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The Sonlight is here! The Sonlight is here! I'm far more excited than my children..


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It's 9am on a saturday morning and the Fedex truck pulled up with our Sonlight Core D.


My husband and I were drooling as we opened the box and were examining all of the books. I have the stack next to me.


I'm excited for the first year of homeschooling them and have visions of them leaping out of bed in the morning eager to fill their minds and expand their horizons.:D


I called the children in to see their books. They just stood there looking at them and my beautiful, sweet little 7 yo blond haired blue eyed Emily holds up "If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution" and says "uh..what up with this?" yes...she said "what up" not "what's up"...in that tough, punky tone. She doesn't usually talk like that. I *think* she picked that up from Sam Puckett on the TV show "ICarly". Great.


Oy. We have our work cut out for us.


I'm looking at all of the reading involved, and all of the things I want to cover with them. How am I going to wean them off of watching television? They don't watch a ton of TV, but they do like ICarly and watch it on On Demand. My son loves Discovery channel and Animal Planet.


How do you get the kids excited??

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Well, either they are or they aren't in my experience. Your attitude helps. if you are excited they may be more likely to be excited.


You dont need to wean off TV, so forget that. SL shouldnt take more than 3-4 hrs tops.


That a great core. Rivetting for kids who like to listen to stories. Great for moms who loved those books as kids and are excited to share them.

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Weaning off of TV is tough. Thankfully we have a feature on our TV this year where we can block the tv at a certain time. We will be blocking it from 9am to 3pm. LOL Thank you Time Warner Cable. :>)


I know what you mean though. Since this is your first year homeschooling , well just take that idea of the kids jumping out of bed ready and willing to learn right out of your head. Its going to take some time. If you think this way your going to disappoint yourself very quickly. Its going to take time to get those Sonlight pictures into your home. LOL


But I agree, if your excited , they will too. It took a little time but my girls learned to really enjoy Sonlight. Do as much read alouds as you can at first. Let them listen. Then everything else will follow. I think that really created the love of reading in my girls that they have now. Before hand you wouldn't even see my girls pick up a book, not even in a library. Now I have to limit how many books they take out of the library. LOL!


Just be patient. In the meantime you and your husband can drool all over the books as much as you want.

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My kids were much more excited about their second "box day" than their first - SL really does get them into books. We started with Core D. Loved it. Don't have TV here, though. They only watch at grandparents (after all work done) and at their dad's on Sunday pm. Still have to get them away from legos and craft projects, building forts outside, and other stuff and settled for school!


If you are excited, they will come around for most - maybe not Latin, though LOL!


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I share your enthusiasm but my kids don't.


We're doing SL Core D this coming Fall too. I was so excited for box day. My boys weren't too thrilled, but they both love it when I read to them aloud.


It's hot here and they're getting way too much TV and PC time right now but soon we'll be back to our "school hours" and the TV will be off during the day.

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Our first year of homeschooling (last year) was definitely a change from our previous public school life but not as much as it will be this year. *rubbing hands with an evil grin on my face* This year there will be no tv/computer until all chores are done in the morning. Also, there will be no tv/computer time between 10:30 and 3. :D Last year, we were too loosey-goosey about schedules/routines and I found that I had to fight with my DD all year with regards to "school time". I realize now how utterly ridiculous that was. Life is going to be a lot more structured around here! I've been setting the stage all summer for her so there will be no nasty surprises in a few weeks.


As for enthusiasm - I really do think your attitude sets the stage. I was very enthusiastic last year but had to drag DD along kicking and screaming (literally, many days) but I absolutely notice some big differences in her now. She is coming around. I am so excited for the upcoming year!


Have fun, be enthusiastic and set a good example of joyful learning.

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My children pick it up from me too. I look at the IG and look at the order we are going to read the books and pull them off the shelf and say, "Oh boy, look at this one! It looks so good! I can't wait until we get to read this!" It is really contagious :). As to your other question, we only watch one movie/day - strictly limited except for on sick days :). No free for all TV here :).

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If you're excited about the books, your kids will be excited. The Landmark might be a challenge for the younger one, but the books in this core are wonderful.


The think that helped us the most with the TV is to NEVER watch it in the morning before school. Things got so much better when we made that decision. I'm not sure this applies to you, but maybe it'll help someone else.


I've also had to wean my kids off iCarly. They went through a phase where they loved it.


True testimony here: my daughter was devastated when I sold Core D after we finished it this year. She did NOT want to part with all her favorite stories.

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