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The Teachers Lounge 9-30-2011

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Happy Last Day of September! Where has the time gone??


Opening up a bit early today as we are leaving in about 6 minutes and won't be back until close to 5! Today is co-op, then we're meeting someone during lunch, and then the kids have drama class. Busy day!


What's for lunch today? No idea but probably something from Paradise Bakery. Breakfast will be whatever we can grab at QT. ;)


What are you up to this weekend? Tomorrow morning will be the Farmers Market, then some crafting with gals at church. In the afternoon, hubby and I will be attending a free Educator's Preview of a new exhibit at the science center. Sunday is church. I was contemplating meeting some friends for Scrabble tomorrow afternoon :chillpill:, but we'll see. The weekend is already so busy! :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Scrap, you are a dynamo!


I'm contemplating taking today off of school. I have to shop for a shower gift and do some other errands. I haven't been feeling well the last few days so need to pace myself. Dd also has a doctor's appointment.


Lunch - probably a salad with protein no matter where I eat it.


Weekend - A wedding shower for a friend of mine from my high school days. Sunday will be church. Oops, I just got an e-mail reminding me of a hymn sing on Sunday evening too. I love those!

I'm also trying to lesson plan up a storm because I've run out of lesson plans!

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Lunch today is at a local Italian restaurant - I have a super coupon so I am treating DS and myself.


DS has TKD testing at 7PM so he MUST have a rest period this afternoon. I am hearing much grumbling about the rest period as DS HATES to slow down during the day. However, he is normally in bed at 7PM and without the rest, he will not do well at testing tonight.


We are FINALLY getting cooler weather down here this weekend. Maybe a trip to the mountains for apples is in store.

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What's for lunch today? Kids are having a hodge podge of food (lunchmeat, yogurt, bell peppers, strawberries, cheese). I'm hording a plate of leftover rice, meat & veggies from a hibachi place last night!


What are you up to this weekend? DD1 has co-op today. I have to go pick her up at 2pm. DD3 had dance class this morning. DD1 has small group with her church group this evening and I'm responsible for bringing dinner & dessert for the group. Then she has plans with a friend to go to the movies and have a sleepover. I will be serving as taxi driver. Tomorrow we have 3 soccer games (ds at 9am, dd3 at 10:30, and dd2 at 1:45). After that, a friend and I are taking our oldest girls to the International Fair in Raleigh. Sunday is church in the morning, household stuff in the afternoon, children's church activities in the evening and then a book study for me. I have a feeling that I'm going to be exhausted by Monday morning! LOL!


Talk to me!:bigear:

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I had some urgent work deadlines this morning and was on the phone making complicated flight plans when the sudden gaping silence made me rush to check on ds (17 mos).


He was sitting on the dining table, where he'd placed the salt shaker in a bowl of Cheerios and was now playing, covered in milk.


Yep. That about sums up my day so far! :D

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We took yesterday off for Rosh Hashanah and I am in a huge hurry to finish up schoolwork for today. I think we may need to take breaks a bit more frequently -- yesterday felt so good.


I am hoping to talk the kids into having grilled cheese for lunch since I have a lot of bread that needs to be used up.


Tomorrow will be the Kids Workshop at Home Depot and some errands and light shopping. The kids want to swim at the Y, and the weather isn't likely to be good for yard work so they will likely get to do that. Then it's our usual Doctor Who and pizza routine Saturday night. Not sure about Sunday yet -- probably yard work and visiting with the in-laws.

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Today is a catch up day in school. Also, ds has some Camp Fire USA requirements to work on, plus organize his notebooks. Later we'll go work out at Planet Fitness.


Lunch - whatever's in the fridge.


Weekend - Saturday we'll all be working in the yard. Ds will mow, dh will edge, I'll work on my fall vegetable garden. Sunday we're meeting homeschool friends at a corn maze about 1-1/2 hours away. We've been there before and look forward to getting some of their amazing Zellwood Sweet Corn after we find our way out of the maze.

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Jean, that's why I stopped doing the lesson planning and started using Sonlight. It's much easier on this momma if someone else does the planning!


Kids had Lunchables (with fruit) for lunch. I'll be having something from Paradise Bakery (Jean, I shall have a cookie for you :D ).


Kids have drama this afternoon, a friend will be taking them. Okay, now off to my lunch time meeting.


(Did anyone notice that I opened the Lounge instead of the Lodge today? :p )

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Jean, that's why I stopped doing the lesson planning and started using Sonlight. It's much easier on this momma if someone else does the planning!


Kids had Lunchables (with fruit) for lunch. I'll be having something from Paradise Bakery (Jean, I shall have a cookie for you :D ).


Kids have drama this afternoon, a friend will be taking them. Okay, now off to my lunch time meeting.


(Did anyone notice that I opened the Lounge instead of the Lodge today? :p )


I want to eat my own cookie! (Can I have a salad and protein with that?!)


And yes, I noticed that it was the lounge. I volunteer to be the Lounge Lizard.

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Lunch today is a veggie spring roll that I picked up at the store while getting eggs. I need eggs to make gf brownies for dd to take to the birthday party she's going to tonight.


This weekend starts with 2 parties tonight and another one tomorrow. I think I can probably quit worrying about socialization.


I'm going up to mountains this weekend to enjoy more of the fall colors. Glorious is our word for fall.

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What's for lunch today? Sonic- popcorn chicken and ranch and a soda :)


What are you up to this weekend? Tacos for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is chore day, that means the bathroom for me :( Then Mardel's, it's a Christian homeschooling store, to look at some handwriting stuff for my teenage daughter. Tomorrow, it's leftover and therefore date night :) Sunday, is bedroom cleaning day, which also means the school room. And it's also my prep day for the week ;) Whew, I am tired already and it hasn't even started!! Oh, and at some point I have to make a menu and go grocery shopping.... *sigh*

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Today we skipped lunch. We ate a late breakfast, so we're having an early dinner (any minute now the oven will ding).


This weekend we have baseball and soccer games. The kids' church is also having an event to bring pets to the church for a special blessing, so I'll be rounding up and chauffeuring pets for that. I also have to finish re-Contact papering the kitchen because it's apparently not going to do so itself. I tried to bribe my brother into doing it, but that was a no-go, too LOL.


Scrabble is one of my favorite games! I used to be so much better at it. We play it at work on the long all-nighters :D.

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My son is a brat today....that is all.


Just today? :tongue_smilie: We had that kind of day last week. I feel for ya.


DS has TKD testing at 7PM so he MUST have a rest period this afternoon.


I hope it goes well - both the testing AND the rest period!


We took yesterday off for Rosh Hashanah and I am in a huge hurry to finish up schoolwork for today.


Happy New Year to you! :001_smile:


Oh, Karen! What a grreat idea! But does anyone have anything stronger than beer? All we have here is beer and I detest beer. A strawberry daquiri on the other hand . . .


Girl, I got the hook up. I come from one culture and married into another that have made an art of serving and consuming "anything stronger than beer" :D I have some homemade moonshine that will put hair on your chest. In a good way LOL.

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