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Tomorrow is the big day


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Guest jab300

We start school again!! This year it will only be two for me, 10yo 5th grader and 6yo 2nd grader. Am I ready for this? Nooooo. Gee, I've only had like a month or so to do anything, how could I be ready? :lol: The only subject I have prepared lessons for I don't actually have the books for yet (waiting on those lovely Amazon gift cards.) Nothing like last minute planning!:tongue_smilie: I know from all the lovely posters on here that I am in the minority with my disorganized start to our school year. Watch it be the best ever (wishful thinking lol.)

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We start tomorrow as well. I am doing SL so I basically just follow the plan and delete or add as I see fit as we go along. Not too much planning involved really.


When I was a teacher, lesson planning was one of my least favorite chores (yes, I said CHORE as it was for me!) I am a people person and I much preferred actually teaching the students than planning and grading....BORING!!!!!!


Anyway, you are doing fine!



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We were supposed to start tomorrow also. However, the school room is still in process of being cleaned and decluttered, we don't have all our textbooks here yet (being shipped), and one child has a nasty stomach bug/fever thing going on (and I'm sure others will be joining her soon - it never seems to hit just one!) SO! I'm thinking maybe the following Mon we will start. Only a week late... not too bad! ;)

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We are starting back tomorrow as well. I am so not looking forward to this event. This is the first year I will really have to school all 4 kids. The poor 5 yo is behind where his brothers were at his age because I am so busy with the rest of them and he is so happy to play far, far away from the school table.


I have finally organized all their bins, and I am pretty sure all their curriculum is now in there (except LoF for DD which is still AWOL). Unfortunately, upon organizing all their subjects, I have realized there is NO WAY they will be able to do all the work for each of these subjects and will have to alternate days on some things. This means scheduling and I loathe trying to follow a schedule.

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We are starting tomorrow too! I have August planned out for my oldest 2 (doing gr 6 & 7) but beyond that I just the skeleton of my plan and have more work to do to get the rest of the year planned out. I have not planned August for my younger 2, (gr 2 and pre-k), so that is my plan this afternoon after I finish the housework. Get at least this week planned out for them.

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