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ok, going for a colonsocopy..the good, the bad and the ugly

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Saw a new GI Dr today.(Long story about my old GI). I had a sigmoid done in 2006 for rectal bleeding and was dx w/ internal and external hemorrhoids. Last year I was officially DX with Iron Def Anemia. Although Hematologist is 99.9% certain it is due to my periods, the new GI dr feels that just to make sure I should have a colonoscopy. He said his concern for colon cancer was very small. But he cannot guarantee anything without this test.

I am 43 with no family history of colon cancer. So he said my chances were slim. But I could have some polyps. Plus I have had IBS for 5 years.


I was amazed that he could get me in on Monday. Of course, it isnt scheduled until 1:30. I have to be there for 12:30. So this means I have to start the Go-Lytely stuff at 6:00 pm on Sunday, and finish the other half starting at 6:30 am Monday.


On Sunday I can do the clear liquids. But Monday, nothing. Only a sip of water to take my meds.


So my question is this. I heard it is better to take the prep over ice. And I can add in some Crystal Light? What kind? Or Gatorade? Do I add Gatorade in PLACE of the water? I know it cannot be red or grape.


And on Monday, since I cannot have anything, this means I have to choke this stuff down with only water mixed in and I cannot have a "chaser" afterwards?


I am also petrified of being put under. I have not had any anesthesia since 1988(General). I know this is some kind of stuff they put in your IV. But when I wake up, am I going to be in pain? Is there any chance I won't wake up? Am I going to have horrific gas pains all day?


And as far as the frequent trips to the bathroom, I have hemorhhiods and know they are going to act up. So should I get baby wipes, and prep H?

Is it going to feel like stomach cramping like when you have diarrhea???


Please tell me this is really not a big deal. I am afraid that they are going to tell me I have cancer as it is. Let alone the sedation and the whole prep thing.


Words of encouragement? Any ugly stories? Worse test you ever had? I want to be prepared.

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Saw a new GI Dr today.(Long story about my old GI). I had a sigmoid done in 2006 for rectal bleeding and was dx w/ internal and external hemorrhoids. Last year I was officially DX with Iron Def Anemia. Although Hematologist is 99.9% certain it is due to my periods, the new GI dr feels that just to make sure I should have a colonoscopy. He said his concern for colon cancer was very small. But he cannot guarantee anything without this test.

I am 43 with no family history of colon cancer. So he said my chances were slim. But I could have some polyps. Plus I have had IBS for 5 years.


I was amazed that he could get me in on Monday. Of course, it isnt scheduled until 1:30. I have to be there for 12:30. So this means I have to start the Go-Lytely stuff at 6:00 pm on Sunday, and finish the other half starting at 6:30 am Monday.


On Sunday I can do the clear liquids. But Monday, nothing. Only a sip of water to take my meds.


So my question is this. I heard it is better to take the prep over ice. And I can add in some Crystal Light? What kind? Or Gatorade? Do I add Gatorade in PLACE of the water? I know it cannot be red or grape.


And on Monday, since I cannot have anything, this means I have to choke this stuff down with only water mixed in and I cannot have a "chaser" afterwards?


I am also petrified of being put under. I have not had any anesthesia since 1988(General). I know this is some kind of stuff they put in your IV. But when I wake up, am I going to be in pain? Is there any chance I won't wake up? Am I going to have horrific gas pains all day?


And as far as the frequent trips to the bathroom, I have hemorhhiods and know they are going to act up. So should I get baby wipes, and prep H?

Is it going to feel like stomach cramping like when you have diarrhea???


Please tell me this is really not a big deal. I am afraid that they are going to tell me I have cancer as it is. Let alone the sedation and the whole prep thing.


Words of encouragement? Any ugly stories? Worse test you ever had? I want to be prepared.


I actually put the prep in the freezer until it was like a slushy. It wasn't bad at all that way--kind of like a lemon slushy.


I do not remember it being like diarrhea. You go a lot, but I don't remember crampiness.


If you do not want to be put under, you can be awake. (I am the opposite of you--I did not want to know anything about what happened! I wanted to be O.U.T. ) But I know people who don't have my issues who aren't medicated at all. The drug is versed I believe. It can be given in different doses. It has some amnesiac effect. If you want to just be relaxed, they could probably do that. I have heard that the test is uncomfortable without the meds, but not intolerable. Heck, wasn't it Katie Couric that had one on TV? (not showing any of her behind, just what was on the screen. She talked to the doctor the whole way through it. i bet you could google colonscopy on Utube and see one to put your mind at ease.


You should not be in pain when you wake up. I don't actually remember gas, so it must not have been bad.


See, from my point of view, as long as I didn't have any knowledge of what was going on during the colonoscopy, the rest was not bad at all!


There are plenty of benign things that can cause rectal bleeding besides cancer. If your GI said it was unlikely, go with that until you know differently. Tell yourself he said it was unlikely and that if it is cancer, you'll cross that bridge when you come to it, but it is unlikely. Otherwise, you lose days of your life to worry about something that never happens. ( I used to spend so much time worrying and dh taught me that you could actually block it out and not dwell on it. I like life so much better his way!)

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Wow, I didn't get an offer to add flavorings, ice, etc. to mine - wish I had! Taking that stuff is much worse (to me) than the procedure, which I don't think is any big deal at all.


The anesthesia is just enough to put you in a twilight sleep and keep you from remembering things. I get violently ill when I'm put to sleep for surgery, but the little anesthesia used for these sorts of procedures has never bothered me at all. Unless you're underweight or something, I wouldn't expect you to have problems with it.


I have a pretty big kink in my colon and I've never had any pain afterward, so I wouldn't expect you to have pain. If there are any polyps they have to clip, I guess you could feel a little soreness from that. My husband's family has a strong history of polyps and colon cancer and they have to all get scoped regularly. None of them have ever had problems afterward, even when they're getting numerous polyps clipped. So I would expect it to go well (and hope it does)!

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Saw a new GI Dr today.(Long story about my old GI). I had a sigmoid done in 2006 for rectal bleeding and was dx w/ internal and external hemorrhoids. Last year I was officially DX with Iron Def Anemia. Although Hematologist is 99.9% certain it is due to my periods, the new GI dr feels that just to make sure I should have a colonoscopy. He said his concern for colon cancer was very small. But he cannot guarantee anything without this test.

I am 43 with no family history of colon cancer. So he said my chances were slim. But I could have some polyps. Plus I have had IBS for 5 years.


I was amazed that he could get me in on Monday. Of course, it isnt scheduled until 1:30. I have to be there for 12:30. So this means I have to start the Go-Lytely stuff at 6:00 pm on Sunday, and finish the other half starting at 6:30 am Monday.


On Sunday I can do the clear liquids. But Monday, nothing. Only a sip of water to take my meds.


So my question is this. I heard it is better to take the prep over ice. And I can add in some Crystal Light? What kind? Or Gatorade? Do I add Gatorade in PLACE of the water? I know it cannot be red or grape.


And on Monday, since I cannot have anything, this means I have to choke this stuff down with only water mixed in and I cannot have a "chaser" afterwards?


I am also petrified of being put under. I have not had any anesthesia since 1988(General). I know this is some kind of stuff they put in your IV. But when I wake up, am I going to be in pain? Is there any chance I won't wake up? Am I going to have horrific gas pains all day?


And as far as the frequent trips to the bathroom, I have hemorhhiods and know they are going to act up. So should I get baby wipes, and prep H?

Is it going to feel like stomach cramping like when you have diarrhea???


Please tell me this is really not a big deal. I am afraid that they are going to tell me I have cancer as it is. Let alone the sedation and the whole prep thing.


Words of encouragement? Any ugly stories? Worse test you ever had? I want to be prepared.


I am going to try and answer quickly (need to fix supper), so sorry if I'm abrupt. :)


1-you want the stuff as cold as possible. not great, but it helps.

2-i think you have to mix it with water, but you could call a pharmacist and check

3-a few days before the prep, start 'softening' your diet, so that the day before it's totally liquid. stuff is easier to get out then ;)

4-it's not really general anesthesia, it's sedation. they don't want you totally out, but you won't remember anything (really!). you shouldn't have any pain afterward, but likely to have gas though nothing terrible.

5-the prep is the worst part; the test is a piece of cake!


DH and i have both had one and it wasn't fun, but there are lots of much worse things imho.


hope all goes well!

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I have Crohn's Disease (remission 14 years and counting!) and have colonoscopies every few years. The only icky part of it is the prep. As for the test and waking up? Simple. One minute you are talking to the doc in the ER, and the next minute you are waking up, totally awake, no pain, and good to go home.


It's simple and not anything to fear or worry about. I don't mind the test a bit. The only part I mind is having to go without food, lol!


Edited to add: I just read through your post again. I don't think you will have stomach cramping, etc from the prep. I never do. But - (graphic content, sorry, but you asked!) - once you feel like you *might* need to go, prepare to be there a while. It's not like just having a bowel movement...it's like peeing from the wrong place. Totally liquid. Frequent. No pain, but if it continues too long you might have some burning. If you are of a low weight (I weight 128) I would start the prep about 4 to 6 hours earlier than prescribed; in my case, because I don't weight that much, I am up all night going to the bathroom and feel awful the next day. My doc said I can just do the prep earlier so I can get some sleep (ie, be done running to the bathroom).


For what it's worth, I had almost the same symptoms as you prior to my dx with Crohn's, including the (negative for Crohn's!) sigmoid. It's a good thing to get checked out. And really, this is not a big deal at all. Piece of cake. I promise!

Edited by Ria
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I've had several and think the prep is the worst of it. You will be glad they give you Versed- the amnesia drug.....

I've not had cramping after....I've been starving and loved eating a good, healthy meal afterward.

They'll take pictures of anything funky- polyps, diverticulitis etc....so you can see what they saw. Truly, the prep is the worst of it....stay home and near the bathroom. Oh- someone HAS to drive you home because of the sedation.


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My 80 something year old father had one with no sedation whatsoever (he didn't have a ride home). The doctor had never performed one on someone in that situation but was able to be convinced. My dad (who CAN remember the whole thing) said it wasn't so bad.

You will be fine!!

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Agree the prep is the worst of it...I used white grape juice and it masks any bad flavor...was actually pretty good tasting. I have had 3 and it is diarrhea...almost nonstop going til bedtime (my colonoscopies have always been scheduled for the a.m.) No cramping or pain though. Stay close to the bathroom and wear comfy clothes...if you can use the bathroom away from the family, do so :)


The procedure itself is a piece of cake; you feel nothing before, during or after.


Also agree that the lighter you eat the days prior to the procedure, the better the prep, although I've never been able to do that :tongue_smilie:

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Thank you so much for putting my mind at ease. My rectal bleeding was already diagnosed by a sigmoidoscopy in 2006. (I have bad henorrhoids)I have had rectal bleeding(intermittent, like MAYBE once every 3 or 6 months, bright red in toilet or on TP). But because it has been 5 years, now have IDA, the GI Dr thinks it would be best just to double check.


I am still scared they are going to tell me I have colon cancer, even though they say someone at 43 the chances are very slim. I hope so.


This is a HUGE step for me becaue I have health anxiety, so if I can do this, anyone can.


They mentioned somethng about Propynol(SP?) and Darvocet to put in my IV?


Now, if only my DH can get me to the car and to the hospital!!:lol:


Thank you and :grouphug:

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From the pharmacy stand point, we tell people:


Mix only with water, it is what it was designed to be mixed with. If you decide you are going to mix it with something else, check with the dr first. YOu don't want to invalidate the scan over a simple thing like this. It is an strong laxative and electrolytes so you don't need anything like Gatorade to mix with it. If you do mix it with something, realize that you are going to drink a gallon of it. You may not like what you are drinking for a while after the test. Don't burn yourself out on your favorite beverage. lol You also may not like what you are drinking half way through the jug....and then you are stuck with it. We really do suggest people just mix it with water!


There are 2 brands I know of that are more expensive, but use less liquid (2 liters each I think). Moviprep and Suprep. The others are 4 liters. If you don't thing you will be able to get the larger volume ones down, you may ask the dr if the others are an option.


There are some generics of the 4 liter size that have flavor packets and you get to choose the flavor. Otherwise the default flavor is pineapple I think (in the ones with no flavor options).


Talk to the pharmacy about your options and give them a few week days to work on it for you. They may need to call the dr if you want a change in brand or flavor options.


For you.....use diaper cream or Vaseline to coat the skin on the outside to protect it from irritation. Wet wipes will help for the beginning but may irritate the skin after a while. If you have a favorite tissue paper...this is the week to spend that extra dollar!


Eat lightly, but nutrient dense the day before. The less in your body, the less clean up/going out.


Take something to eat with you the day of the procedure. A sandwich you can leave in the car or a protein bar. When you come out you will want something to eat and drink.


Some people really like the drink cold because the say it tastes better. Some people say drinking it super cold makes them very, very cold on the inside. Something to think about if you are sensitive to temperature. We suggest it is mixed with water and tossed in the fridge.


If you take any medications, ask your Dr about taking them the day of the procedure.

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I actually found the falling asleep from whatever was in my iv to be very pleasant. No problems afterwards. As soon as we left the surgery place, I made dh stop at a sub shop for a turkey sub, I was starving. When my cousin had one, she pulled out a tuna sandwich from her purse and ate it immedialely after her procedure.


don't worry, you will do fine and hopefully results will be fine

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I actually found the falling asleep from whatever was in my iv to be very pleasant. No problems afterwards. As soon as we left the surgery place, I made dh stop at a sub shop for a turkey sub, I was starving. When my cousin had one, she pulled out a tuna sandwich from her purse and ate it immedialely after her procedure.


don't worry, you will do fine and hopefully results will be fine


My DH does GI procedures every morning, and oftentimes when the kids and I meet him for lunch, we'll run into one of the patients he just scoped in the restaurant. I can't even count the times I've heard someone say that they don't remember a thing, and obviously they're hungry!


Do your best to finish your prep and try not to worry.

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but I don't remember any pain or gas afterward. The drug they give you, at least when I had one done, is just an "amnesia drug." You will be awake, you just won't remember anything from the procedure. Also, the prep wasn't bad at all. I had been having severe diarhea for quite awhile, which is why I was having the colonoscopy, and the prep was way easier than what I had been experiencing before that.


Good luck to you!

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Be sure to follow the instructions about not taking anything with red dye - so don't use red Gatorade! My cousin went through the prep but then since he'd used red Gatorade, he had to go through it all again later!


I had a colonoscopy last year. Not tons of fun, but much better than dental work :) Prep is the rough day but I bought some books to read and viewed it as a day off. I also resolved not to fight the sedation in any way and only remember the doctor coming in the room and then talking with him afterward briefly. No soreness or problems with recovery.


I did have a rather large polyp (my doctor was very surprised by it and showed me). I spent some time waiting for results and being a bit nervous about the possibility of precancerous or cancerous cells. What I found though was that I was much more nervous after having the colonoscopy scheduled and before having it than I was once I had the procedure done. At that point, I knew more what I was dealing with.


It's great that you're going in.

I found the time before when I was letting my mind wander over the what ifs was when it was worst.



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I mixed the prep solution with packets of Crystal Light Pure Fitness Lemon Lime. It wasn't bad at all. The solution had to be kept in the refrigerator -- and I just about froze to death drinking all that cold liquid in the winter. I plan to schedule my next colonoscopy during the summer for that reason!

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As many have mentioned the prep is the worst part. You do need someone to bring you home and I would plan on spending the rest of the day relaxing. I find that I take some pretty hard naps when I get home. Also-eat as much or as little as you feel like-the stuff from the prep interacts with everyone differently-do stay hydrated when you get home though. You should wake the next day prepared for a normal day.

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My procedure is not scheduled until 1:30. I have to be there for 12:30.


I have to start the second prep at 6:30 am. So does this mean I cannot have ANYTHING, even water, for a chaser after drinking this stuff? That the only thing I can have all morning is this stupid drink????


At least the night before I can drink clear liquids after drinking that stuff.

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Thank you so much for putting my mind at ease. My rectal bleeding was already diagnosed by a sigmoidoscopy in 2006. (I have bad henorrhoids)I have had rectal bleeding(intermittent, like MAYBE once every 3 or 6 months, bright red in toilet or on TP). But because it has been 5 years, now have IDA, the GI Dr thinks it would be best just to double check.


I am still scared they are going to tell me I have colon cancer, even though they say someone at 43 the chances are very slim. I hope so.


This is a HUGE step for me becaue I have health anxiety, so if I can do this, anyone can.


They mentioned somethng about Propynol(SP?) and Darvocet to put in my IV?


Now, if only my DH can get me to the car and to the hospital!!:lol:


Thank you and :grouphug:


It's propofol. You will love it. It's like taking a really good sleeping pill. They give you a little bit and ask you if you feel sleepy, then the next thing you know you are in recovery. You are awake within minutes and while you cannot drive, you are able to move and talk and, most importantly of all, eat!


When I had mine done, they told me that they have people ask them all the time if it comes in pill form they can take at home! That's how good you feel when you wake up.


I stressed big time over the anaesthesia(sp?) because I had never had it before (had epidurals for my c-sects). I imagined all kinds of problems and side effects. Next time, no fear.


Now if only they would do something about that awful stuff they make you drink. I did add Sprite and lots of ice to my solution or there would have been no way it was going down and staying there. You can also use Crystal Light or Gatorade, but nothing pink or red. Stick with stuff like lemonade/limeade for flavors.


Good luck! I'll bet that after it's done you will feel silly for being so afraid!

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