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Please help....baby...

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Baby is up screaming. She went down at her normal time though I did feel something was off with her. I was afraid she'd wake up at 10 or 11, but it wasn't that big of a deal. Except she has cried nonstop since 10:30 (drank about 6oz of formula before that).


There were big changes in her life today: daycare, they gave her peas, she had to get up much earlier than she's used to, etc. But daycare said she did very well (and I've known the daycare teacher for like 10 years so I trust her).


The real issue is that we have a crazy life and can't go without sleep. It's 11:30 and hubby's alarm goes off at 3:30. I had THE worst day with the other littles today. Tomorrow we have ELEVEN appointments (most come to the house). Eleven! I have to be able to function and I can imagine the littles won't have some major revelation about rules, life, abuse, etc overnight.


Basically, we need SLEEP. Someone make her happy (and asleep).

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This might sound crazy, but I'd give baby a nice warm bath to help tire her out, then maybe a quick massage with lotion and off to bed again. It usually works for mine, unless she's coming down with something. And I've noticed this happens when the schedule changes too much or I'm really stressed out. Best wishes.

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Thanks y'all.


Unfortunately, I think we've found the culprit. She and her brother's noses are now nasty. They have some icky coughs. She is in bed and I'm not messing with her til she cries again, but her brother has a 102.2 temperature.


Seems we have two sick babies :(


The poor dears, and poor mama! Hang in there. :grouphug::grouphug:

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So now my throat is scratchy and I have a little gunk.

Toddler is sleeping on couch (a tad restlessly).

Baby coughs briefly every 20 min or so.

Hubby's alarm didn't go off and he's still in bed.

I can't sleep.

I wonder how many people will get this. Nine? Ewwww.

I can cancel the afternoon therapies (or at least give the therapists the choice).

I *really* don't want to cancel morning therapies.

The ICU worker will come regardless.

I wonder when I'll nap?

I'm gonna go gargle with salt water and hope.


Just rambling <sigh>

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I pray you all go through this smoothly. Can you get a supply of fluids everyone will happily drink like warm apple juice or chamomile tea? Can you diffuse tea tree or lavender oil in the air? I hope you can all just rest today with no appointments and let everyone rest and drink. Take care.

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