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Oh, my! Delicious, easy, quick, healthy dinner

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I've seen threads about quinoa before but haven't seen anyone prepare it like this.


I happen to love it and found this recipe and made it for dinner tonight. It was a universal hit (except my Aspie 15 year old who eats nothing, but that's another story).


My modifications:


1. I'd use less (or maybe even no) cayenne. I love spicy foods but my little one doesn't. Even with only 1/4 tsp, it definitely had too much of a kick for her.


2. I only used one can of beans because that's all I had. I'm glad, because two would have been too much, I think.


3. I used canned corn instead of frozen because that's all I had. Turned out great.


4. I used chicken broth instead of veggie, partly because that's what I had on hand and partly because we like quinoa prepared with chicken broth.


I'm not sure I've ever posted a recipe here before, but this was post-worthy. I'll be making it regularly, and next time I may add some leftover shredded chicken.

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I always make a quinoa pilaf, partly because it's fabulous and partly because that means nobody else will touch it/I get it all to myself. So while I love the sound of the quinoa & black beans dish, I'm a little worried--what if my family likes it????


Guess I'll try it for tomorrow's lunch anyway. I'll be sure to report!


Thanks for the recipe.

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