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Teachers' Bistro! 9-6-2011

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Good morning!


I'm running a little late today, so I'm doing a quick Open, and then I have to dash out for a bit. But I promise I'll be back later! :D


What's for lunch today? Me: no clue. Still working on breakfast.


What are you at peace about today? Me: that I decided to NOT STRESS over what we do or do not get done today. What gets done, gets done. If it doesn't get done, what's the point in stressing about it if I can't get to it today?


What's new for you today? Here: dd starts voice lessons today (and inexpensive at that)!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch today will be fried dumplings. DS found a recipe in a book we got this weekend and we have put off making them. I promised we would do them for lunch today.


What am I at piece with today? Hmmm....I can skip around a bit. If DS has something, I can skip problems and whole exercises in math, we can push through grammar exercises a little faster if he gets the concept, and if we don't do the biology test today....we will survive :)

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Lunch today is leftover risotto.


Peace today - everything is peaceful today. We started school yesterday, and everything is going smoothly so far.


New today? The little one went to her first day of her enrichment school today. The bigger one is home today with me doing her work slowly and quietly.

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Lunch is catch-as-catch can here. I retired from making it once my son was able to do it himself. I didn't really eat breakfast this morning. So, I had a cup of coffee and a snack about 90 minutes ago. The kids ate breakfast a little later than usual. So, I suspect they'll each do something simple for themselves in a little while.


I'm not sure I'm really at peace with anything specific today. My husband's birthday was over the weekend, and I always breathe a sigh of relief if the kids and I manage to give him a good day. I think we did all right this year.


Nothing much new here, either. My son is working on memorizing a new monologue, because he has an audition this weekend. And I'm cautiously getting back in touch with an old friend with whom I had some tension a few years ago.


It's just a pretty boring day here today.

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Lunch - Egg salad on homemade bread, cantelope, carrots, and cheese slices.


I am at peace with the fact that ds is traveling next week for work during ds's 13th birthday. His boss will not relent though every single meeting could be conducted via internet and it took me a while to come to grips with it. Ds is mightily disappointed so I've come up with a few secret plans to make the day better for him.


New - DS begins his practical drafting course this week. We've had a dickens of a time getting dh's drafting table down from the unfinished loft and figuring out how to fit it into ds's room without moving the desk out. My mother came to the rescue when she donated a tall, but not so wide dresser to ds so we could move out the very WIDE dresser he had. Now the drafting table fits and he can easily get into his closet with the doors fully opened. Whew!


Also, my hens are old enough to begin laying eggs...so this week, those first, adorable, tiny eggs should be making their appearance.



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What's for lunch today? We had our free Chick-fil-A breakfast this morning, but we had it mid-morning (after having a light breakfast at home). The result was that no one was very hungry for lunch. So, we had apples, oranges, grapes and strawberries for lunch.


What are you at peace about today? I'm at peace with the fact that my floor didn't get mopped last night, as I had planned. Instead I enjoyed a late dinner with my husband (after the kids were in bed) and we watched a movie together. And then I went to bed. I felt it was more important for the kids to have a rested (not too cranky) mommy this morning than to have a sparkling kitchen floor.


What's new for you today? One of the little girls that I babysit full-time started preschool at a mother's morning out program today. So, that meant two trips out today (one to take her at 9:15 and one to pick her up at 1). My son starts Cub Scouts again this evening (dh is the den leader).

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Lunch - the old boring salad with protein routine.


Peace - My dd9 has told me for the first time EVER that she likes school. I finally got the right mix of curriculum and my involvement to meet her needs.


It took some doing, but I finally got ds14 to listen to me on the procedure for translating from Latin to English accurately. And nobody cried or died in the process.:glare:


New - The Y is opening back up today after being closed for a week for renovations. Zumba tonight!!!!

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Glad to see you all here, although we're still missing a few!


Lunch here wound up being various flavors of lunchmeat (Hormel Natural) rolled up like a wrap around a sun-dried tomato pesto, classic hummus, or roasted red pepper hummus filling, depending on the flavor of meat. This was accompanied by cherry tomatoes and cold green grapes. Yummy!


I'm afraid that this past week we fell into our bread-every-day habit again, so this week I need to be more vigilant!


Okay, now I need to go check on the directions to dd13's voice lessons. I'll check back in later!


(Jean, have you considered adding a homemade salsa to your salad?)

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Lunch - the old boring salad with protein routine.


Peace - My dd9 has told me for the first time EVER that she likes school. I finally got the right mix of curriculum and my involvement to meet her needs.


It took some doing, but I finally got ds14 to listen to me on the procedure for translating from Latin to English accurately. And nobody cried or died in the process.:glare:


New - The Y is opening back up today after being closed for a week for renovations. Zumba tonight!!!!


Jean, I've been on a tomato salad kick - ripe tomatoes, a handfull of mixed herbs and basil from the yard, some bitter greens, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Maybe a radical change of salad would help.

Edited by Karen in CO
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Lunch today was capellini primavera from Nothing But Noodles for me, and fettucine alfredo for the boys... YUM!


I'm at peace about a decision I made to visit my estranged grandmother while we are visiting family in NH soon. It has been 6 years since I have seen her, and I am ready to make amends. I thank God for this because I would not have been able to get here on my own. I spoke with my grandmother earlier today, and it was an emotional but wonderful conversation. I will see her on Sunday...


I tried a new granola bar today that I really enjoyed! It was a Nature's Path Organic Berry Strawberry Flax Plus bar. It was just the right amount of chewy, sweet, and wholesome. I will buy these again. :001_smile:


That's all at my house!

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Lunch was leftover homemade fish sticks.


Peace? I have very little peace. I was hoping to hear from my son in Afghanistan but I did not. I did talk to one of his buddies over there; he said Dan's ankle is better and he's back on patrol. That does not bring peace. Sigh.


New: We moved the exercise equipment and with luck the new elliptical machine will arrive Friday. Running and exercising helps.

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Lunch today was rather boring; a bowl of cereal.


I had a very good day today and was generally at peace period. School flowed smoothly and we got everything done with plenty of time to explore a couple of extra rabbit trails.


What's New? We started our week long study of Jamestown today but other than that, things are uneventful around here and that is OK by me. :)

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Jean, I've been on a tomato salad kick - ripe tomatoes, a handfull of mixed herbs and basil from the yard, some bitter greens, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Maybe a radical change of salad would help.


Sounds yummy! I do plan to go to the produce stand today.


Scrap, I should get enough stuff at the produce stand for salsa too!

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Lunch today was steamed rice with steamed veggies.


Today I'm at peace about a friendship that has run its course. We've outgrown each other, and tried to keep it together but the reality is that we need to just "break up" and move on. Not to say we're going to be out of each other's lives forever, but it will certainly go from an everyday and close relationship to an acquaintanceship kind of place.


New today? I changed mascara brands, but other than that ... not much :D I didn't get raccoon eyes, which was my reason for looking elsewhere, but my eyelids are itchy so I'm not sure it was a smart move.

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What's new for you today? Here: dd starts voice lessons today (and inexpensive at that)!



How did they go? How do I find inexpensive ones here :tongue_smilie:?


Nothing much new here, either. My son is working on memorizing a new monologue, because he has an audition this weekend.


Good luck to him, I hope he does well!


Peace? I have very little peace. I was hoping to hear from my son in Afghanistan but I did not. I did talk to one of his buddies over there; he said Dan's ankle is better and he's back on patrol. That does not bring peace. Sigh.



:grouphug: I remember those days. I hope he gets in touch soon.

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Lunch today will probably be sandwiches (I'm just eating breakfast right now).


Feeling at peace about the fact that I'm just not a "people person" and that, for me, avoidance is probably OK. I'm no longer going to feel guilty about not even wanting to go to the party, let alone being the life and soul.



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