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if you have a child in Awana or even if you do not i need advice...

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There are 2 churchs 'locally' that have Awana clubs. Our family does not attend either of them; one if 45 minutes and the other maybe 30.


I really DO desire to put the boys in Awanas; vanted to last year too.


My concerns are


1. them going to the club at a church we do not go to. I am cool with the belifes and all that, but is it going to look bad -- "sure ve come here for the kids club, but no we do ot go to your chruch?"




2 my BIGGIEST concern -- it is 30 in good driving, in the rural farm area -- so winter comes and frankly we're gonna miss a lot. it is, as DH says, not like we live in town with paved streets that get plowed. I do not vant to start the boys in something where THEY are going to be penalized for ME not getting there due to weather.


Any Awana moms out there can give me some insight? I feel bad they boys are not getting any faith instruction beyond me -- and while i try, i do not feel directed, like it is going any place.



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Wow, you describe my situation exactly, except our drive isn't that long. I'm not sure how I feel not being a part of the class. But the church that I want to do it at also hosts the Bible Study Fellowship that I go to. That is open to anyone from any church, and I don't feel bad about going there for that. You can always make a small donation.

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My kids have done things at churches where we didn't attend. It never seemed to be a problem. They were usually glad to have them be a part of their program.


They did Missionettes/Royal Rangers for a very long time. Many of the people got to know our family. We would attend any special events associated with it as well. Ds attended youth group for a few years. Same thing with that. He was made to feel welcome.


It never seemed to be an issue that we weren't attending there.

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No one is going to mind if your children attend Awana club but don't attend the church. My son goes to Awana club at our church but my daughter now goes to another church for Awana because it is the only one in town that continues it through Jr/Sr High.


Attendance MIGHT be an issue only because your children will have to really work hard to pass their sections on the weeks they can actually attend. They won't be penalized but it will make finishing the book and getting an award harder.

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I've been considering AWANAS for my kids even though we don't go to the church. I really feel kind of weird trying to get them into the program without being members. We've visited once and liked it but I'm not quite ready to join yet.


AWANAS is pretty much the only Wed night program in my town at all. The Catholic church has a decent youth program but it is at all different times. I like that with AWANAS the kids could all go at the same time on the same night.

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Regarding #1 - we put our kids in Awanas in a church we used to go to. THe church we currently attend has no children's programs. We have 7 kids total - and 3 of them are ours. About 80% of our church is over the age of 60. I have no problem putting our kids in a different church's club program. That being said, I do make a financial donation to help cover the costs. Awana is an expensive program and since we don't go to that church and tithe there, I just felt it would be right to help cover the expenses of our children being there.


Regarding #2 - I have no response.

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You should be fine having your kids attend AWANA at a church you do not attend. It's an outreach to the community.


As for the kids being absent....since you are working towards the end of the book, it might be difficult for them to finish their books and receive their awards if they miss a lot.

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1. It's fine. PPs covered this.


2. If you miss a lot, they will not get blue jewels (four per year, based on not missing more than 1 or 2 meetings in each quarter). But they can still finish their books easily. Just have them continue memorizing at home during the weeks you miss, and when they go back, they can say all of those verses to a leader or listener. No big deal.

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Our girls did Awana at a church we don't attend. They were in it for 5 years & it was a wonderful experience!! The leaders were so happy to have every single child there, regardless of their church home. I encourage you to make the drive & use the time they're there to grab a coffee & a good book & enjoy some time alone.....that's what I did. ;)

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My kids are in Awanas and we do not attend the church. The Awana programs around here are always Baptist churches and we are not Baptist. I think I've only heard of one church that had an Awana program that wasn't Baptist.




That is true Where I greW up, but here, none of the 3 options (2 noW, one starting) are Baptist. Intresting.


Thanks ladies, if I can get the OK from DH I'm set to do it.

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At our church, only about 1/2 of the kids are our own kids. Another 1/4 are from other churches and the rest don't have any regular church affiliation. We're fine with that and enjoy all the kids.


If you live in a rural area, the leaders will be aware of weather issues. They may not apply to everyone, but I bet you won't be the only one to stay home on stormy nights. We sometimes stay home when AWANA still runs and it's never been a problem.


If the children still want to finish their books, they can still learn at home and just say more verses when they're there. In our church, there's encouragement to finish the book, but no one will "penalize" anyone for not finishing. I'm kinda guessing, but likely close to 1/2 of the kids don't completely finish each year. There's always next year.

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