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The cutest kitten has just wandered up in our yard.

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Any tips on how to get him to come to us?


We've set out milk, a bit of turkey, and Sara Maria just came back from the store with some cat food. We don't think he has a tag, but we want to catch him to make sure. And, if he doesn't we just might want to keep him around.


He looks just like Toothless in "How to Tame Your Dragon." The kids and I are smitten ... by the kitten.

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How old do you think it is?


A good friend of mine took in a stray kitten who was no more 6 months old and very pregnant. She is now the grandcat to 7 kittens plus catdom's tiniest baby mama.


Come to think of it, everyone I've known who took in a stray cat, took in a pregnant cat. My sister has about 11 cats now -- her pregnant stray had, if memory serves, 9 kittens.


Boy, I sound like Debbie Downer, don't I?

Edited by RoughCollie
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Any tips on how to get him to come to us?


We've set out milk, a bit of turkey, and Sara Maria just came back from the store with some cat food. We don't think he has a tag, but we want to catch him to make sure. And, if he doesn't we just might want to keep him around.


He looks just like Toothless in "How to Tame Your Dragon." The kids and I are smitten ... by the kitten.



Aww. Any canned, stinky food and water will probably get it to come to you.


I had a kitten in college that got his name from me singing, "I am smitten with this kitten." He was named Smitty :001_smile:. I had him for 9 years, living well beyond what was expected due to a cardiomyopathy.


Good luck!

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We have cats in our yard all the time. we see 4 or 5 cats regularly. I can't tell if they belong to my neighbors and are outside cats or if they're feral. Last year one of them had kittens in our crawl space, and now we see the grown kittens (at least one of them) around.


About 5 years ago we adopted a young cat who adopted us - he just hung around and hung around with absolutely no encouragement from us until we decided to adopt him. We only had him for 2 weeks before he got sick and died from some illness that mother cats can pass on to their babies. We were so sad, but we were glad he didn't have to die alone in the woods.

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It may take time to catch him. I would start getting him used to being fed, then try stayng while he eats. After he starts getting used to your presence you can gradually move closer and eventually touch and finally catch the kitten. Then I strongly reccommend a trip to the vet for him.

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Cindy, did you catch him last night??


Didn't catch him. We actually left for the beach but have someone taking care of our two goldens, our bunny, our fish, and now putting out food for the kitty. Toothless, so we've named him, likes to hide under the HVAC unit. We sat outside and watched from dusk to dark last night. We didn't spy him (notice I'm hoping it's a "him") this morning, but can tell that he ate more of the food we set out last night. I'm hoping he'll stay around until we get back.

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It may take time to catch him. I would start getting him used to being fed, then try stayng while he eats. After he starts getting used to your presence you can gradually move closer and eventually touch and finally catch the kitten. Then I strongly reccommend a trip to the vet for him.


Yep. He'll go to the vet right away if we can catch him - neuter, tags, etc.

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We have cats in our yard all the time. we see 4 or 5 cats regularly. I can't tell if they belong to my neighbors and are outside cats or if they're feral. Last year one of them had kittens in our crawl space, and now we see the grown kittens (at least one of them) around.


About 5 years ago we adopted a young cat who adopted us - he just hung around and hung around with absolutely no encouragement from us until we decided to adopt him. We only had him for 2 weeks before he got sick and died from some illness that mother cats can pass on to their babies. We were so sad, but we were glad he didn't have to die alone in the woods.


Cathmom, I'm continuing to think about your burn-out situation. How's it going?

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