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Science for k-3


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Are there any good science programs out there for the early years? I've tried a few and they all seem to be dry and boring. I SO wanted to enjoy Rod & Staff Science :glare:


I am thinking about just using living books and throwing in science experiments here and there. Can you recommend any good resources for easy science experiments?


Thanks SO much!

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Sonlight 1 (I think it's B now) was good, and you could actually order a single level (for example, SL D for a second and third grader) and take 2 years to do it, going at half speed (2-3 times a week) since the lessons are designed to be done 4 or 5 days a week.


I've heard R&S and CLE have very dry science programs.

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We are really enjoying RS4K. We are doing Biology this year. I am taking it slow and using the whole book for a year instead of half a year. We are supplementing a little bit. But as we take it slow I can really make sure he is remembering the highlights of each section.

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Are there any good science programs out there for the early years? I've tried a few and they all seem to be dry and boring. I SO wanted to enjoy Rod & Staff Science :glare:


I am thinking about just using living books and throwing in science experiments here and there. Can you recommend any good resources for easy science experiments?


Thanks SO much!



Try Oak Meadow Science!! Hands on fun and you can use the library for extra books!!

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I like BFSU - I have my Ker going at regular pace (usually about 1 piece of a lesson per week). My older boys (9 & 7) are going to finish the first book in just over a year. All the materials are probably on hand, and the others are cheap/free and easy to get.


Anyway, I've found with BFSU I need to just start: read the lesson, take some notes, gather all the stuff, call the kids over & start. I've been pulling memory work for them from CC and Living Memory, as it relates to their lesson.

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I'm using Core Knowledge. It's really interesting, hands on, and free :001_smile:.

Baltimore Curriculum has great full lesson plans for K-5th grade. http://www.cstone.net/~bcp/BCPIntro2.htm

I used those as a base (and sometimes lessons based on Core Knowledge free elsewhere) along with other resources to put together science curriculum. I uploaded the plans I used last year to share with others. Here is a link to those plans if you want to see how we do science with Core Knowledge science.

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Someone here posted a link to these books.




We've really liked them so far. A lot of the elementary level books include an activity or two at back of the book.





I also liked this book when I was that age, but the review says it's for much older children. I remember bringing it into my class and growing cultures on the agar in kindergarten, so who knows how accurate that is.

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I recommend

1) Nancy Larson if you want open and go, not tons of experiments but lots of note-taking, book-making and vocabulary building.

2) Core Knowledge if you want somewhat open and go, rigorous, some experiements

3) BFSU if you are able to spend some time in advance reading the lesson and gathering materials. I enjoy the book, but I find the way it's laid out (denseness of text, no clear lesson plan) to sometimes be daunting if I am tired or "not in the mood to deal". ;)

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