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Would you mind sharing your 4th graders curriculum?


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I am so undecided this year since pulling my dd out of grade 3(she homeschooled prior):confused:


She REALLY wants to study Ancient History. I have been debating over AWOA. If not, I have to come up "with my own" curriculum. So I was thinking(If not AWOA)


CLE Math 4 (definite)

Writing Tales


Apologia Zoology 1 Flying Creatures on the 5th Day

Wordly Wise 4

SOTW Volume 1 with Activity Guide

Scott Foresman Gr 5 Spelling

Steck Vaughn Critical Thinking E

R+S Health


Now, do I need some kind of Literatue program? I think SOTW has book suggestions, right? and the student pages/activity guide has comprehension questions??

To much, to little??



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I think this looks very good, if you don't use AWOA. For Ancients, I would also recommend MOH1. It's not that SOTW is not GREAT...it is. I just saw that you were using other Christian curriculum and MOH is terrific in how it integrates "secular" history with biblical history. You could use it in addition to SOTW and use SOTW as a "reader" for your dc. Just a thought. Looks great! As for a reading program, we didn't use one w/ our 4th grader. We tried DITHOR (Drawn Into the Heart of REading), but *I* gave it up b/c I didn't have the time to prepare the lessons. It's a good program, though...very gentle.

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Our list looks similar to yours. We started 4th grade a couple of months ago.


Math, we use MUS.

For grammar and writing both, we utilize R&S and journal writing.

We're using a science book I found for free online that is similar to CKE biology. (If I'd not found this free source, I'd have looked to purchased CKEB used.)

We're using Words Are Wonderful as a cheaper alternative to Wordly Wise.

We're using Mystery of History to include both Bible history and world history, and recently aquired a Winter Promise (Quest for the Ancient World) guide to scheduling it and all of its activities. We utilize the fantastic book supplement list in the back of the MOH volume itself, and are looking forward to the notebooking and hands-on activities that the WP guide suggests.

We're not doing spelling this year; my ds spells on a high school level and we're using this time to catch him up on his comprehension.

We're using Mind Benders at his request.

We're using a ps textbook for health studies.


We don't use a separate literature program. I allow him to pick whatever book he likes, approved by me, and we do vocab studies and lapbooks on them. Lately he is reading the Chronicles of Narnia series. I plan to stop him after Caspian and then we are headed to The Hobbit, Harry Potter (the first), and then maybe Wizard of Oz or some Roald Dahl.

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GWG (finish 3 and move into 4. We started in Jan with 3rd grade)

Writing with Ease or Evan moor writing books (have to wait to see WWE in my hands first to decide)


zaner bloser grade 4 penmanship

reading will be the many books the kids have amassed (sp?) through our many trips to barnes and noble ;)



Saxon 5/4 we tried many others this year including TT and he keeps asking to go back so we are. I'm happy about it too, I love Saxon.



History Odyssey level 1 Early modern times, you could use this for Ancients level 1 as it's written for kids in grades 1-4 and it uses SOTW for the spine along with the Usborne internet linked encyclopedia



R.E.A.L. Science life science level 1 (haven't used it before but looks like just what I've been looking for)


Geography will come from the History Odyssey and Evan Moor Daily geography practice.

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4th grade curriculum:

TOG Yr.2

Shurley Grammar 4

Singapore Math

Italic Writing Bk.E

SWO Bk.E & F

Apologia Zoology Flying Creatures & Swimming Creatures

Other Misc. subjects like Space, Human Body, Some Chem. topics, Physics,Ecology, etc.

Lots of books & videos from the Library ( dc. loves science)

Science Hands on activities program through the local science museum

Latin for Children Primer A

Piano lessons

Art once a week through Co-op

Martial Arts

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RightStart Math

Lively Latin

Writing Tales 1

VP History

Beautiful Feet History of Science (just the ancient history part) and lots of reading about ancient scientists and early science discoveries

VP Bible (cards only with suggested reading)

Literature per Latin Centered Curriculum and Highlands Latin School

Greek Mythology from Memoria Press

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Here is our up and coming 4th grade year:


WinterPromise Children Around the World (with extras)

Children Around the World Readers for L.A.

Shurley English 4

Sequential Spelling

Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Success

Barton program (for Dyslexics)

Otter's Elementary Science: The Human Body

RightStart math Level E

Bible / Character - various books


We also may do Latin for Children, but that depends on how we do time wise every day.

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This is our Grade 4 Curriculum this year:


TT 6

Exploring Creation with Botany

Living Learning Book 3: Chemistry



Lang. Arts:


Spelling Power

Wordly Wise 4

Wordsmith Apprentice


Prima Latina

Artistic Pursuit 4

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Here's ours!


English - Rod & Staff English 4 / Natural Speller / Cursive Success

Math - Teaching Textbooks Math 5

History - Sonlight Core 4 w/ SOTW Volume 4

Science - Apologia Zoology 1

Art - How Great Thou Art I Can Do All Things


Tae Kwon Do lessons 3 days a week

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This year my 4th grader has done:


Bible: Children's Story Bible

Math: Time4Learning

Language Arts: Time4Learning and some Classical Writing

WinterPromise Sea and Sky program - history, science, readers, and read-alouds





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Singapore Math 4

(including Intensive Practice, Challenging Word Problems)


God's Design For Science:

Our Planet Earth/Weather & Water...in conjunction with:

Considering God's Creation Notebook pages


Student Of The Word (Bible)

(also our springboard for LA, Science, History)


Ancient History Portfolio

SOTW 1 Audio CD's

IEW Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons


A Child's History of Art (as applicable to history studies)


A Child's Geography: Explore the Holy Land

(to add a then/now dimension to Bible studies)


Leftover pages from:

Language Lessons for the Elementary Child

Easy Grammar

Great Editing Adventure 1

Spelling Wisdom, Book 1


The above does not include literature, source texts, reference materials, internet links, etc.


best intentions,


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Finishing up 4th grade...


Christian Studies - Discover 4 Yourself Children's Bible Study Series (mostly on John)

Math - Saxon 54. This is our slowest subject; sometimes she is only required to answer 1/2 the problems. Otherwise it would drag on and on and on.

MCP Spelling for 4 months, then I stopped - this is her best subject area, and honestly was not making a huge difference, especially since we were doing:

English from the Roots Up


(1st half of year) - Reason for Handwriting D. Used the weekly verses for memorization of Bible verses, too.

Writing Strands 3

Literature - choosing our own adventure in this one! We go to the library every other week to meet with other independent schoolers and check out a variety of books recommended by:

SOTW vol. 3 (we started the 4 year cycle at a weird time). and activity book, supplemented by

Kingfisher illustrated History - the old one, love it.

Adventures with Atoms and Molecules, LOVING it!

Art - Usborne internet linked book of art, famous painters fandex, and Sister Wendy's 1000 western masterpieces - we chose an artist from the time period, looked them up in the fandex, added to timeline (Sonlight's - have been using it since prek) and map, then looked up their work online and in Sister Wendy. Often Fridays we would try to create an artwork inspired by one from that week (Frieda Kahlo = sitting in front of the mirror drawing self portraits, having looked up online ideas for drawing proportional faces). I "made this up" on our own, based on items we had at home. it worked well for us, using a variety of learning styles, integrating research skills and music appreciation.

Music - Fandex composer from the time we were studying, listening to his (one her) music during the week, looking them up online and adding to timeline and/or map. She also discovered introductory piano books in the bench and has taught herself to play a little bit, as I discussed with her notes, how to read music, etc. (very basic!). And she is in a choir.


P.E. - the ONE required course in California (how many of you knew that?) - she's taken various classes at the YMCA this year, so I count swimming, tennis, basketball... when not in a sport, we "walk to school" - after breakfast, go around the block for 20-30 minutes to get into the mindset that we are not "at home playing" but "at school learning." This is new and I will be continuing it. Neighbor across the street jumps on a pogo stick for her p.e. I love going out to get the mail and seeing her out there bouncing.


Wow - thanks for asking, it feels good to know we have done so much!

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Our 4th grade schedule looked like this:


Rod and Staff English 4


Spelling Workout E


Latina Christiana 2


Saxon 54


SOTW 3-using literature suggestions from the AG


(No science was covered this year--and I must say, we didn't miss it!)


Various Logic workbooks for fun

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Next year my fourth grader will use:


Saxon 7/6

Rod & Staff Grammar 6

Latina Christiana II

Rosetta Stone Spanish


We no longer use formal programs for history and science. We stick with the four year rotation described in TWTM, but we just use regular old books. It saves a lot of time and money that way. ;)

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Ambleside Online Yr 2

First Language Lessons 3

KISS Grammar


English from the Roots Up

Handwriting Without Tears

Drawing with Children

Chemistry Stuff

Garfield Typing


Looking for a 4-H Club and would like to get him started on a musical instrument - probably violin, maybe piano.

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