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Buy and Ereader and hate it?

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My Kindle has a specific purpose in my life. It fills in the gaps that came after having a baby - the two biggest being I can read quietly with him in my lap, and I can set the book down and come back to it hours later. It's also my travel book, keeping current reads and tourist guides at hand. Last, it's our homeschool aid, keeping our pdf documents and certain textbooks on hand. Having moved frequently and always being on the go, this is a GREAT thing in my house! Even my knitting patterns get loaded on.


However, it does not replace my books. My beautiful copies of well read novels, our resource books (where I'm always flipping through back and forth), and our picture books do not and will not ever go on the Kindle. They have their own place and purpose.

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I didn't like mine. I had a nook. I didn't like that I couldn't read in low light and that is the main lighting I use to read. I also didn't like being tied to one store. I could down load ePub and PDF's, but to do so, I had to hook my nook up to a computer. For many bookS, I had to use third party software to change the book I wanted into ePub format to get it in my reader. I also misses being able to visualize how much of the book I had read. We ended up selling the nook. I would probably have liked the color nook better.


OTOH, I got an iPad and most of the issues above are solved. I have the kindle, nook, google book and iBook apps. I can choose any store to purchase from and it instantly downloads. If there is a book or anything in PDF, iBooks will open and save it for you. I don't have to hook up my computer to convert or down load anything. Because the iPad is backlit, I can read in the bed in the dark.

I'm still working on getting used to not holding a book.:lol:

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I think they each have a place, but prefer real books right now. I have an ereader and it doesn't get used as much as I thought because I can't get past having to pay the same ammount for a print book as the digital information. A print book takes up space BUT you can also lend it out, take it places (beach, pool or bathtub) that might not be good for an ereader and resell it when you are done (not to mention buying used in the first place). Just pricing the ebooks a few dollars less than the print books would make me change my tune, but for a large majority of current novels that is not the case. It is frustrating since the ebook costs the publishing company much less than the print version, you would think they would want to support the switch to ereaders by making ebooks cheaper.

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iPad is a better pick over any of the eReaders, IMO.


For the cost, value, and versatility - you cannot beat using it as an eReader. For extra, you can use many educational apps. With that said, you should look at the new Nook with educational apps too. I think the line is too fuzzy between the two now. I would choose an iPad over a Nook because of the name, Apple, and popularity as well as 65000 apps from which you can choose.

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I think they each have a place, but prefer real books right now. I have an ereader and it doesn't get used as much as I thought because I can't get past having to pay the same ammount for a print book as the digital information.


This is me too! I often find myself looking at buying and ebook (I have a Nook with a SIM card that allows access to the internet so all sources for purchase are available) but then decide that the physical book can be shared or resold for that matter. IT's a matter of cost.

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II can't get past having to pay the same ammount for a print book as the digital information. A print book takes up space BUT you can also lend it out, take it places (beach, pool or bathtub) that might not be good for an ereader and resell it when you are done (not to mention buying used in the first place). Just pricing the ebooks a few dollars less than the print books would make me change my tune, but for a large majority of current novels that is not the case. It is frustrating since the ebook costs the publishing company much less than the print version, you would think they would want to support the switch to ereaders by making ebooks cheaper.


This. I am debating over getting a Kindle, but it kills me that e-books cost just as much as a physical book. I honestly don't think I'd actually purchase any e-books for that reason. If I did get a kindle it would be used for just the free books and library books.

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I never wanted one, but dh bought me one for Mother's Day a few years back when they were still VERY expensive.:glare: It took some getting used to, but now I *love* it. I have learned, though, that certain books I'm going to prefer in paper, like educational books I can write in, etc.


I also love the read aloud feature. Sometimes when I'm driving in the car I'll place it on my shoulder and listen as I drive. :tongue_smilie:

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Has anyone bought an ereader and then realized you don't like it as well as holding a REAL book? :001_huh:



ug...I can't change the title



I love our e-readers, so I can't commiserate there.


However, you CAN change the title. When you go to edit your post, hit "Go Advanced," and you'll be able to edit the title.

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However, you CAN change the title. When you go to edit your post, hit "Go Advanced," and you'll be able to edit the title.
Thank you!!! :D



I do have an Ipod touch, with an Ipad on the way, but reading that screen outside is a pain... great for night time in bed reading ....



I asked the original question because I find that I don't like the kids' short story anthologies on them or pretty much anything for the kids on it but I don't mind my books on it.

Edited by singbanshee
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Just the opposite here. I hated the idea, but once I began reading DQ in the e-ink...I love it. We almost fight over it here, and dh is taking it on his business trip for a whole week :(... I'm hoping Santa, will bring me one of my own, but it must be with e-ink. My eyes love it.:)


Has anyone bought an ereader and then realized you don't like it as well as holding a REAL book? :001_huh:



ug...I can't change the title

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I have a Kindle and an iPad. I'm an avid reader. I was nervous about liking the Kindle (I got it at Christmas last year) since I love the feel and smell of real books, but I loved it. DH surprised me with an iPad a couple of months ago and I can hardly read on my Kindle now. I gave it to DD and she loves it.


I like that I can read without having a light on - the background light is fully adjustable on the iPad so it doesn't hurt my eyes to read in the dark with it. I like it has Kindle, Nook, and iBooks apps so I can get a book from wherever I want. And I can use Overdrive (works with the Kindle now too) to borrow books from my local library. It's awesome to check out a book at 3am when pregnancy woes have me awake. I love that I have a whole library to chose from when I get stuck someplace.


Were I to do it again, I would have skipped the Kindle and gone straight for the iPad. Honestly now, i prefer it so much that I don't read it if I can't get it in digital format. I've tried twice lately to sit down with a paper novel and I just can't do it. I'm too spoiled by my iPad. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Add me to the list of not using the ereader until I bought the ipad. I received a literati (color ereader that used kobo store) as a gift for christmas and read a few times on it but never really took to it. I would take it on trips for dd but most of the time it just sat on the desk.


When I bought the ipad for some reason now I love the ebook option. I have kindle and ibooks plus pdf expert so I can write in the pdf versions of teacher's manuals (like wwe). I use the ipad so often that reading books on it is just more convenient. I also put things like sotw on their in pdf which means I don't have to share the hard copy with dd.


Also, after I bought the ipad I loaded the ereader with just books for dd which means it's getting used more now too.

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iPad is a better pick over any of the eReaders, IMO.


For the cost, value, and versatility - you cannot beat using it as an eReader. For extra, you can use many educational apps. With that said, you should look at the new Nook with educational apps too. I think the line is too fuzzy between the two now. I would choose an iPad over a Nook because of the name, Apple, and popularity as well as 65000 apps from which you can choose.




My kindle died and I am going to replace it with an iPad.

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I love my Kindle, but I see it as more a replacement for reading on the computer (something I do a lot of) than as a replacement for real books. I do read on my Kindle a lot more than real books - I read it while nursing down my toddler for nap/bedtime (before I got my Kindle I mentally twiddled my thumbs or took a nap myself - it's great having something to do). Yet I haven't been able to bring myself to actually *buy* an e-book, yet (aside from BSFU, which was so much a bargain that I couldn't resist), even though the ones I have my eye on are a decent bit cheaper than the print edition. (I get lots of Kindle sample chapters, though :tongue_smilie: - even of books I actually own :001_huh:.) But the e-books get *read*, unlike print books - that dedicated, distraction-free Kindle time is a big boon. So I probably will eventually. But there's still something about owning a physical copy....

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