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What kind of bug is this MONSTER??

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You betcha!


All this fuss for a wittle cutie-bug. Goodness.


Did you SEE those round, inquisitive little eyes?


And did you know the females eat their mates?


You need to come to my house so I can SMACK SOME SENSE INTO YOU!!!


At one time, dh wanted to send me to a camp to overcome my fear of bugs. I've come a LOOOOOOOOOONG way, but THREE INCHES??!!! That thing needs TWO zip codes!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay, seriously :lol: seeing "what meat for tacos" thread right above this one...


We moved to the county when we first moved to PA. My kids brought me a "catepillar" from our landlady's garden (farm country!). I started to take the cup from them when I realised the thing was green, bigger than my middle finger, had a horn, and was trying to crawl out of the cup. I screamed, dropped it, and told to take it back over there and FIND OUT WHAT THAT THING WAS! Tabacco Worm...cutest ugly worm-monster I ever did see.


does it look like a tomato horn worm? My kids feed them to the chickens. I feel bad for them :sad: but they're kinda freaky, too. They're also kinda cool.

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Guest submarines
Potato bugs are freaky. SO GLAD we don't have them in NH. I still have nightmares over those monsters. I saw an episode of Night Gallery once where an earwig entered a man's ear during his sleep. It laid eggs in his brain, and mom and babies ate the man's brain and he went insane in the process. :scared:


Have you ever seen a dead potato bug with a HORSE HAIR crawling out of it??? :svengo::svengo::svengo:




I'm pretty sure that was the show where they show realistic looking scenarios, and then ask the viewers to guess whether a scenario was true or an urban legend. The earwig one was the urban legend.

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That's what we call them too. I haven't seen one in years but use to often as a child.


When my aunt was a child she saw a leaf 'walking', she picked it up and ouch! There was a Potato Bug under the leaf and it bit her. She said it hurt like heck and her finger swelled pretty big:eek:.



THEY BITE?!?!?!?!


Guess I won't sleep tonight. Nebraska is RIGHT NEXT TO Wyoming.

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You need to come to my house so I can SMACK SOME SENSE INTO YOU!!!


At one time, dh wanted to send me to a camp to overcome my fear of bugs. I've come a LOOOOOOOOOONG way, but THREE INCHES??!!! That thing needs TWO zip codes!!!!!!!!!!!


:001_huh: You keep reminding me how big this thing is and your typing keeps getting bigger like that monster in my house that my kids now have in a gallon zip lock bag in a jar under a bowl with 2 dictionaries on top :lol:


THEY BITE?!?!?!?!


Guess I won't sleep tonight. Nebraska is RIGHT NEXT TO Wyoming.


Yes, they bite but it says they are not venomous and apparently that gigantic pointy thing out of its butt doesn't sting either :001_huh: so it says.


Oh yes, they are in Nebraska too says this article and I quote:


NORTH AMERICAN REACH: Washington; Idaho; Montana; Oregon; California; Arizona; New Mexico; Nebraska; Kansas; Wyoming; Oklahoma; Texas; Colorado; Washington




Sorry- but if I can't sleep I need company!

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well then we should exchange phone numbers and talk all night. That picture of the bug, along with that other picture of the mole cricket, will have me awake until the day I die!!!!!!!




I am all for that. I am SO creeped out right now and dh had the nerve to LAUGH at me. And I don't mean just a small laugh, he was :smilielol5:

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:001_huh: You keep reminding me how big this thing is and your typing keeps getting bigger like that monster in my house that my kids now have in a gallon zip lock bag in a jar under a bowl with 2 dictionaries on top :lol:





Don't worry about the size. Those three inches are as big as they're going to get.


But I think that bug now needs THREE ZIP CODES.




PLEASE have your kids add a few cinder blocks on top of those dictionaries.;)

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I am all for that. I am SO creeped out right now and dh had the nerve to LAUGH at me. And I don't mean just a small laugh, he was :smilielol5:


He SOOOOOOOOOOO owes you. ;):lol::lol::lol:


I have to syringe feed my chicken now (yes! Seriously!) but I'm making myself a drink because my stomach is SO UPSET. And maybe I'll get sleepy in an hour. And maybe it will calm me down. Or kill the earwigs in my brain or something.

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You need to come to my house so I can SMACK SOME SENSE INTO YOU!!!


At one time, dh wanted to send me to a camp to overcome my fear of bugs. I've come a LOOOOOOOOOONG way, but THREE INCHES??!!! That thing needs TWO zip codes!!!!!!!!!!!


:lol: Sorry, I'm un-sensible-smackable.


But if that paper clip in the original picture is any ordinary paperclip, then I must propose the idea that labeling the bug as "three inches" might have been a wee bit exaggeratory... That's ok; it happens when people see bugs. I remember seeing my first hornworn and swearing it was as long as my hand. It wasn't. ;)


(Yes, I'm fond of coining words.) :D

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I guessed it was a jerusalem cricket before I even opened this thread. :lol:


I've only seen them in Northern California. The first time I saw one I thought it was a small alien. It was sitting in the playhouse of a preschool where I worked. The kids loved it.


The next one I saw had drowned in our swimming pool. We found so many odd bugs and creatures in that pool. And each time we found something my dh insisted a bird must have dropped it.:001_huh:


I'm from No. CA and I've never seen one. THANK GOODNESS for that. I had enough with earwigs, potato bugs, horse hairs, and silver fish. The silver fish used to climb up into the tubs and sinks from the drains during a drought. :svengo: To this day I fear them while showering. And I live in NH!!!

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:lol: Sorry, I'm un-sensible-smackable.


But if that paper clip in the original picture is any ordinary paperclip, then I must propose the idea that labeling the bug as "three inches" might have been a wee bit exaggeratory... That's ok; it happens when people see bugs. I remember seeing my first hornworn and swearing it was as long as my hand. It wasn't. ;)


(Yes, I'm fond of coining words.) :D


you missed the part where she states that the paper clip is SEVEN INCHES long!

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:lol: Sorry, I'm un-sensible-smackable.


But if that paper clip in the original picture is any ordinary paperclip, then I must propose the idea that labeling the bug as "three inches" might have been a wee bit exaggeratory... That's ok; it happens when people see bugs. I remember seeing my first hornworn and swearing it was as long as my hand. It wasn't. ;)


(Yes, I'm fond of coining words.) :D



Its a large paper clip, you know- they have the regular size, mini's and large, yup- this is a large. The big one-- :001_huh:

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you missed the part where she states that the paper clip is SEVEN INCHES long!



STOP IT!! I came *this* close to spewing my laptop with lemonade!! :lol:


I'm from No. CA and I've never seen one. THANK GOODNESS for that. I had enough with earwigs, potato bugs, horse hairs, and silver fish. The silver fish used to climb up into the tubs and sinks from the drains during a drought. :svengo: To this day I fear them while showering. And I live in NH!!!


This summer we have had two geckos come out of our shower drain. I have no idea how they got in there. Both times dh was in the shower. I think if it was me the shower curtain would be ripped down along with the rod and then I'd hyperventilate before I could maneuver it before I could get out the door.

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I have never seen one..thank God! I was scared enough the first time I saw a camel cricket, and they have nothing on Mr mole cricket or Mr patato bug. I am fine with bugs as long as I know what it is, but I don't like to be surprised. The kids caught a praying mantis one day and it escaped in the house. Later that day while at a resturant, I felt something crawling on my leg (I had a skirt on). I of course flipped out and swatted at it. We look under the table to see what it was and to the kids sorrow it was their lost "pet" I have no idea how it managed to get tangled in my skirt and hitch a ride. I felt so bad...but those pokey legs give me the creeps!

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This summer we have had two geckos come out of our shower drain. I have no idea how they got in there. Both times dh was in the shower. I think if it was me the shower curtain would be ripped down along with the rod and then I'd hyperventilate before I could maneuver it before I could get out the door.


:001_huh: I would be too scared to take a shower unless I plugged the drain!:D

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OH MY WORD!!!!!!! A regular cute little cricket must have heard how we were bad mouthing his cousins. He just jumped up onto the nightstand by my bed and leaped right at me!!!


I almost flung the laptop across the room. :lol::lol::lol:


My 10 yo just got out of bed to see what was wrong!!


I can't take this! :svengo:

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That's what we call them too. I haven't seen one in years but use to often as a child.


When my aunt was a child she saw a leaf 'walking', she picked it up and ouch! There was a Potato Bug under the leaf and it bit her. She said it hurt like heck and her finger swelled pretty big:eek:.


OMG They aren't allowed to BITE, too. Just seeing one of those is so incredibly NOT COOL.


Oh yes, they are in Nebraska too says this article and I quote:


NORTH AMERICAN REACH: Washington; Idaho; Montana; Oregon; California; Arizona; New Mexico; Nebraska; Kansas; Wyoming; Oklahoma; Texas; Colorado; Washington


Oh, of COURSE they're in Oklahoma. Right up there with cave crickets - AKA crickantulas. *headwall*

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OH MY WORD!!!!!!! A regular cute little cricket must have heard how we were bad mouthing his cousins. He just jumped up onto the nightstand by my bed and leaped right at me!!!


I almost flung the laptop across the room. :lol::lol::lol:


My 10 yo just got out of bed to see what was wrong!!


I can't take this! :svengo:


But your name is Cricket! Surely you like them. :)

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This summer we have had two geckos come out of our shower drain. I have no idea how they got in there. Both times dh was in the shower. I think if it was me the shower curtain would be ripped down along with the rod and then I'd hyperventilate before I could maneuver it before I could get out the door.


ok, I'd LOVE to have a geckos climb out of my drain!!!!!! I'd name them and put them in a cage!!!!!!!!!!

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:001_huh: You keep reminding me how big this thing is and your typing keeps getting bigger like that monster in my house that my kids now have in a gallon zip lock bag in a jar under a bowl with 2 dictionaries on top :lol:




Yes, they bite but it says they are not venomous and apparently that gigantic pointy thing out of its butt doesn't sting either :001_huh: so it says.


Oh yes, they are in Nebraska too says this article and I quote:


NORTH AMERICAN REACH: Washington; Idaho; Montana; Oregon; California; Arizona; New Mexico; Nebraska; Kansas; Wyoming; Oklahoma; Texas; Colorado; Washington




Sorry- but if I can't sleep I need company!


It's like they're in a giant circle around Utah but they're scared to come in. WOOT. (Unless I'm just too tired to see that Utah is actually on the list :lol:.)


*wondering how my son would react if I made that photo his background picture on the laptop...*


Now THAT almost had me spitting apple bits on the keyboard. :lol::lol::lol:

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OH MY WORD!!!!!!! A regular cute little cricket must have heard how we were bad mouthing his cousins. He just jumped up onto the nightstand by my bed and leaped right at me!!!


I almost flung the laptop across the room. :lol::lol::lol:


My 10 yo just got out of bed to see what was wrong!!


I can't take this! :svengo:


Are you SERIOUS about that cricket, Cricket?




How big was yours? We need to keep this thread going all night now that nobody can sleep.:lol::lol::lol:

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Are you SERIOUS about that cricket, Cricket?




How big was yours? We need to keep this thread going all night now that nobody can sleep.:lol::lol::lol:


Very serious!!! :lol: It was about the size of a small paperclip though but it still sent me running and squealing into the kitchen. :lol:


Ooo, I'm just too jumpy right now! Maybe I should pour that glass of wine...

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