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Corelle dishes? Square plates?

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I have old inherited dishes that are decent. I use them but don't love them because they are heavy and are kind of ugly. I'm also down to four bowls because they break easily. For my birthday I've been hinting to DH that I'd like a new set of dishware and am looking online at different kinds. Right now I like the Corelle because they are inexpensive and don't break easily. Does anyone have any expience with them? I remember my grandmother having a set of Corelle bowls we used as kids because they wouldn't break.


One set in particular I like has square plates. I've never used them but think they're pretty. Are there downsides to having square plates that I don't know about.


Any other suggestions for dishes? I don't have china so these will be my everyday and company dishes.



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I have only been married 9 years and am on my 3rd set of dishes. Set one, while hardier, scratched up and always looked dirty--and we did break a few of them. Set two broke if you breathed on it. I got smart with set 3 and got corelle. Those babies do not break. They don't scratch. I have a tile floor and if you drop something on it, it breaks. No second chances. Now, every time someone drops a corelle dish, I still instinctively cringe and wait for the shattering, but it never happens. My dishes are still in one piece.


If you have kids, corelle is the way to go if you want them to last more than a year.

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Every Corelle dish I've ever had has shattered into a bazillion pieces. I think it must be the type of floor I have or something, but every time one drops even from a short distance, they shatter. They don't break, they shatter and shards of glass go everywhere.


I've never had square Corelle. Did have another brand, and the corners of the plates all got knocked off.

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My Corelle dishes have lasted for thirteen years, and we've only broken a few. (They're round, though; IDK about square.) They don't break easily, true, but wow, when they do break, they shatter into manymanymany tiny pieces and slivers. (Our pottery dishes break more easily but break into a few chunks instead.)

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I am on my 2nd set of Corelle dishes, but I have been married almost 36 years! Yes, they do shatter and my current set has some chips on the edges. But I went with a pattern that is available open stock so they are easily replaced. *(white Enhancements)


I love the square look ones, but well, I would probably own them longer than the current trend for square sticks around.

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I have old inherited dishes that are decent. I use them but don't love them because they are heavy and are kind of ugly. I'm also down to four bowls because they break easily. For my birthday I've been hinting to DH that I'd like a new set of dishware and am looking online at different kinds. Right now I like the Corelle because they are inexpensive and don't break easily. Does anyone have any experience with them? I remember my grandmother having a set of Corelle bowls we used as kids because they wouldn't break.


One set in particular I like has square plates. I've never used them but think they're pretty. Are there downsides to having square plates that I don't know about.


Any other suggestions for dishes? I don't have china so these will be my everyday and company dishes.



I do have experience with Corelle, and this is it:

Every Corelle dish I've ever had has shattered into a bazillion pieces. I think it must be the type of floor I have or something, but every time one drops even from a short distance, they shatter. They don't break, they shatter and shards of glass go everywhere.


I've never had square Corelle. Did have another brand, and the corners of the plates all got knocked off.

I had my Corelle for many years, and dropped many pieces without breaking. I thought it was the greatest thing, until... Just after taking my daughter out of her highchair, and handing her to my husband in the living-room, I went back into the kitchen to unload the dishwasher. When putting the bowls away in the top cabinets, I dropped one and it hit the counter. It made a loud popping sound, and little sharp pieces of glass flew in all directions. If my DD had been sitting in her chair still she would have been hit in the face with glass. My DH, a scientist, explained to me that that type of glass resists breaking, but stress builds up in it, and finally when you drop it one day it explodes. We got rid of all Corelle. I bought two cheap boxed sets of pottery, for a service of 16, and use those for our every day dishes. We have broken some pieces, but they just fall in place in 2 or 3 pieces, not a danger to anyone. I wish I had bought a third box when they were on sale, but I'll never go back to Corelle.

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I love my Corelle. My set is a collection (gathered over years) of 1970's Crazy Daisy. They have held up SO well to 3 kids and a clumsy mom. The only thing that has broken them is being dropped on a tile floor. (then they shatter into a gazillion pieces) All other floors haven't made a scratch on them.

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My Corelle dishes have lasted for thirteen years, and we've only broken a few. (They're round, though; IDK about square.) They don't break easily, true, but wow, when they do break, they shatter into manymanymany tiny pieces and slivers. (Our pottery dishes break more easily but break into a few chunks instead.)


:iagree: ours are a few years older than that but we love them :)

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Every Corelle dish I've ever had has shattered into a bazillion pieces. I think it must be the type of floor I have or something, but every time one drops even from a short distance, they shatter. They don't break, they shatter and shards of glass go everywhere.




This my experience with corelle too. A bowl broke last week when my son dropped it on our tile kitchen floor, and there were tiny shards two rooms away, and one piece on my desk. My son is only 49" tall, so it could not have fallen far. My set is 13 years old though, so maybe it weakens over time?

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Ours are over 16 years old and my parents got theres sometime around 1963 and still have them.




This my experience with corelle too. A bowl broke last week when my son dropped it on our tile kitchen floor, and there were tiny shards two rooms away, and one piece on my desk. My son is only 49" tall, so it could not have fallen far. My set is 13 years old though, so maybe it weakens over time?
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