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Saturday Morning Teachers Cabana

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Although now that it's fall (in most parts of the country) maybe it should be cabin? Okay, the game/activity for today is to come up with a fun name for fall for the Teachers Lounge. I might be persuaded to send a prize to the one who picks the winning name!:D



What's going on at your house today? Here: dh is at a meeting, neighbor kids are over, dog is whining because we leashed her because she still hasn't figured out how to be 100% nice to our guests, and I'd like a nap!:tongue_smilie:


This afternoon, though, I'm outta here! That means I'm going to the lake to make a fool of myself in attempting to do standup paddleboarding with some friends! Should be an adventure! Hope someone brings the waterproof camera!:lol:


Working on any projects today? I usually try to avoid them. ;)


Talk to me!



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Good morning, Scrap!


What's going on? Dd9 and I cheered ds14 and dh on in their first 5 K this morning. I've bathed and fed Libby (she ate 1/4 c. of dog food mixed with peanut butter for the first time since last Tuesday!). I'm currently researching how to avoid constipation in a paralyzed dog, which is not a research subject for the faint of heart. . .


This afternoon - I need to take dd9 shoe shopping.

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DD17 is off taking the ACT this morning and then she and DS15 are going to the the homecoming football game (playing in the band).


I'm going to the gym to work out (BY MYSELF!) and then off to run some errands including buying a book shelf for real books and (possibly) some new under garments if I don't run out of time.


How about the "Autumn Assimiliation"?

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Ack, yes, we have projects. We are rearranging all the upstairs bedrooms in order to fit my new elliptical machine into our new gym room. The basement has some water damage and we need to work down there, too.


But first I must take ds 17 clothes shopping because he literally outgrew everything while he was in Canada this summer. His girlfriend will be going with us...she's a blast and has much more fashion sense than I so my son will end up with a decent wardrobe, lol.

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Good Morning (or afternoon now)


This morning, I woke up with the same migraine I went to bed with. I made french toast for the girls then took them to judo. Hubby is doing a 28 mile bike race. We're back from judo which I'm happy to announce that not only did I not break down and cry, I enjoyed myself (judo moms are nice to be around and earplugs help with everything else). I'm now hiding in a dark room while the kids are watching movies. That is my plan for the rest of the weekend which leaves hubby to put up the row of Borders bookcases by himself when he gets done with his race.


Shouldn't we be back to the Teacher's Lounge again since school started? Although Teacher's Lodge conjures up a nice mental image. Asylum is probably too scary of a word, but I like Teacher's Asylum too, but that might be my pain medicine talking.

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I had big plans for organizing today, but I'm certain I've broken a toe and so now I'm just watching football. :D DH has drill this weekend and the kids just came in from playing outside.


I did hobble to the library and the farmer's market this morning, but just picked up some okra & tomatoes to make okra creole and hobbled back to the van. Hurts a lot more than I thought it would.

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I'm at work, so I (quite blissfully!) have no idea what's going on at my house today. At work, though, we've had all kinds of crazies. Are we near a full moon, by any chance?


Have fun on the paddleboard - sounds like it'll be a hoot, and looking foolish is all part of the fun :D


My colleagues and I are meeting up for dinner in a bit, and then I'll come back to finish up my school projects. I'm doing some admin stuff while I have the chance to do so uninterrupted ... scheduling, researching ... mostly religion and history, plus a wee bit of math.

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Hmm, I'll have to brainstorm on a name for the teacher's lounge.


It's dinnertime and this is the first chance I've gotten to be online today! I had a fun morning with my two youngest girls. My boys (dh and ds) are away on a scout camping trip all weekend. My oldest dd is on a church youth retreat. After a fun morning at home, I took the girls shopping. My 7 1/2 year old has NO clothes that fit her. After that, she had her first soccer game of the season. Now we're home, getting showered and into pj's early. My dad is picking up some dinner (chicken) and I'm making sides (veggies and mashed potatoes) and we're going to have movie night.

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Our house:


Fun: Pool & Swimming, Hot Tub

Done: Science & Math for today

To Do: Books, books and more books (reading)

Uh Oh: Mom is tired out, resetting sleep/body rhythms.

Awh factor: Darling sleeping & watching football

Tasties: Leftover Homemade Pizza is really awesome.

Ick Work: Take apart vacuum cleaner project, clean all filters

Artsy Fartsy X: Photo shoot of objects which resemble Roman Numerals

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Oh, you will be gone so won't see this, but I couldn't get on this morning! Internet service for our entire area was down....


All I've done today is go over to Michael's to speak with a very lovely, retired art teacher who I'm working with on providing a series of acrylic painting classes for teens. I'm trying to get them to give me a list/price for materials so that I can advertise the classes.


My son had his first soccer game of the season and we're still marveling at how much bigger he seems on the field than last year. I'm still not convinced it wasn't the longer shorts he elected to wear, instead of his usual soccer shorts.... (They won!)


My husband put together a new grill that he ordered by mail and we stopped by a grocery on the way home to purchase steaks so we could try it out. It works great! We've had our other grill since we got married, 23 years ago, LOL....


We also grilled the remainder of some green beans that I got at a farmer's market last weekend, cut some fresh tomatoes from our garden, and boiled the last of the corn from our community garden (the first of it we've tried this year). I still had a watermelon from the farmer's market, too, so we had that for dessert.


Now I've got to go grocery shopping for next week. I'm glad to have cooler weather moving in! We went for a walk a couple of nights ago - I simply love this time of year! It will be nice to move into our cooler season cooking, too. We made chili for the first time a couple of nights ago....

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