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Felt furniture pads...yay or nay?

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Yes. They aren't expensive and that's what our installer told us to use.


Yes, use them, but replace them regularly to keep them looking nice and to prevent scratches from sand that gets caught in the felt.

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Thanks so much for the quick replies :)

Hubs has recently finished our floors and we are hoping to move furniture in soon. I wasn't sure just *how* important the little felt pieces would be.


I mean, I knew it would help and I don't want to gouge my floors, but, I just didn't know if they were *that* big of a deal. Sounds like they are. So thank you!! :)

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DH put our big sofa on small black car mats he got at Lowe's. The kind you might put where your feet go when you are sitting on the front seat, to catch mud, etc. So the floor is protected and the sofa won't slide around when someone sits down, and you can't really see the car mats under the sofa. :D

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