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LOL! Rating threads

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Okay, so I'm a dense, glass half-full kinda girl. I really try to think the best of people.


I just got informed about those little stars next to threads. Here I was thinking that stars were all good! One star meant "this is a good thread!", and five stars meant "wow! This is a totally awesome thread!" :lol:


ETA: It must be related to those gold stars I used to get in elementary school! :D

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Okay, so I'm a dense, glass half-full kinda girl. I really try to think the best of people.


I just got informed about those little stars next to threads. Here I was thinking that stars were all good! One star meant "this is a good thread!", and five stars meant "wow! This is a totally awesome thread!" :lol:


ETA: It must be related to those gold stars I used to get in elementary school! :D

Hey, Lisa, I like your method. I think I'll start viewing ratings that way regardless of the original intention. :D

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Okay, so I'm a dense, glass half-full kinda girl. I really try to think the best of people.


I just got informed about those little stars next to threads. Here I was thinking that stars were all good! One star meant "this is a good thread!", and five stars meant "wow! This is a totally awesome thread!" :lol:


ETA: It must be related to those gold stars I used to get in elementary school! :D



Yeah, that's what I thought too.

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Hey! Did anyone see the movie "Blast from the Past"? Remember the part where his parents are speaking about something they don't think he should hear, so he puts his hands over his ears and starts humming cheerily?


That's what I do when I see the stars. :D

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Hey! Did anyone see the movie "Blast from the Past"? Remember the part where his parents are speaking about something they don't think he should hear, so he puts his hands over his ears and starts humming cheerily?


That's what I do when I see the stars. :D


You put your hands over your eyes and hum? Doesn't that make it hard to find a better thread? ;)



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Well, I am denser than anyone (more dense, densest???? This whole thing as thrown me off!). What do the stars mean? I just posted an innocent question about shoes for horsebacking riding ran off to do an errand, came back and I got 5 stars. I had no clue what they mean. I thought, wow, a lot of people must appreciate me asking this question! LOL! What do the stars mean, anyway? And where do you find such information on this board???? I've looked around and I can't seem to locate it.

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Okay, so I'm a dense, glass half-full kinda girl. I really try to think the best of people.


I just got informed about those little stars next to threads. Here I was thinking that stars were all good! One star meant "this is a good thread!", and five stars meant "wow! This is a totally awesome thread!" :lol:


ETA: It must be related to those gold stars I used to get in elementary school! :D


It took me a little while to figure that out, too.

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OK, pretend you are in Kindergarten and you just colored a picture of a turtle for "T" week. Yours is good, but you didn't do your very best effort. You went outside the lines a little because all you could think about was recess. Would you expect to get a gold star on your paper? Or would it just be plain? If I am the teacher and I gave you a single gold star you would think you did a fabulous job, two gold stars and you'd think it must be one of the best in the class, etc...


Now, here, one gold star is a put-down. Boohoo. :thumbdown:


Kind of confusing if you, like me, think of gold stars as good stuff always, like they were in Kindergarten!

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Wow, that's what it means? I admit I'm new to posting here (but I've been lurking for quite some time trying to get the feel of things), but I thought the stars were a good rating. Who thought up that system? And where is it explained? I feel like I just stepped into the Twilight Zone or Bizarro World!

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I don't care what it's supposed to mean. I've always looked at it as you did and I'm not planning on changing that anytime soon. :D I think most people look at it that way and I doubt that most of the threads with one, two, or three stars were actually being slammed.



Me too! I thought thats what it was too... stars were good..... gasp.. I had no idea.... and to think... I have rated before thinking it was a positive thing! lol oops. *Ü*:tongue_smilie:

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I'm with most of ya'll! I thought stars were good! Are ALL of them bad, or just one or two stars? And does anyone have the answer of where to find this info.?


Nevermind. You just need to click on the star thing at the top of the page and it shows....

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I'm with most of ya'll! I thought stars were good! Are ALL of them bad, or just one or two stars? And does anyone have the answer of where to find this info.?


Nevermind. You just need to click on the star thing at the top of the page and it shows....



I know... now! lol


1 star terrible. 2 stars bad, 3 average....

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Okay, so I'm a dense, glass half-full kinda girl. I really try to think the best of people.


I just got informed about those little stars next to threads. Here I was thinking that stars were all good! One star meant "this is a good thread!", and five stars meant "wow! This is a totally awesome thread!" :lol:


ETA: It must be related to those gold stars I used to get in elementary school! :D


I thought the same thing! I think I may go on thinking that. Glass Half full!

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Okay, so I'm a dense, glass half-full kinda girl. I really try to think the best of people.


I just got informed about those little stars next to threads. Here I was thinking that stars were all good! One star meant "this is a good thread!", and five stars meant "wow! This is a totally awesome thread!" :lol:


ETA: It must be related to those gold stars I used to get in elementary school! :D


I thought the exact same thing! :lol:

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And if one star is 'terrible', what does it mean when a thread has no stars whatsoever? What's beyond 'terrible'????


Not enough interest to even be hated... it is an unloved thread. Tossed aside in a sea of loved threads. Like the sand of an hour glass... these are the threads of our time.


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