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Why can't I wear my wedding ring anymore?

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After wearing it for 14 years, I've suddenly developed problems wearing my wedding band. About a week and a half ago, my wedding band was bugging me, so I took it off. Under my band, I found red, peeling skin and a blistery-looking, itchy rash. I left my ring off for a week to let it heal. Most of it cleared up during that time, but I put my ring back on for my anniversary on Tuesday. By Wednesday night, it was bugging me again. When I took it off, part of my finger was red again.


The engagement ring is 14k gold, and the wedding bands are 10k gold. It's not a case of cheap medals, which I can't wear.


I cleaned it well before putting it back on. I thought maybe it was just dirty. But it started bothering me again anyway.


What could be the problem? Any ideas? Like I said, I wore this band for 14 years without a problem. This just started within the last two weeks.

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I know this one. Fungus, with possibly a secondary infection. At least that's what mine was. It's the perfect breeding ground, especially if your hands are damp a lot from cleaning or washing dishes. The skin under your ring may not dry out enough.


So, what do you do about it?

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I have this happen every once in a while, and my rings are all either 10k or 14k too. In fact, this happened a few days ago, but I just looked and it's all cleared up. Usually it gets blistery and itches, then peels because I end up scratching it.


I'm probably no help, but I just wash the area and dry it, and I continue to wear the ring (to cover it up because it looks bad!), and in a few days it's healed. It's probably something else, as someone else mentioned, and not the ring itself.

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I can't wear cheap metals. My grandmother gave me her diamond earrings, but I couldn't wear them; they made my ears itch horribly. I took them to the jeweler because they were suppose to be real gold and diamond. Turns out that they were real but didn't have the original backings. I bought real gold backings and have been fine since.


I think the fungal infection might be it. I cook and wash dishes three times a day, shower daily, bathe the kids, etc. Plus it's been hot/humid the last couple of weeks. My hands are often wet.

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I've suddenly developed problems wearing my wedding band....Under my band, I found red, peeling skin and a blistery-looking, itchy rash. I left my ring off for a week to let it heal.


This same thing has been happening to me. For me, I think the ring is tighter than it used to be...not extremely tight but tighter. My fingers seem to swell some in the summer so I'm wondering if that could have something to do with it and I've gained a few pounds since I had the ring sized (not insinuating anything about you, just telling you my situation).


I've been taking the ring off at night and just wearing it during the day. It seems to help but as soon as I start wearing all day and night the red skin comes back.

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So, what do you do about it?


Well, I can't get my ring off anymore, it won't go over my thicker than it used to be knuckle. So, if that happens, I put peroxide on the sore skin once a day for a few days and I make sure I dry that area well every time it gets wet. If the skin stayed pink and itchy, I might put antifungal cream on it every night before bed.

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I had the same sort of problem, and it seemed very sudden to me. My fingers swell a lot more since I was pregnant(and I gained some weight I have yet to take off :lol:), and there were times it was too tight. I got the ring resized. Also, I now take it off every night and make sure to take it off and dry my finger if my hand gets wet. AND if know I am going to get all hot and sweaty I don't wear it at all.


I would not wear the ring for a couple of weeks and let the irritation clear up. Then, I would be careful when I wore it. I never thought of the clear nail polish idea, but it's worth a try too.



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Well, I have the ring soaking in a 2 parts vinegar and 1 part peroxide solution per some googling. I put Lotrimen on my finger and it stopped itching, so I'll keep that up for a few days.


I wonder if swimming in the river has anything to do with it. We just went for the first time three weeks ago and again last weekend.

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