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I came home and googled it, because I was so sure they were mistaken, after all - how would someone even think that one up? Just google senomyx and aborted fetuses, it'll all come up. That is the best of my limited research skills, that is why I am asking for someone to correct me or prove it wrong! It's in alot of products, including Campbell's soup and pop.

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Based on what I am seeing on Wiki, Campbell's ended it's association with Senomyx company (that make substance 951 aka senomyx) after a pro-life group got involved. According to wiki the company has not made comment to whether or not the allegations are true, but did indicate they squeaked out approval of their substance with the fda by calling it an artificial flavoring which meant they did not need to list the ingredients in it. Beyond that I am only finding pages by the company itself or pages by prolife organizations so I do not know the truth of the situation at all.

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New food enhancers pump up the flavor


* 27 August 2008 by Devin Powell, San Francisco

* Magazine issue 2671. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.


The idea is the brainchild of biotech firm Senomyx of San Diego, California. To create its taste testers, the company adapted a tool that has been used by the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years - lines of kidney cells with genetically modified DNA. Drug companies typically insert genes into these cells that coat their surfaces with receptors involved in certain diseases, to test how they respond to treatments.Senomyx inserts genes from the surface of the human tongue instead, which cover the cells with taste receptors. The company has developed cell lines that respond to each of the five tastes: sweet, bitter, salty, sour and savoury (also known as "umami").

Senomyx has developed cell lines that respond to each of the five tastes


safety tests, the US Food and Drug Administration stamps it "Generally Recognized as Safe". "We are the first company to take a taste enhancer all the way from development to marketing," says Zoller.


But it wasn't until the Human Genome Project was completed in 2003 that the research could be applied to the human sense of taste. Zuker's team was then able to check for genetic sequences in humans that were similar to those that code for the rat taste receptors. As a result, they discovered one receptor apiece for sweet, sour, salty and savoury, and almost 30 for bitterness.


Now other researchers are using receptor-cell lines similar to those created by Senomyx, in combination with well-understood compounds, to try to discover how the receptors work; to figure out what molecules activate them and how.


Marianna Max of Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York has been using cell lines to study how humans detect sweet tastes. She has tackled one of the biggest mysteries in taste perception: how a single sweetness receptor can recognise such a range of sweet compounds. The sweet receptor had been thought to act like a Venus fly trap, catching all sweet molecules with a simple clamping action, but Max found that it is actually lined with multiple sensors for different types of sweet molecule.




I am prolife and have received similar claims regarding the use of fetal kidney cells. This article was in a secular science magazine mentions that they test on kidney cells. I don't know the source of those kidney cells but I do remember their have been other companies trough the years that have used aborted fetus tissue for research. But seriously I don't think you will find a official site saying this company use fetus. But most pro life groups use some type of undercover investigations or someone tipped them off.


I assume that this type of cell use is probably similar to our vaccines are made. So you have to decide how high your soap box is regarding (where the research subject cells come from)


I am guessing after all the push not to research stuff with animals aborted tissue was open game and it seems they have been using the source kidney cells for years seems like the next likely step JMO


Seriously do we really think any of our food is pure, there are so many dies and stuff. I seriously think it just safer all around to grow on when possible.

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I do not work for this company or any company that uses the products of Senomyx, so of course I cannot say for certain what ingredients are in their products.


However, I can see how a rumor like this started. Based on the patent, I can tell you that they use the HEK 293 cells to produce the recombinant virus with which they infect small mammals in order to make certain specific parts of theirs more like ours so that they can see how our receptors would respond to their product.


Did that make sense, at all?


The patent is here, a journal article here. Absolutely fascinating. And slightly depressing for me because the advances made in biochemistry since I finished school means that I will probably not be able to get a job when I am done homeschooling!




eta: That article from Cafelattee summed it up WAY better than I did...:tongue_smilie:

Edited by Ailaena
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I do not work for this company or any company that uses the products of Senomyx, so of course I cannot say for certain what ingredients are in their products.


However, I can see how a rumor like this started. Based on the patent, I can tell you that they use the HEK 293 cells to produce the recombinant virus with which they infect small mammals in order to make certain specific parts of theirs more like ours so that they can see how our receptors would respond to their product.


Did that make sense, at all?


The patent is here, a journal article here. Absolutely fascinating. And slightly depressing for me because the advances made in biochemistry since I finished school means that I will probably not be able to get a job when I am done homeschooling!




eta: That article from Cafelattee summed it up WAY better than I did...:tongue_smilie:



I just read your links and was so very impressed that actually understood all that stuff:lol: It was way over my head.

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I just read your links and was so very impressed that actually understood all that stuff:lol: It was way over my head.



I was just thinking that you were absolutely right when you said, "Seriously do we really think any of our food is pure," because seriously, do we really think any of our food is pure?


Unless you grow it yourself from beginning to end, you will never know. Of course, even from your garden, you may not wash wall the bugs off entirely, some of them are tiny and scurry quickly and a guest might actually eat one and be nice enough to laugh it off... :blushing: Didn't we all (wtmers) read that one report a couple of years ago about acceptable levels of feces and bug parts in food?


Purchasing any type of pre-made food means closing your eyes and having faith that there is nothing too nasty in there.

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I was just thinking that you were absolutely right when you said, "Seriously do we really think any of our food is pure," because seriously, do we really think any of our food is pure?


Unless you grow it yourself from beginning to end, you will never know. Of course, even from your garden, you may not wash wall the bugs off entirely, some of them are tiny and scurry quickly and a guest might actually eat one and be nice enough to laugh it off... :blushing: Didn't we all (wtmers) read that one report a couple of years ago about acceptable levels of feces and bug parts in food?


Purchasing any type of pre-made food means closing your eyes and having faith that there is nothing too nasty in there.


And seriously? Monsonato/Monsanto/I'm too tired to get it right has managed to insert their anti-Roundup genes into nearly everything anyway . . . even if you buy stuff that you think hasn't been modified, if a farmer within wind-distance of you uses it, it will cross-pollinate with your crops, and poof- you are growing GMO crops in your garden, like it or not (and guess what??? Monswhatever has actually sued farmers for propagating their own seeds if one of their fake genes got into the line, even by accident . . . and won. But that is a whole 'nuther subject line).

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And seriously? Monsonato/Monsanto/I'm too tired to get it right has managed to insert their anti-Roundup genes into nearly everything anyway . . . even if you buy stuff that you think hasn't been modified, if a farmer within wind-distance of you uses it, it will cross-pollinate with your crops, and poof- you are growing GMO crops in your garden, like it or not (and guess what??? Monswhatever has actually sued farmers for propagating their own seeds if one of their fake genes got into the line, even by accident . . . and won. But that is a whole 'nuther subject line).


My DH was just talking about that today!

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And seriously? Monsonato/Monsanto/I'm too tired to get it right has managed to insert their anti-Roundup genes into nearly everything anyway . . . even if you buy stuff that you think hasn't been modified, if a farmer within wind-distance of you uses it, it will cross-pollinate with your crops, and poof- you are growing GMO crops in your garden, like it or not (and guess what??? Monswhatever has actually sued farmers for propagating their own seeds if one of their fake genes got into the line, even by accident . . . and won. But that is a whole 'nuther subject line).


Now the organic farmers can sue if their crop turns GMO from Monstanto drift! (New last week, I think? That's when I heard about it.)

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