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Early potty training tips?

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My younger son, 15 months, always announces when he is going to go "ah-ah," then immediately comes in distress afterwards and wants to be changed. I can't get him to be comfortable on the little potty or the big potty, though. How do I get him to go there? I have friends who have done it, I just don't get it. He clearly WANTS to...her carries the darn plastic potty around and says "Pah-eeh!"

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Can you spend some time letting him become used to the potty? Just let him sit for a moment (with diaper on) anytime it's somewhat convienent. Once he'll sit on the potty, take off his diaper before having him sit on the potty. Then try potty training him... when he's comfortable sitting on the potty.


I understand the urge to hurry. DD would stick her hand in her stinky diapers, wave it around, and create a crisis. :tongue_smilie: Dh supported my need to start potty training her early as a result. :D

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I got my boys to go on the lemon tree outside. it really worked very quickly. they progressed to the toilet after about 3 days. I have always got the boys to go standing up, and when they were little I had a little stool so they would be up high enough. My children were all toilet trained during the day by about 1 1/2 years old.

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I'm not sure if I'm understanding - he won't sit on the potty, or he won't do his business in the potty?


I used Baby Bjorn Little Potties with my two, starting when they were not yet walking. They really liked sitting on them. At first I sat them on the potties right before their bath, then made a poopy sound or psss sound, with pretty good results.


I watched for times when they tended to go #2 (e.g., while drinking their morning milk) and put them on the potties at those times. Even when we were out shopping, we'd stop frequently to go potty (using fold-up potty seats). At some point when they had pretty good control, I started giving them a small treat if their diaper was dry at potty time, and eventually switched them to waterproof cloth undies. DD1 matured into regular undies full-time at 19 mos, and I did the 3-day potty boot camp (mostly outdoors) with DD2 at 17mos, because she was ready and the weather was accommodating. Both became "responsible" about going independently when needed (and asking to go while traveling) around age 2.


Good luck!

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My younger son, 15 months, always announces when he is going to go "ah-ah," then immediately comes in distress afterwards and wants to be changed. I can't get him to be comfortable on the little potty or the big potty, though. How do I get him to go there? I have friends who have done it, I just don't get it. He clearly WANTS to...her carries the darn plastic potty around and says "Pah-eeh!"


Awww! How adorable!

Can you find a smaller potty? Maybe let him try sitting on a few in the store (clothed of course)?


We would sit the little ones down and immediately work hard at distracting them (snack? books? a favorite song?) so they'd sit a little bit.

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This was my third child. We went the nakie route.


:iagree: throw away the diapers, let him see what happens when he feels "ahh ahh" and be ready with the clean up supplies. Keep it pleasant. If he has an accident say something like " oops, pee-pee goes in the potty." Place him on the toilet while you clean up, and praise him for sitting there whether he goes or not.


My best advice is to avoid diapers and especially pull ups as if they were the plague. Kids who have started potty training are only confused by going back and forth.

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