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correcting "like" -- is it a losing battle?

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Last year my oldest dd began using "like" inappropriately, as in "I was like...." I always correct her and make her restate it with proper language, such as "I thought" or "I said." She will often catch herself now, but it still happens a lot. Now I just caught my 3-year-old saying it!


Is it possible in this modern age to raise children to adulthood without the obnoxious "like" habit? Or am I fighting a losing battle?


(By the way, when my daughter asks what's wrong with using "like," I tell her that it will make her sound really stupid when she's running for President someday.)

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I read an article or editorial recently about the use of this word. The thesis was that over-use of "like" reflects reluctance to make a commitment or to offend anyone. Use of the word is a free pass to people who don't want to be held accountable for their thoughts or speech. I think the author may be on to something.


Teen: "That's like such a cool like green shirt."

Friend: "It's not cool."

Teen: "I didn't say it was cool, I said it was like cool."

Friend 2: "That's teal, not green."

Teen: "I didn't say it was green."


I wish I could find it, but it's not coming up through search engines.

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I don't think it is outgrown but rather gets worse with time. It's an issue in my home right now. I say it also (but not to the extent that my kids do), and my kids will correct me -- which I WANT!


However, I have taken to notice how much my adult friends use this word in place of the words said, expressed, stated, told, etc. It's most everyone I know and some of them use it even more than my kids. I believe it's definitely saturated the current culture -- at least in my area -- and it's not getting any better.


I am trying to be conscious of it myself and am trying to help my kids correct what I consider to be a very bad habit, but it's not easy. But again, I truly believe it will only get worse and not just "go away" as they grow older.

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You should do it anyway. There are some things which just should be corrected.


I used to correct "all," as in, "So, I was all 'what's up with that?' and he was all, 'I dunno.'" I'd say, "All what?"


That's so funny! I would do that, too!


One of my boys often adds "and stuff" when he's talking. For example, "We rode bikes and stuff." We always reply with, "What stuff?"


Then ds does this: :glare:


Cracks me up every time! :lol:

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My husband adds "so?" (yes, with the question inflection on the end) on the end of his thoughts. It drives me freakin nuts. We could be in meetings for Little League and he'll make a statement and end it with "So?....." and fade out. It basically removes any inclination of seriousness or assertiveness or leadership.


It will be something like this:

"we've having a problem with x,y,z and we need to figure out how to solve the problem. I guess we're gonna have to do x, y, z. So.....?"


Its almost like he's asking someone to respond.


Drives me nuts. Believe it or not, much worse than "like"

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That's so funny! I would do that, too!


One of my boys often adds "and stuff" when he's talking. For example, "We rode bikes and stuff." We always reply with, "What stuff?"


Then ds does this: :glare:


Cracks me up every time! :lol:


I dislike "and stuff" or "stuff like that" more than "like." In my college English class last year, the professor had each student say what they typically like to read. It was constantly, "Oh, you know, like romance, and stuff like that," or "Sports or news and stuff like that." It was epidemic.

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It's the modern day "uhm" and deserves to be banished.


We keep plodding through the battle over here too. Every time we catch it, "not like, insert correct phrase" and require that they respeak. Unfortunately, it is so prevelant that our ears have become numbed to the usage, and I don't think we catch it consistantly.

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