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Oh....dust storm!

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You know, I don't think there was a dust storm the whole time we lived in that one particular town in AZ.


Today here it has finally cooled off. I'm so glad it is almost 1 September. My trees are confused. I don't think we broke 75*. Currently it is 65*F and raining.

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Are you near Phoenix? They have had some impressive storms this summer. Wow!


We were visiting my family in Phoenix this summer (dh and I are originally from AZ). After we left to come back to Florida one of my relatives back in Phoenix was diagnosed with valley fever. Of course then my dd17 was really sick, high fever, cough etc. I took her to the pediatrician who tested her for mono :confused: and said she was fine. huh? She bounced back fine so maybe she had it maybe not.

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I'm sitting here watching the dust settle on the tables. I can taste it in the air.


The darling has to drive in this stuff. I'll worry till he's home.


The little one has all her American Girl dolls lined up on her window sill to watch it roll through. Cute!


I know if I went to buy a swiffer tonight, I couldn't find one in a hundred mile radius, lol.


While traveling this weekend, I felt amazed to see the dust devils on the plains at such a condensed level. Couldn't even count them there were so many. All sizes, small to big. Very surreal.


I'm in the Pacific Northwest. I saw the storms in Phoenix on the news, they were crazy.

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We used to live in the PW but I don't remember any dust storms. We were west of the Cascades so maybe that is why. Now we are in AZ and have dust storms every so often in the summer. We had one the other day. A couple of years ago I was driving in one and had to slow way down. It was like a blizzard! So weird! It does seem to drop the temperature a little bit though which is nice. It is also nice when it is followed by a little rain to wash it all away but that doesn't always happen.

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We have them regularly. Daily at certain times of the year. There are times of the year where the wind will blow all day and all night for days at a time. Since we live in the country and we're in a drought all that covers the ground in sand. It's nothing for our yard to move several inches in a year! There is no such thing as "spring cleaning" for me because that's windy season. I dust and then more settles within hours. In our house it's a matter of keeping it "cleaner" because clean is only possible a few days a year!


I agree with you...YUCK!

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We have them regularly. Daily at certain times of the year. There are times of the year where the wind will blow all day and all night for days at a time. Since we live in the country and we're in a drought all that covers the ground in sand. It's nothing for our yard to move several inches in a year! There is no such thing as "spring cleaning" for me because that's windy season. I dust and then more settles within hours. In our house it's a matter of keeping it "cleaner" because clean is only possible a few days a year!


I agree with you...YUCK!


dh and I lived near Albuquerque for many years. :lol: We lived in Sandoval county but the joke was that it was really Sand-All-Over county. We once lost a rake, shovel and hose in a sandstorm, and didn't dig them back up until the next spring.

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dh and I lived near Albuquerque for many years. :lol: We lived in Sandoval county but the joke was that it was really Sand-All-Over county. We once lost a rake, shovel and hose in a sandstorm, and didn't dig them back up until the next spring.


We live in Sandoval county, near the Santa Fe county border. We routinely lose things in the drifting sand. You just can't leave anything out on the ground, or leaned against the house. It will blow over and get buried before you wake up in the morning! LOL

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Oh, you mean the haboobs? :lol:

That's what they've taken to calling them here in the metro Phoenix area lately...totally cracks me up :rolleyes:. Of course, we don't have thunderstorms here either -- they're monsoons. The weathercasters are so desperate for real weather they're creating drama...

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Oh, it isn't a meteorological exaggeration. Monsoon means a shift in the direction of the wind. Just like in India, the American southwest has winds from the west and northwest bringing dry air in the winter and winds from the south and the east bring moisture laden air in the summer. I am not sure the directions are the same in India but the shift in the wind to the opposite direction is.

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I spent a good chunk of my life in Phoenix. There were only a few dust storms when I was growing up. They seem more severe and frequent now. Is it just a poor memory on my part?



I didn't grow up here, but I've lived her for 7-8 years. This summer, we have had three HUGE ones (large visible wall sweeping across the whole valley). Normally it seems they are smaller and more localized. I don't know what's different.



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