing over perfect responses, etc. Somewhere (Pinterest, maybe?) I saw a quotation to the effect of "you don't have to attend every argument you're invited to," and I find, because of my personality, that that's extremely sane advice.

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