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GOOD Homeschooling Comments

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I love it when I receive comments from people (that don't homeschool) about homeschooling and they are positive and encouraging!


Over the weekend, we were talking with a lady at church. She works in admissions at a local private university. When she asked if we were still homeschooling and we said yes. She was happy to hear that. She said some of the best students they have are homeschooled. She just reinforced in keeping good records come high school.


It was really good to hear it. I had heard online that some universities are very happy to have homeschoolers, but the only real life conversation I had had up until now was from someone at a different university who is very anti-homeschool (we really got into it!). And although she has nothing to do with admissions she was adamant that this school does not like homeschoolers.


So anyways - I was really happy to get positive feedback from someone. We have a lot of public school teachers at church, so I never know what kind of reaction I'm going to get from people!

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Ds started a pottery class today. Upon pick-up the instructor told my dh that she prefers teaching homeschooled children because they're always so much more creative and articulate.


Slight disclaimer though: I have a sneaking suspicion that the instructor *maybe* homeschooled her children (now grown) so if that's the case she might be a little biased. :)

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There are a lot of weird, over the top annoying homeschoolers where I live; it's the predominant stereotype, with good reason. I always felt it was more a badge of pride -given where I live- that my kids could "pass" for guvment school'd kids LOL.


That said, I'm glad the general public is beginning to see -and more importantly, to MAKE KNOWN!- the more positive things about homeschooling. There's only so much defending one person can do, and what a relief to finally be validated instead of put on the defense :D I bet your kids are great, and would be wherever it was they did school!

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On one day I got two different comments when I mentioned we homeschool. One response was "Oh, that's a lot of hard work" in a way that sounded like she thought I didn't know what I was getting into :glare: (from someone who had not homeschooled.) And one was "Good for you!" from a lady who had homeschooled. It was nice to get the second to balance out the first :001_smile:

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Our next door neighbor really, REALLY wants my 10 yo in his AP US history class. I'm thinking "no way", but he's repeatedly commented on how bright and engaging the kids are, which is nice, especially when he's got the more advanced highschool kids in his class.


A couple weeks ago, we got a rare FedEx delivery, with a new driver. Homeschooling came up and she was very enthusiastic, told me how great it was that we were doing it, that she had several homes hookers on her route and how we were all doing a great job, etc. I guess I won't dread seeing a fedEx shipping notice anymore, will I? :D


Eta: our state homeschooling coordinator - from the Dept of Ed - discussed his interactions with college admissions offices over the past several years at a meeting I attended. Mostly, they called him for clarification on diplomas, etc., but he said they were mostly quite impressed - enough to comment - on the quality of application packets they received from homeschooled applicants. (he did say there were some negative comments about rare, individual packages that were just :confused: but that those were commented on as exceptions to the favorable rule.)

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I met a couple at church yesterday who are university professors. They teach Latin and ancient history and when the conversation turned to homeschooling, the woman told me that she has a homeschooled student in her class who is "doing very, very well because he's studied some of this stuff before" unlike most of the other students in her class. She said other complimentary things about the student and she attributed those traits to homeschooling.:001_smile:

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Our next door neighbor really, REALLY wants my 10 yo in his AP US history class. I'm thinking "no way", but he's repeatedly commented on how bright and engaging the kids are, which is nice, especially when he's got the more advanced highschool kids in his class.


A couple weeks ago, we got a rare FedEx delivery, with a new driver. Homeschooling came up and she was very enthusiastic, told me how great it was that we were doing it, that she had several homes hookers on her route and how we were all doing a great job, etc. I guess I won't dread seeing a fedEx shipping notice anymore, will I? :D


Eta: our state homeschooling coordinator - from the Dept of Ed - discussed his interactions with college admissions offices over the past several years at a meeting I attended. Mostly, they called him for clarification on diplomas, etc., but he said they were mostly quite impressed - enough to comment - on the quality of application packets they received from homeschooled applicants. (he did say there were some negative comments about rare, individual packages that were just :confused: but that those were commented on as exceptions to the favorable rule.)


Home Hookers? :D

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We went to a Native American program at the museum last year and the guy running the program mentioned that he used to teach at a high school. When he found out that I homeschool, he told me: "I REALLY approve of homeschooling!"




My daughter's sensei did an anti-abduction/anti-bullying class for our homeschool group last year. He said that they seemed to be a "strong" bunch of kids, as in physically stronger than some of the other school groups he does. I quipped that they don't have to sit at desks all day and actually move around and use their muscles, and he said in all seriousness, "That could be it!"

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When I got my hair cut last month my stylist (about 25 yo) was really positive about homeschooling. I don't remember exactly what she said, but she spoke about children having time to be kids, for unstructured play, spending more time outdoors and the opportunities to be in the real world interacting with all kinds of people. :)

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