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Anyone else have this realistic (not) homeschool fantasy?

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Nope. No fantasy of mine would ever involve rising before 6am, and I detest the whole idea of the wife having to put in several more hours than everyone else in the family :glare: Not even for exercise. I mean, heck, if this is a fantasy, I'm gonna be so fit and healthy from working in my organic food garden that I wouldn't need any formal exercise. And while I'm at it, I will have already completed several PhDs so that I don't really need much study, Bible or otherwise :tongue_smilie: What? You meant vaguely feasible fantasies? Well I'll just stick to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep and no wet beds when I get up.

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Your alarm goes off at 4:45 - 5:00 am and you joyfully leap out of bed. You go downstairs for a hot cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee from your Keurig while you listen to worship music, read your Bible and have a blissful quiet time. You then hop on your eliptical machine for 30 rigourous minutes to get those endorphins flowing. You eat a wholesome breakfast while your children are still asleep. You have your second cup of coffee and browse your favorite homeschool blogs, message boards and Facebook.


You take a nice long hot shower and dress nicely head to toe, hair and makeup done, earrings on and shoes on.


Your children rise at 7:00-7:30 and call you blessed as you feed them a wholesome breakfast. Without complaining or fighting or whining, or making a mess, they dress, wash their face, bruth their teeth and are ready at 8 for a half hour of cooperative family chore time whereas by 8:30am, your entire house is clean and spic and span from top to bottom, for everyone has done their assigned chores.


They happily bounce onto the sofa at 8:30am to listen to you read fantastic literature selections from all of the magnificent curriculum you have purchased. They diligently work on their schoolwork and lapbooks, notebooks..whatever throughout the day.


Full of energy after a whole foods lunch, you take them all over kingdom come to their activities, bringing with you your knitting, lesson planning, a good book etc because your hands are never idle.


You come home, freshen up, and have an outstanding dinner ready for hubby as he gets home from a long hard day at work.


The children practice their piano or other instruments, have a nice tubby and the family reads a wonderful read aloud together before agreeably going to bed on time without complaint.


All prepared for tomorrow, you get to bed by 9pm after a relaxing quiet time of reading, so that you'll be all ready to start over again tomorrow.


Oh man..I think I feel nauseas again....:lol::lol:

:lol: yup, everyday reality resets.


Life happens, hourly.

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This is awesome! This morning, I just started my new plan of getting up early and throwing a load of laundry in the washer while I do a workout down the basement. I started warming up, then decided I was too sore from last night's new dance class to work out, and came upstairs to play on the computer. Good to know that my fantasy of early morning laundry and workout accomplishment will die and go to heaven in good company of failed homeschooling fantasies! :lol:

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This is awesome! This morning, I just started my new plan of getting up early and throwing a load of laundry in the washer while I do a workout down the basement. I started warming up, then decided I was too sore from last night's new dance class to work out, and came upstairs to play on the computer. Good to know that my fantasy of early morning laundry and workout accomplishment will die and go to heaven in good company of failed homeschooling fantasies! :lol:




I forgot to add the part about throwing in the load of wash..I did have that in my perfect plan. But I was realistic knowing that nothing will ever get folded. lol


Right now, I think my perfect plan may involve me gathering all the laundry in the house that needs doing, putting it in trash bags, and bringing it to the cleaners and paying them 75 cents a pound to wash dry and fold for me!

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The Proverbs 31 woman had insomnia too?:tongue_smilie:


It was probably the night sweats that got her up that early.




Anything that involves getting up before 7am is a nightmare, not a fantasy.


And there's no way that anybody in my house would be in bed before 10pm (more like midnight for dh and I) except when sick.


That's the way it is here. Though I do get up at 7am and walk before everyone wakes up. My husband leaves for work right before 8. This allows me my alone time before I am hit with all the demands.


Another homeschool mom once told me that whoever gets up first is who is in charge. In my house, I, unfortunately, have found that to be true. If I get up after them, I feel like I am behind most of the day. :tongue_smilie:

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:tongue_smilie: What? You meant vaguely feasible fantasies? Well I'll just stick to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep and no wet beds when I get up.


:iagree: In reality, that would be Heaven!



I forgot to add the part about throwing in the load of wash..I did have that in my perfect plan. But I was realistic knowing that nothing will ever get folded. lol


Right now, I think my perfect plan may involve me gathering all the laundry in the house that needs doing, putting it in trash bags, and bringing it to the cleaners and paying them 75 cents a pound to wash dry and fold for me!


I wish I had that option. We were on vacation on the east coast and half way through our vacation, we were through almost all our clothes. I was able to take them to a place like that in DC (That was across the street from our hotel that wanted to charge $2 for knickers!)


It was wonderful! All clean, wrinkle free, and folded, for $9. Bliss!


ETA: Has anyone been reading the badge thread? This is my first multi quote!

Edited by Northwest_Mama
shamless bragging!
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I wish I had that option. We were on vacation on the east coast and half way through our vacation, we were through almost all our clothes. I was able to take them to a place like that in DC (That was across the street from our hotel that wanted to charge $2 for knickers!)


It was wonderful! All clean, wrinkle free, and folded, for $9. Bliss!




Oh how I wish we had places that did that here... I would SO use it today :)

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I fantasize about sleeping in late, not waking up early :).


My homeschool fantasy for my kids is that-- when they find themselves confronted with something they don't understand/ seems too hard-- instead of whining and/ or giving up, they diligently apply themselves to figuring it out, seek out resources on their own, and work hard to master it. Is that too much to ask!!


I also wish they had long term goals... especially the teens/ tweens. Only one of my kids seems to have even the vaguest concept of the future.

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