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What do fairies leave behind?

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My dd built a fairy house and last night I sprinkled glitter in it (because everyone knows fairies leave fairy dust where ever they go). She was so excited to see evidence of a fairy visiting her house. I should of known it would not end there. Now she is trying to figure out what the fairy might leave the next time she visits. I plan on leaving a tiny bell but other then that I am drawing a blank. Also what is a good reason for the fairy to stop visiting? I figured I would leave a tiny note thanking my dd for her hospitality from the fairy but I need a reason why she will not be visiting anymore.

Any ideas?

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Maybe a tiny scrap of cloth with glitter on it. Some cookie crumbs from a tea party?


I use to babysit a little girl who had a doll house set up just for the "bed time fairy". She would leave her tiny Barbie dishes out in case the fairy wanted to have friends over. I told her the fairy would provide her own food.

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Very small muffins (like a bit of drip baked on the side of the muffing tin)


If the fairy is a tinker she might leave a nut as in nuts and bolts.

If the fairy is a tinker she might take a bolt to go with the nut.

Scraps of fabric

Bits of thread

Bits of ribbon

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Could you leave some flower petals in a trail to the window?


For a reason to part company with your dd, maybe she could explain that she will be going into training to become a tooth fairy, and cannot pay anymore visits until she has "graduated."


That's a good idea for leaving. I love the flower petal trail, also.


If you decide to make it look like a tea party, add different colored glitter if you haven't already done so. I'm going off of the Disney Tinker Bell movie where they all have their own color glitter, so make it look like multiple fairies were present.

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fairies like shiny things. Marbles, beads, coins, anything from nature. Places where we see mushrooms climbing up a tree, I tell my kids that's the stairs going up to a fairy's home. I'd say the fairy visited because she was flying by on her way to go live in (fairylandia) and saw the beautiful house and had to visit it for the night.

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In addition to some others already posted I've left a gold coin, just the head of a flower, a flowering tea bulb. How about a bit of tulle, rolled and tied with raffia?


A reason to leave could be that the fairy season has ended. Maybe they only visit during the first days of the new season or full/new moon.

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These are all great!!!

These are the ones I can do with what I have on hand:

I will use the different glitter idea tonight, figure the fairy will want to show her friends the new house.

Since the house has lots of nature items in it already, I need something to stand out...like the shell idea and pretty rock.

The tiny bit of cloth and the tulle with ribbon.


I figure I will keep this up for a week, then send the fairies on their way. The "just passing by" is good so is the change of season idea.



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Cute thread! And great ideas. :)


We have a fairy door (a la the Urban Fairy Operation - google it for fun), and our fairies leave tiny clues that they've been out and active, too.


Little notes have been fun. And cryptic "messages" on leaves (just patterns poked into the leaves, nothing fancy). Flower petal trails are always exciting.


I have been wondering how to end our fairies' stay, though, and this thread has given me some ideas... Thanks for that!

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