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I love having a kitten.

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We took in a very young kitten about 6 weeks ago. She was about 2-3 weeks old. We had to bottle feed her at the beginning.


Well, she's about 9 weeks old now and a little ball of fire! She runs, runs, runs, then crashes and sleeps for awhile. Yesterday she fell asleep on DD's notebook (which she was working in at the time :001_smile: )


She loves wadded up pieces of paper. If you're holding a piece of paper, she will watch you expectantly, just waiting for you to crumple it up for her.


She loves ice cubes. If you're getting water or ice from the fridge, she comes running and just waits patiently for you to throw a piece of ice on the floor for her. She'll even carry it around! Hysterical.


She loves being around people and runs to the back door when DH comes home.


I'd forgotten how much fun a kitten could be. :D

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We have a kitten in the house right now also. The girls are having a ball with her. She wasn't a planned acquisition (found her outside one night) but she has made herself at home. Her name is Claudia (after the little girl in From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs Basil E Frankweiler). DD9 chose this name.

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We got her because a friend posted a message on facebook that some abandoned kittens had been found in her yard. DH is a sucker for cats, so he asked me what I thought and I agreed that we should take one. We'd been thinking about it awhile, but we have an 8 year old cat that we didn't want to disturb. She's been wonderful with the kitten, though.


We got Ginny the week before the Harry Potter movie came out, so we had HP on the brain. She's named after Ginny Weasley. :)

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