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Please. I beg you. Post some good news here.

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Kid get accepted into a prestigious school after 12 years of WTM'ing?



After seven years of home education, they were accepted into private school - Hobbes got full marks on the entrance exam - and both got prizes at the end of the first year. We just heard that Calvin got the highest possible score in a public exam (roughly equivalent to SAT subject test) in maths, that he took two years early. Oh, and the sun just came out after a month of cold and rain.


I hope things look up for you.



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My rugs have been shampooed and we finally purchased some new furniture for the living room and dining room. Now everyone can sit comfortably in each room.



In the last 2.5 years, it seems there's been WAY TOO MUCH bad news! In my own life, in particular, and the world in general - personally, we've had everything from my sister leaving her husband and kids to go live in Canada with a guy she met online (leaving me to care for the kids 5 days a week, trying to teach them with ZERO help from their father) to my mother being diagnosed with a bad heart valve AND lung cancer (she died in May...I will never, ever get over this...) to my husband not working since last November to my old next-door-neighbor I grew up with attempting suicide, destroying half her heart, and dying on a ventilator 2 weeks later. At this point, the weather forecast for this upcoming week even has me upset (we're going down the shore Tuesday for a week. The forecast? Rain, rain, and more rain; high of 76 each day).


Anybody have any GOOD news to share? Anybody lose some weight? Start a new healthy habit? Get a good health report? Husband get a job? A raise? Kid get accepted into a prestigious school after 12 years of WTM'ing?


Heck, at this point, I'd be happy to hear if you tried a new recipe and it turned out great!

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In no particular order:


My kiddo is finally settling into the new school year, instead of fighting every moment of school time.


We go on vacation soon!


I can walk. Yep, I'm grateful for that every. single. day. 5 years ago, we were in the market for a ranch style house, as we thought I'd be unable to do stairs. Yay for my angel doctor!


DH's mom just had a stroke, and she's okay. It was a wake up call.


The baby slept through the night last night. :D

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We haven't been able to afford to buy food lately. We do still have some canned foods, grains and legumes in the pantry, so we're not starving.


Today, however, a friend from church showed up with a huge quantity of food for my family! Fresh vegetables, orange juice, chicken, bread, and on and on and on...even coffee (which we were out of!).


She also brought some cash and a gift card to our local grocery store.


This just made my day! How I love stories like this! :grouphug:

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Anybody have any GOOD news to share? Anybody lose some weight? Start a new healthy habit? Get a good health report? Husband get a job? A raise? Kid get accepted into a prestigious school after 12 years of WTM'ing?


Those are not personal good news but still...


My naturopath has a wheelchair bound cousin. Last week, the naturopath tried an experiment with the cousin. Now cousin can wiggle her toes for the first time in years, and flex her ab muscles!


A homeschooling dad survived a heart attack while in the great white north. He was successfully transported back home, and doctors have found how bad the situation really is. He is surviving all this and getting treatment to see better days!

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We've had a very frustrating start to the school year (I teach public high school) so this thread has been a really good reminder to me about focusing on the positive.


My niece who is 14 months on Wednesday is a delight. She is learning new words and "tricks" every single day. Her latest accomplishment? She can say "backa" (Swedish for reversing) while walking backwards. She also had pizza for the first time on Saturday while helping me move. On that note, I have an amazing brother-in-law (my whole family is fantastic but this weekend my bil takes the prize) he worked Friday night then helped me move Saturday and then worked a 24 hour shift starting Sunday morning. My sister, after having worked all day Friday helped me pack up and put stuff in the trailer Friday evening. Awesomeness!


My students are enthusiastic and willing to learn, and often quite funny.


We had a student pass away over the weekend (not positive) but the replies left on the announcement of his death on the school website had me in tears, especially since I recognized some of the names of the students, and some of them can be quite tough and I honestly didn't think they would do something like that, it was nice to be proven wrong.


I had a yummy piece of salmon for dinner. It was cooked to perfection (by me :D)

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Last week Doodle moved into Kumon Level H: Linear Equations and Inequalities. He completed his Master of Pre-algebra badge at Khan Academy and almost completed his Apprentice Algebraist Badge. He is enjoying Foerster’s Algebra at home and this week he begins Jacobs’ Mathematics: A Human Endeavor with the math tutor my older boys used for high school math.


Right now I am feeling really positive about Doodle’s schooling- like he really is being challenged without being pushed and that he is learning that often diligence is just as important as ability (the tortoise and the hare).


At this moment I feel content that indeed I am not messing up!


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My MIL isn't living with us anymore.


My MIL isn't living with us anymore.


My MIL isn't living with us anymore.


Oh, did I mention...my MIL isn't living with us anymore!:D Related to this news...dh was able to stop taking the anxiety meds he had to be on; ds got his room back and is so happy to have his own bed and his own things around him again. Dd8 is so happy to have her room back in order and all of ds's clothes out of her closet (she is very particular about her clothes not being squished). Everyone is feeling less stressed and calm and actually getting along better than they have in months.




Almost as wonderful as the above news is the news that dh's company has made the announcement that no salaried employees will be laid off this year. So, dh's job is safe for another year.

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I'm sorry for your difficulties; it seems that when it rains, it pours. I'm so very thankful, however, that those children have had you as a stable factor in their lives these past few years....


I'm thankful to have my older son through high school (he went back to a private school the last 3 years and I was afraid he would lose much of what he'd learned at home - he has memory issues) and starting his second year at a very sound, small college that's not too far from home. I pray that he will do well there and also succeed in finding a career path that is right for him....


I'm thankful that we managed to get my younger son through a very tough 6 months last year, as puberty caused his OCD and anxiety to run amok. I pray that this year will be better for him....


I'm so very, very thankful that God brought us to this place where we now live. I won't bore you with the details about how it was exactly what we needed, but just tell you that I feel we've had a safe house here in which to raise our family and live our lives. It's perfect in every way for us.


I'm also so very, very thankful that my husband has a job where he may not really be appreciated all that much, but where he does have a great deal of freedom and also earns a very decent salary. I pray that he can continue there to retirement, whether he ever gets a huge promotion/title, etc.


I'm very thankful that God has aided me in finding some healthier options for living that seem to have helped my health problems these last few years. I'm by no means perfect, but I feel that I'm better than I would have been without His many helps....


I, too, have known several people since we moved here who have committed suicide. I think the world becomes more and more difficult to live in as the decades pass. I'm not sure this is going to get better. My hope is that as times become more difficult, families and neighbors will pull together more and that extended family/neighborhood/town situations will help bring back an era of accountability and closeness that will benefit everyone on many different levels....


I'm hoping that you have a nice holiday, rain or no. If it rains, perhaps you can pop popcorn, drink hot chocolate, and gather around to play lots of board games, read aloud, listen to books or music on tape, have a tea party, etc.....

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