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Infant apnea ??

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Apnea or Pertussis?




Pertussis is a very contagious illness. Apnea...not.


I know nothing about "infant apnea" though so either way, no great suggestions; just trying to understand the problem.


He has apnea and then gasps, so she's afraid it might be pertussis and not apnea?



eta: ah, gotcha. Can't the doc determine if it's pertussis?

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I would take him in. My dd would gasp while eating and sleeping and hers turned out to be a swallowing disorder. He oral motor muscle tone was so low that she couldn't control her tongue. Subsequently, she was aspirating food and blocking her own airway. We had to go thru a swallow study to find out for certain (and that was like pulling teeth to get someone to give us the referral for the study) but in the long run it was worth it.

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My son was on an apnea monitor for the first 6months of his life. Apnea isn't considered a problem until they stop breathing for more than 20 or 30seconds, if I remember correctly. That's when his monitor would go off. If she is concerned he has infant apnea she should talk to the baby's doctor. It is overnight at the hospital, the baby has to be as still as a baby can be and the guy who did my son's test said that sometimes it has to be redone since babies move so much. Trust me, that machine is annoying but it is a peace of mind. I would definetely recommend for her sanity to take him in. It could be reflux (since it happens when he is eating), possibly apnea, something else, or even nothing.

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I know a lot of babies have apnea to a degree. I guess I'm wondering what the norm is. I think when he's eating it's more because he's trying to suck and swallow quickly, especially when her breasts are full.


He's due in for a 2-wk checkup Monday or Tuesday so we will definitely discuss it with the dr.

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Infant apnea is what causes SIDS. I don't know how you tell whether it's serious or not, but I would want to check with a doctor just to be on the safe side. Maybe they can at least discuss it on the phone and figure out what the criteria are. But, in general, newborns do things that would be very serious in an older child and it doesn't phase them at all.

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And from what I've been reading, apnea and SIDS are not as closely related as people think.


It doesn't look like his little episodes last more than a few seconds and he doesn't have anything else happening with it. He does do the little gasp when he catches himself, but not every time.


What he does when he eats is from her milk flow being too fast and him trying to keep up, so I don't think it's related.

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Ds16 had it when he was a newborn. He outgrew it within 6mths or so, I really don't remember. The dr said it was normal, but it really bothered me. The longest I counted, was 15 seconds one time. Yes, I used to count A LOT!

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She could try expressing until her milk let's down them put him on so he doesn't get the initial gush and become overwhelmed. That's what tthey do in NICU for the prems.


What you a describing sounds like sigh apnea and is normal so long at the breath holds are less than 10secs. Generally they hold, sigh, taking a big breath then resume a normal breathing rhythm. It is actually important for their lungs as they are making sure they are fully inflated. It's like when you blow up a balloon fresh out of the pack, it's hard, their lugs are a bit like that. Those big sighs are pre-stretching if you like.


Do ask the paed for her own piece of mind. If there is ANY colour change see a Dr ASAP to make sure there is nothing else going on.



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What he does when he eats is from her milk flow being too fast and him trying to keep up, so I don't think it's related.


That *sounds* normal, and I've seen my babies do that at various times, the suck-swallow-suck-swallow thing with no breath, because the milk is coming out so fast, and then a catch-up breath when they finally have to, but if she's worried, that's what the doctor is for. He sees the doctor in a couple of days? Is that just for a regular checkup, so she'll ask then, or did she call already, and that's when the doctor can get them in? If the latter, it doesn't sound like the doctor is too worried.

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