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Quiche recipes?


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You can also make the mix and freeze it for later... Just a thought :) Make up a crust... pour thawed egg mix in... Yum. I make my quiche with swiss, cheddar and monterey.... salt and pepper... and then sometimes add in veggies. I like to line the crust with sauteed mushrooms. I get everything ready the night before, and then the morning I want it, I pull out the stuff.... The pre-cooked pie crust... (that I started the night before) and put it in the pre-heated oven... YUM!! I need to make some Quiche... (Oh yes, I also have sauteed onions for it.) Our favorite Tea spot had all sorts of Quiches... Broccoli ... Red Pepper.. Mushroom.. With ham or sausage... Etc ;)

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My basic concept for our "go-to" meal in the winter, when we're milking the milk cow and the hens are laying:


Shred cheap white bread into a casserole dish. Mix eggs and milk as if you're doing scrambled eggs, maybe a little heavier on the milk. Pour over the bread in the dish so that it comes 3/4 of the way up the pan. Add in anything and everything that sounds good.


garlic, bacon, onions, mushrooms, olives, chiles, sausage, hamburger, cheddar cheese, blue cheese, zucchini, mixed frozen vegies, salsa, spinach, ANYTHING.


bake at 350 until a knife comes out clean. We call it scrambled egg casserole but it has tons of varieties.

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Tomorrow I'm making feta, basil, and red pepper mini quiches. I am debating on adding ham for dh (he's definitely a carnivore, lol). I make regular pie crust but cut it into circles with a biscuit cutter, then put them in muffin tins, mix the non egg ingredients and put a spoonful in the bottom of each muffin cup, beat the eggs with half cup milk and pour over the top. We love them with fruit.

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We have quiche a couple times every month. Here's my favourite recipe:


2 pie shells

2 packages cream cheese, cubed

2 cups milk

2 cups shredded cheese, mozza or cheddar

10 eggs, beaten

1 TBSP onion powder

1/2 tsp dill

dash of pepper

optional: 2 cups diced ham, 1/2 cup pimento or 1 TBSP dried pimento powder, handful of cooked broccoli, handful of chopped cooked or frozen spinach, crumbled bacon, etc.


In pot over low-med heat, combine cream cheese and milk. Stir until smooth. Gradually add cream cheese mixture to beaten eggs, stirring well until blended. Add remaining ingredients. Pour into pie shells and bake at 350 for 40 minutes or until set.


Yummy! They freeze well too!

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I never measure when I cook but I will give you a rough idea.

5-6 frozen hash brown patties defrosted and crumbled in a 8x8 pan

dab some butter on top and bake for about 15 minutes then add egg mixture of

6-8 eggs, regular milk or 1/2 and 1/2 if I have any, then about 8 oz of whatever block of cheese I have in the fridge (Cheddar, Gouda, Monterrey jack, Pepper jack, Swiss or a mix of them) then either cooked crumbled sausage, bacon or left over ham steak. If I have a green onion or mushrooms I will through that in too. Salt, pepper and a touch of garlic. Then bake for about 30 min. at 350.

Edited by Sukale
forgot spices
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I make a crust-less quiche.


Pretty much fill the buttered pie plate with anything that sounds yummy and top with the 6 eggs/milk or cream mixture. Then simply bake and serve. This simple one freezes and reheats well. I love them in the winter.


We love spinach quiche and more traditional ones.

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Everything everyone said, except use Crème fraiche instead of some of the milk, and run the egg/milk mixture through a sieve before adding your junk.


I originally whatever'd this idea, but it really made a difference in the texture. A super-yummy difference!:D



Oh! I forgot about the flour! The ratio I use is 5-6 eggs, 1 c crème fraiche, 1 C whole milk (or cream) and 3 T of flour.


(I should have just rewritten the post, but I'm too lazy, sorry :P )

Edited by Ailaena
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What a wonderful idea! I have not made quiche since dd was a baby because she is allergic to eggs. But now she is away at college, so I can make quiche without feeling guilty that she can't eat it! Yeah!


Thanks for reminding me about quiche! I need to buy a few ingredients, but quiche is going onto the menu now!

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I think this is a fritata, not a quiche, but it's delicious anyway:


Large non-stick skillet (12+ inches)


several potatoes, peeled and shredded or sliced (rinse and pat dry if shredded)

a dozen eggs, beaten

any combination of meat/cheese/veggie that strikes your fancy (bacon/cheddar/chives, fresh corn/red onions/havarti)


Prep the potatoes. Heat the pan over med. heat with a few Tbsp. of oil. Add potatoes to heated oil and toss to coat, season with salt & pepper. Cook over med. heat for 3-5 minutes (you want to begin to just brown some of the potatoes).


Gently pour beaten eggs over potatoes. Do not stir. Sprinkle other ingredients onto eggs. Cover pan, reduce heat to med -low and cook an additional 10-15 minutes (until eggs are set). Adjust heat if necessary so that potatoes don't burn.


Cut into wedges and serve with some crusty bread and a nice salad.

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