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Cutting off the binding: do you do your own?

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I bought some books from Critical Thinking for next school year. The lady at the booth actually told me to cut the binding off and reorder the books. I have no problem with that, but do you do it yourself or do you take it somewhere - Kinko's? How much does it cost?

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I've never heard of this... why would you want to do that?


I'm assuming you mean cut off the binding...


Well, in this case it's to make copying the pages easier. Without the binding, I can copy each page instead of making the book stay open on the copier.


Also, the lady at the table told me to reorder the groups b/c the first 2 groups are very hard but if you reorder them to the end, children will do better on them. I don't want to frustrate my son the first time out on this stuff. If I reorder it now then I won't forget later.

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Well I do my own if they are small books (well dh does it for me). Now the other day for the first time I took mine to Staples to have it cut, will it was a large book. Once I got home I noticed that she cut it unevenly. Like the top pages are larger than the back pages. Nothing was effected by this, but I guess no one is perfect and for $2 I cannot complain too much.

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Kinko's is inexpensive and it takes only minutes.


I have the spines cut off paperback books, then have the books drilled for 3 holes so I can put them in 3-ring notebooks. This makes the books easier to use; as I can open them to where I want to be and the books will stay open, the books won't fall apart from usage, and it's easy to take out a page to photocopy it. It's also easy for the dc to remove a workbook page and lay it flat on the desk to write on, then put it back in the notebook.


When we were hsing, my bookshelves were full of 3-ring notebooks.:D

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I'm assuming you mean cut off the binding...


Well, in this case it's to make copying the pages easier. Without the binding, I can copy each page instead of making the book stay open on the copier.


Also, the lady at the table told me to reorder the groups b/c the first 2 groups are very hard but if you reorder them to the end, children will do better on them. I don't want to frustrate my son the first time out on this stuff. If I reorder it now then I won't forget later.


I would have never thought of that. Makes sense though!

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I do it myself. That is why God made quilting rulers and rotary cutters. Heaven knows they are of no use to me in quilting anymore. (wink)


Thanks for this idea. I have lots of those quilting rulers and rotory cutters and as you said I never have time to use them anymore for there intended purpose. ;)

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How do they cut off the spines? A big rotary type cutter or is it a big paper cutter with the arm you bring down that has a blade and slices the paper. (the ones that look like they could chop your fingers off lol.) I'm just trying to figure out how they cut the spines off the thicker books.

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