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Major Surgery Recovery = Good Time for Weight Loss?

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I'm having an abdominal hysterectomy on Friday. I'll be out of work for 6 weeks.


Meanwhile, I have many, many pounds to lose. So...I'm thinking those six weeks could be the perfect time for another round of HCG. I was very successful last time doing a 21-day (23 with the load) round, since I travel so much for work it's difficult for me to do because it's rare that I have 21 straight days at home (which you have to have, minimally, for an hcg round).


The surgery is Friday and I'll be in the hospital til Sunday. I'm thinking I could use Monday and Tuesday as load days (for those of you who don't know HCG, those days you're taking the drops and loading on fat), then I'll have a 21-day vlcd (very low calorie diet) phase, then still have nearly 3 weeks at home for Phase 3 (more calories, no drops) before I have to go back to work.


Is this just dumb? I can't see much of a down side. Food prep is minimal and my daughter can help if I need her to. It's all healthy, whole foods, and my appetite will probably be diminished anyway, making it easier to cope with the not eating so much.




ETA: How much does a uterus weigh, anyway? JUST KIDDING!!!!

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I had the same surgery last november. I was also hoping for some weight loss, but during your recovery time, your exercise level will be so low that your metabolism will not be working normally. I found it was a really bad time to diet, because I was getting no result. Lying on the couch for hours isn't great for dieting.

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I had the same surgery last november. I was also hoping for some weight loss, but during your recovery time, your exercise level will be so low that your metabolism will not be working normally. I found it was a really bad time to diet, because I was getting no result. Lying on the couch for hours isn't great for dieting.


That's a good point, except I don't exercise now, either. Surely if I'm consuming fewer (but healthier) calories I should drop a few pounds, right?

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LOL I tried this too-it didn't work! Had the same surgery 1.5 years ago.


After surgery you'll be on pain meds and they will slow you down, in every sense. Your energy, metabolism and system.


You will feel better all the time but for a while you'll feel like hammered dog mud-just let yourself. Eat as healthily as you can, go heavy on the water and fiber and maybe that alone will help you drop a few.


It's a good time for a reset though, a time to focus on feeling better and wanting to feel better and move around so you'll want to take better care of yourself. And for me, not having the monthly ordeal kept me on an exercise program.

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How invasive is this surgery? I've had two abdominal surgeries, both major, and recovery was a pain. I absolutely don't think this would be a good time emotionally (at minimum) to start a diet.


I agree with pp, it is a good time to start better eating habits, but give your body time to heal.

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You need a lot of protein and vitamins to heal properly, and plenty of water and fiber to get your gut working properly again. I think that adding anything else but healthy food to the mix would be a mistake. Anesthesia is basically poison, and your body is going to be traumatized by the surgery as well as have to completely throw off the poison. Don't overload it with a diet too.

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Actually-no. But a great time to start making healthy food choices and skipping the desserts. Take the time to recover!




Eat when you feel like it, the amount you feel like eating, but eat *good* foods - lean protein, fruits and veggies. I think that one thing that you can really be successful with at this time is detoxing from sweets and carbs. Just purge your house of bad choices before your surgery; you aren't going to jump off the sofa and go to the store for a gallon of ice cream, right? Just convince the rest of the family not to do it for you ;)


I also agree with elegantlion. I just had minor surgery, and looked forward to maybe dropping a few pounds. But I felt crummy, and the truth is, food is comforting! So don't be too hard on yourself, and concentrate on a healthy recuperation.


Best wishes to you - may all go well!

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I completely disagree with doing any drastically different diet, especially hCG, when recovering from surgery (or moving to the other side of the city, or starting homeschooling, or when getting a divorce, or or or or).


If you want to make a big difference, think nutritarian :) Feed your body nutrients it can use to heal better, faster, etc. Lots of veggies, fruits, beans, etc. But even if you add all those things, I wouldn't necessary cut out other things. Surgery can cause emotional changes so if an ice cream on Saturday makes you feel good, GREAT. If a friend brings you lasagna, fine.


You can diet later.

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That's a good point, except I don't exercise now, either. Surely if I'm consuming fewer (but healthier) calories I should drop a few pounds, right?


You may not exercise right now, but you are moving around the house. You will not be doing even that for about 10 days after the surgery. Just thinking about a trip to the washroom will exhaust you. Your abs will be healing from a cut, and just sitting straight will take all your energy. Just getting up will be an expedition! You will really really slow down and feel almost stopped in your tracks. So even the basic exercise that you are currently getting through daily life, you will no longer be getting. (oh, don't be too discouraged, this doesn't last the whole 6 weeks, but in my experience, about a week - however I had complications with my surgery)

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