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Please recommend titles for humorous short stories, novels, memoirs, etc for a 13

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My boys would give a hearty second to Three men in a Boat and Jeeves by Wodehouse.


They also like these E.B. White essays (and I think they get funnier the more you read them): The Eye of Edna, A Weekend with the Angels, Speaking of Counterweights


Short story - The Open Window by Saki

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This might appear babyish depending on your particular boys, but my son enjoyed Wednesday Wars at age 14-15. It definitely has some junior hi type humor. But his book club leader really felt the older boys got more out of it than the younger ones. Here's her review:




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In the memoir category: Classic Feynman: All the Adventures of a Curious Character by Richard P. Feynman and Ralph Leighton. (This copy that I've linked includes a great CD of Feynman telling stories.)


Perhaps Bill Bryson's The Mother Tongue (about the history of English) which is full of facts but written in the most entertaining fashion.


Larry Gonick's books: he has illustrated versions of history, math and science.


Songs by Tom Lehrer can be a lot of fun. Just be aware that some of them contain adult themes. Here's a link to one of his albums: Songs & More Songs By Tom Lehrer




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and 14 yr. old boys. Thanks.


Cheaper by the Dozen was a hit with my kids. My eldest has also enjoyed reading my MIL's Erma Bombeck type books. I hold my breath hoping that he doesn't get wacky ideas about sledding off the roof or other adventures.


The Mad Scientists Club is another family favorite.


The Mouse that Roared is an older book enjoyed by a couple of my kids.


My youngest was reading Freddy the Detective recently and would very much recommend it. Homer Price is another classic funny book that gets quoted here all the time.

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The Ascent of Rum Doodle by W. E. Bowman.


It's a spoof memoir about climbing Rum Doodle, the highest mountain in the Himalayas. A team of seven British men set off to conquer this mountain, one being Dr Prone (who is constantly ill); Jungle the route finder (constantly lost) and Constant the diplomat (constantly arguing).

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