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Anyone else finishing up for the year?


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We school from Jan-mid December so we are actually winding down for the year. We have been working on finishing some projects that got forgotten and a few things that we didnt really like but I paid for so we are going to finish. Is anyone else finishing up for the year?

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We kind of are. We start school on the first of August every year. But we took the month of July off, and we still had some things to finish from last year. So even though it is the new year, dd7 is still finishing the last unit of her phonics and reading from last year. No reason for her to move on to the next when she hasn't finished it. We are also finishing SOTW3 at 2 chps a week right now, so that we can start SOTW4 in Sept. That puts us right about where we were last year when we began SOTW3. DD8 finished her final math test from her 4th grade math last week before starting 5th grade. And we finished the last chapter of Prima Latina for our first week back too.


They have both started new spelling, English, and math now and hopefully w/in the month we will have started everything new.

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We're in the middle of a much needed and enjoyed two-week break here, after finishing on July 30. Dc are having so much fun playing puzzles, dancing, making crafts, drawing, painting, reading, swimming, watching shows and playing video games. It's too hot to be outside unless it's just for an hour or so from 6-7 PM.

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It's too hot to be outside unless it's just for an hour or so from 6-7 PM


This is one reason we decided to go ahead and school over the summer. I want them to be able to spend more time outside during the cooler months of spring and fall. It has been over 100F here for something like 35 days in a row. Not nice and even dangerous.


My intention was actually to finish at the end of Novemeber and take all of December, but as I was lesson planning some things just had to carry over. The good thing is that as we finish our schedule become gradually lighter. We will start back on the 2nd of January. I know I am a mean mom for not giving them a week for New Year. We take off every 6 weeks though so I am sure they will survive :)

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Sort of. We started the new year in January, but due to fiddling with math curricula, we didn't start our current program until mid-April, so we'll be doing that for awhile, but we only have 3 grammar lessons left. :hurray: We dropped formal history a month or two ago because the program wasn't working for us, so I guess you could call it done for the year. :blush: ATM, I don't plan to restart it until January and just read books or let Ariel play. Science is almost finished. I just bought the writing curriculum last month, but are accelerating through it, so it should be done before our new school year starts.

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We start in January, but take time off throughout the year. We are testing this week (and possibly part of next week.) Then we take the first week of public school off to party. :D I have two small fall sessions planned, one leading up to our vacation in October then a holiday study for the remainder of the year. I feel like we are on that 'downhill slide' into the holidays though it is only August. Everything left (besides the testing) should be a lot of fun and different from our normal school routine.

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Our schedule generally runs from Sep - Aug, so we're finishing up here. Kind of. My older son loves finishing everything up neatly before starting the next year, but my younger son doesn't really do it that way, lol. And my 5yo DD started her new books last month because she didn't want to wait. So much for exact beginnings and ends to the year. The main thing that shows the "new year" is the divider in my planner that says so, lol.

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Sort of. My oldest is trying out a CM charter school in a couple of weeks, so we are finishing up our full HS schedule stuff and will be dropping to just afterschooling. We started a lot of new stuff this summer & are finishing up some completely and continuing with others. My middle girl started our fall schoolwork plans last month, lol. We were impatient.

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We moved last year and have several weeks of HOD Beyond to finish up. I debated skipping the rest and moving on in September, but I'm going to keep going until October/November and then move on to HOD Bigger. It will put DS in the recommended age range then, and I bought the extension books for DD which takes the upper grade range to 5th.

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In a manner of speaking. :tongue_smilie:




  • Valor was born on September first last year; we had a late start to our '10-'11 year.
  • We moved this spring; it's impossible to school full time while packing and moving.
  • DH's father has been diagnosed as terminal; trips, trip preparations, and such, have mushed the possibility of finishing '10-'11 before '11-'12 is supposed to start.



This past school year and the next are just going to have to blend together. :svengo:

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