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Help, please! Muscle spasms in back?

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I've been having terrible back pain in two specific areas of my back for almost three days. I thought I was just sore, or sitting too long working, but I think these are back spasms.


What can I do?


This is horrible. I have trouble even pulling up the covers at night!


Thanks for any suggestions.

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Take Aleve or Motrin at the highest recommended dose to bring down inflammation and help with the pain. Go to a chiropractor to fix the underlying problem.


I'll look and see if I have the anti-inflammatories. I don't think any of the local D.C.s are open till Tuesday. I'd have to wait til Wed. at any rate because I work all day Tues :(



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Yes! Aleve, take two at the start, then one every six hours, depending on the mg. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and stretch your hamstrings gently, when they are tight they can cause muscle spasms, but do them slowly..hold the stretch for ten seconds then try to inch for more stretch...feel better!

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Yes! Aleve, take two at the start, then one every six hours, depending on the mg. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and stretch your hamstrings gently, when they are tight they can cause muscle spasms, but do them slowly..hold the stretch for ten seconds then try to inch for more stretch...feel better!


Thank you!

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Hi Ipsy,


I'm sorry you are having muscle spasms, ouch! If the anti-inflammatory meds don't help you may need to get a prescription muscle relaxer. Until then you could try ice or heat depending on which you prefer, see if you husband could give you a massage, and maybe ask around to see if any of your friends have a TENS unit you could borrow. The TENS unit has little electrodes that you stick on your back and it gets blood circulating to those areas.


I hope you feel better soon!



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What are your thought on acupuncture? My swimmer daughter had a muscle knot up in her back about a year ago. It felt like a refrigerator door. The acupuncturist cleared it up in one visit. Much more effective than all of the Advil she was popping like candy. We are not normally big proponents of traditional medicine, but our acupuncturist has successfully treated migraines, the back issue, plantar fascaitis or heel spurs and, most recently, elbow tendonitis in my gymnast. The sports medicine doc actually recommended the acupuncture for the tendonitis as ice/Aleve wasn't cutting it.


Best of luck with whatever you do.




P.s I know it is tendOnitis. Stupid phone does not.

Edited by plansrme
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Take a bath in some epsom salt and sit in it for a while. This should relax muscles.

When I had some similar dilemma a couple month back someone here recommended lying on your bed on your back and just let your head hang over the edge a little (not the entire head). It sort of straightens out the spine and may help with the inflammation.

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Do you over-do TUMS/Calcium? (can cause muscle spasms esp if not countered with magnesium).



(If this persists, see your doc. Have an acquaintance of mine who was diagnosed with lung cancer and her only symptom was a "back spasm". Not to be all doom and gloom, but just want to put that out there in the event that this persists).

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