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what do you do when the temps are over a hundred

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Ok.. those of you that are sweltering with me in Texas or other parts. I had a question that got lost in the other thread. What in the world do you do so you don't get bored!!! I have children ages 16, 14 and 9. They have been getting up around 8ish. By the time they finish feeding the cows, dogs, watering our fruit trees and other trees, walking the dogs, etc it is 10 ish and already in the 90's. They have a little bit of school..maybe an hour or so of just keep up skills. The boys classes won't start until the end of August or September. ( CC and AP online classes.) They'll be going to Ecuador next week and then middle one gets his wisdom teeth out, then classes will start. They are so bored. Anything to do but watch movies??? Museums are an hour or so away. OH.. and we can't leave for long because my house has been being remodelled since June 1st. The floor is being laid today and tomorrow. Last week it was granite. Anyway, half the house is out of commission... Anything to do when you can't sent them outside/??? But you can't leave and normally you only have 2 hours of video game time on the weekends, but that has been violated because I can't think of anything else to do!!!!



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You're lookin' at it, sister!


On super bad days, or on the -nth day in a row, we just call it a day. Even if it's only 11am. Today my kids did a bit of school, then we left for lunch. We got back, ate, and have been holding down the couch ... tv on, laptops open, just being. We did have a straw wrapper blowing competition about an hour ago (we stopped for shakes on the way home from lunch) and you may be pleased to know that -given I have the most hot air of anyone in the home- my straw wrapper shot furthest. Loser had to pick up the wrappers and make that arduous eleven-step trek to the trashcan.


It's just flat out too hot. We don't watch much tv, but truly and really we're just too drained to do much of anything today. Sorry, not much help! I suppose if I were up to it, I'd have stopped for some water balloons on our errands out today. Actually, we used some cut-up sponges and tied them together with rubber bands and use those as water bombs. I have about 30 on-hand in the shed, and they're easy enough for the kids to make (though - you have to buy the sponges first LOL). I hit up my dollar store, scored about 10 packs of sponges in different colors for each kid. I let them dye water in "their" color, and turn them loose in the yard.


But, sorry, other than that we're sitting around stripped to our unders in zombie mode. Here's a bump for better ideas :)

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Spend as little time as possible outside.


Otherwise, go around our business as usual as much as possible. If we stopped work everytime the temperatures soared, we'd get nothing done -- it stays above 100 for most of the day for too much of the year. (it was 101 last night at 9p, AFTER DARK!)


This weekend we played board games, packed boxes (preparatory to moving), did laundry, ate watermelon and ice cream, sneaked outside to play 20 minutes of frisbee. Watered the lawn and played in the water. Went to church. Watched the movie Tron (thus leading to the frisbee action since our frisbee look like Tron disks), Did webcams with relatives. Played blocks. Played Hullabaloo (good active game for inside). Rolled balls back and forth. Packed a hospital bag and got ready for a newborn. Propped our feet up and relaxed with all sorts of cold drinks. Etc Went grocery shopping.

Edited by vonfirmath
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That's one of the reasons we school through the summer and take a lot of time off in winter (weather is usually beautiful in winter). But, that's not what you're doing so it doesn't help. Some ideas...


-Board games

-active video games if you have a Wii or Kinnect

-art? They're too old to enjoy crafts I suppose, but do they like drawing or painting?

-movie marathons of favorites

-read - load up on library books with some fun summer fiction

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Pray, meditate, family yoga, exercise video as a family, run through the sprinklers, read, write letters to friends and family, skits, dance, make ice cream, grocery shop.


I've avoided the outside for the past 31 summers!

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Hibernate! Our heat index was 111 today. I won't even go to the mailbox for a few more hours. Most weeks we are crazy busy with our scheduled activities, so being cooped up in the house doesn't happen. This week we are starting school full force and I have made an oath to myself to stay home as much as I can. It's our only week off from gymnastics until Christmas, so I have to relax at some point.

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Music, drawing, painting, reading, listening to audios, making iPod movies with Playmobil, and one of mine creates board games. lol I have lots of cardboard pieces made from Cheerioes boxes everywhere. The girls just drew pictures of each other. Yeah, they stared at each other for an hour. lol We go to the beach, it's cooler on the water.

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We go to the pool from 11-2. Then come home and relax with a movie or tv show. Then the boys play legos or something(?) and we just ignore the heat a lot. Sometimes we will sleep late in the morning and then do a project (not fun- clean/organize something) and go to the pool around 6pm with a pizza.


My 9yo ds starts football tonight, so I'm not sure how that will work. Around here, the heat is just the heat. It has been 90+ since April, and will remain 90-100 until mid- October.


Is it crazy humid in Texas, too? It's about 80% here.

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