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Remeber DH's B-Day BBQ?

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For those who saw my original thread as is typical in my world, DH's BBQ is not going to work out. We had an unexpected bill and had to use almost all the money I had put aside for the BBQ, but I thought we would be fine because my Mum was supposedly sending money (she alternately said $400 or $200, so I estimated $300). I got the check from her today and it was $50. I am still appreciative because she lives on a fixed income, but wish she hadn't told me she was going to send so much and I planned for it.


So, do I revert to hamburgers and hotdogs for the original number of people I was going to invite**, or do I do kebabs (which someone suggested and I like) and just reduce the guest list? The kebabs would be good because then people can take what they like. Either way, I am going to have to buy two cheap grills instead of the fancy propane/charcoal combo with the smoker one I was going to buy.


I feel bad for DH, but still want to make it nice.


**sadly, the people I would have to get rid of off the list would be those who would bring large families. Seeing as it is really his party, I think I should invite more adults rather than fewer adults and more kids, despite how awful that makes me feel to say.

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I'd opt for keeping the people and going less expensive on the menu. He'll remember fun times with the people more than what was grilled. And maybe you can find a good sale or something that will come through for you...


My MIL always does a huge batch of boston beans for get-togethers like that b/c they're cheap and good. Maybe there are some inexpensive sides that would work?

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I'd opt for keeping the people and going less expensive on the menu. He'll remember fun times with the people more than what was grilled. And maybe you can find a good sale or something that will come through for you...



:iagree: It's about the people, not the food. Especially if you've already mentioned you'll be inviting them....

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I'd go with burgers and more people, definitely. One trick is to the hot dogs ready first, so some of the hungry kids fill up at least partially on that ;)


And if you're buying grills just for this purpose, I'm sure someone would be happy to lend you one.


Oooooh. I like this trick. Filing away for future use.

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What about asking each guest family to bring a favorite side dish. It would cut down on the cost a little and you could still do kebabs.


Can you borrow a grill or 2 from friends?


I would also agree with reverting back to hamburgers and hot dogs so that everyone could come.




That would cut back on the expense dramatically! :)


I don't think asking would be a burden either. Most folks I know like to come over and bring something. I know I do. I don't like going over to another persons home without bearing "gifts". I took lemon cupcakes and homemade lemonade the last time I was over at a friends house.


Just put the request on the invitation and ask two people if you can borrow a grill for the birthday! Guarantee they won't have a problem!

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Luckily, I haven't mentioned it to most people yet. The grill was supposed to be his big birthday present, and I was going to get the cheap grill so that he could at least have something.


I was thinking about it, and would hamburgers and hotdogs actually be cheaper than kebabs?


Side dishes - good suggestion. I have trouble asking people to bring things as it just was not done where I grew up - if you threw the party you provided everything. Sometimes people brought wine, but that was a hostess gift.

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Luckily, I haven't mentioned it to most people yet. The grill was supposed to be his big birthday present, and I was going to get the cheap grill so that he could at least have something.


I was thinking about it, and would hamburgers and hotdogs actually be cheaper than kebabs?


Side dishes - good suggestion. I have trouble asking people to bring things as it just was not done where I grew up - if you threw the party you provided everything. Sometimes people brought wine, but that was a hostess gift.


I rarely attend an event where I don't bring a dish. Everyone would rather help with the food and have more opportunities to get together.

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