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What is your favorite map skills series?


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I like MCP Maps Charts and Graphs and so does dd7. She in fact loved it and wanted to do it everyday. At $8.50 a workbook, that was to much for my budget! On Amazon, they have The Complete Book of Maps and Geography for about $10. It is 350 pages! They say it is for grades 3-6, but dd7 is doing fine. It may get advanced further in, but so will she! I have the Amazon link on my blog under "Nutmeg's Curriculum."



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I vote for The Complete Geography book. Wish we had started with it.


The other books seem to just repeat the same information year after year with little change in the depth covered. I have used Steck Vaughn for 3 grades with Calvert and it was the same thing all 3 years. Big yawner!

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We have the Steck Vaughn series : Maps , Globes and Graphs and it does a good job teacing . We're using Calvert and they use this for 1st , 2nd and 3rd . Then they ruin it by using Hammond Discovering Maps . Which I think it maynot be the book but how Calvert uses it as they ask and expect things that don't seem to come from the book .


Anyways I do like the Steck Vaughn series and I think the MCp is very similar to it .

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I've really liked this series, titled very vaugely "Map Skills" by School Specialty Publishing (used to be published by Instructional Fair, if you find a used copy). There's a book for 3-4 grade that focuses on general map skills, then a 5th grade book subtitled "Teaching US History with Maps", and the 6th grade book "Teaching World History with Maps".

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I've really liked this series, titled very vaugely "Map Skills" by School Specialty Publishing (used to be published by Instructional Fair, if you find a used copy). There's a book for 3-4 grade that focuses on general map skills, then a 5th grade book subtitled "Teaching US History with Maps", and the 6th grade book "Teaching World History with Maps".


I'll second this series. My dd has been working through the first one and has learned a lot. We had been using the E-M Daily Geography Review, but there is just so much repetition between levels, she couldn't stand it anymore.

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Scholastic Success with Maps -- it is easy, bright and colorful -- kids love it. But it would not be your whole curriculum. It costs about $4 or so.


The Complete Book of Maps and Geography is about 300 pages -- it can last more than a year. About $10 or so.


I put prices down in case anyone else was like me -- spending big money on books, but stingy about workbooks.

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