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Teachers' Lounge 8-18-2011

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Come in, come in!


Today's special is a hot or iced Mocha with an extra shot of espresso. ;)


What's for lunch today? Me: no idea. I'm having a hard enough time thinking about this minute, much less what we're supposed to eat in a little while.:tongue_smilie:


What part of you is the most tired right now? Me: my brain!


If you had $150 to use for either a Weekend Womens Retreat or to visit your best friend in another state, which would you use it for?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Oh, an iced mocha would be fantastic, thanks! Maybe the extra shot of espresso will help my headache!


I had a 20 % off bag for Office Max, so during lunch break I went to pick up a few things & stopped for Chick-fil-A. I think I spend too much time & calories there.


I highly recommend visiting your BFF. My BFF lives about 4 1/2 hours from me & seeing her is a balm for my soul.


Does anyone have any fun weekend plans?

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Scrap! I missed our Teacher's Lounge so much!


Special - one straw to break the camel's back.


Lunch - why, salad with protein, of course;)


Tired - my adrenal glands - my body cannot live on adrenaline alone. . .


$150 - Sweetheart, $150 might get me a woman's retreat right here in Newcastle but that's about it. It would take a lot more than that for me to be able visit anyone out of state.

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Today's special is a hot or iced Mocha with an extra shot of espresso. ;)


iced, please!


What's for lunch today?


Leftover tacos from last night, for the kids anyway. Too many calories for me, so turkey sandwich and Sun Chips.


What part of you is the most tired right now?


Definitely the brain. I'm ready for the weekend.


If you had $150 to use for either a Weekend Womens Retreat or to visit your best friend in another state, which would you use it for?


visit my best friend in another state. No question.

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I'll take my mocha iced. Can I please have 2 extra shots?


Lunch? One child made mac-n-cheese. The other has half have a French Dip left over from lunch yesterday. Hubby ate the leftover fried rice from dinner. I guess I'll have an apple and that last spinach & garlic chicken sausage, assuming it's still there.


What part of you is the most tired right now? I have a stiff neck. I went to bed with it and woke up with it. I need a neck massage.


If you had $150 to use for either a Weekend Womens Retreat or to visit your best friend in another state, which would you use it for? I'd go visit my best friend in another state, because I think a weekend trapped with a bunch of women wouldn't be much of a vacation for me. :D Anyone else feeling unsociable.



Other than that... I'm having a really terrific day. (not starting school until September makes August much more enjoyable.)

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Mmmm...Iced mocha! It's been hot here today!


What's for lunch today? Lunch was a few hours ago, but we had chicken enchiladas.


What part of you is the most tired right now? My feet! I've been on the go all day.


If you had $150 to use for either a Weekend Womens Retreat or to visit your best friend in another state, which would you use it for? Retreat. In fact, that's about the price of a trip I considered taking by myself this summer. This mama needs a break!

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What's for lunch today? Chik-FiL-A


What part of you is the most tired right now? My Brain


If you had $150 to use for either a Weekend Womens Retreat or to visit your best friend in another state, which would you use it for? Weekend Women's Retreat in a silent monastary so I can relax and catch up on my lack of sleep.

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Can I have a double shot, hold the Mocha? (yeah, I'm hardcore like that:lol:)


The kids had tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

I had frozen pizza smothered in Tabasco sauce. Oh the shame.


The part of me most tired? Hmm. My buttons. The kids have been pushing them all day long. The little blessings woke up early, cranky, and vocal. There have been tears. Mostly theirs.


If I had 150.00 to spend, I'd hole up in a hotel room with room service 'til the money ran out. That's a woman's retreat, right?:tongue_smilie:

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Today's special is a hot or iced Mocha with an extra shot of espresso. ;)

I want mine iced and 2 shots.


What's for lunch today? We ate at the bowling alley today. I scheduled a bowling get together and the bowling alley treated us to several $1 menu items. So, french fries, a hot dog and Dr. Pepper for me :D


What part of you is the most tired right now? Me: my brain! Yes, me as well. I have ended up as the leader of a homeschool group and accidently scheduled 2 mega activities this week, endured and all day doctor appt with my 4 yr old, over scheduled yesterday as well, and I am beat. I can't hardly concentrate on my favorite NCIS episode right now but I refuse to give in to a nap. Not to mention organizing the homeschool group is about to make me crazy. ARGH!


If you had $150 to use for either a Weekend Womens Retreat or to visit your best friend in another state, which would you use it for? After this week I would go to another state all by myself. My second choice would be my best friend. I would skip the weekend retreat. I have had enough of crowds for now.

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How I wish I could go on a retreat right now! I'm feeling very pitiful and unappreciated. My 13 year old is mouthy, rude and inconsiderate lately - well, they both are, really, but I talk/deal with the older one less.


I've threatened not to cook for them any more because nothing I do is ever good enough. And I'm also tired of the complaints about the "weird" food, simply because it's local/organic when I can get that.... I'm sort of tired of trying to help them out. When they go away from my food, however, they come back deathly ill and then I have to nurse them out of it.... Next time maybe I'll tell the older just to stay at school and tough out his own illness that he brought on himself through his poor hygiene and nutrition....


I've got to get off of here and go get an MRI right now. I may have MS. Does anyone care one whit? They do not.... This is what my decades given over to raising my children have brought me....

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How I wish I could go on a retreat right now! I'm feeling very pitiful and unappreciated. My 13 year old is mouthy, rude and inconsiderate lately - well, they both are, really, but I talk/deal with the older one less.


I've threatened not to cook for them any more because nothing I do is ever good enough. And I'm also tired of the complaints about the "weird" food, simply because it's local/organic when I can get that.... I'm sort of tired of trying to help them out. When they go away from my food, however, they come back deathly ill and then I have to nurse them out of it.... Next time maybe I'll tell the older just to stay at school and tough out his own illness that he brought on himself through his poor hygiene and nutrition....


I've got to get off of here and go get an MRI right now. I may have MS. Does anyone care one whit? They do not.... This is what my decades given over to raising my children have brought me....



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Thank you. Sorry to be so grumpy! I've had health problems all summer and I guess that's causing the other stuff to get to me more than usual and I'm pouting. I should find something else to do other than hang out on message boards at such times, LOL, but I don't feel like doing other things right now....


When do you get results, Regina?

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