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Hair Donation (Locks of Love, etc.)

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I asked y'all about LoL on the old boards, & I remember there was a general...disapproval? That may be too strong a word.


Anyway, I'm about to get my hair cut. I was just going to get a trim, but dh knows I'm keeping it long for him, & he mentioned that he could tell it was bothering me. So I showed him how short I want it, & he kind-of stammered. Then he reminded me that originally I was going to grow it & donate it. And if *that's* what I'm going to do...


It goes to cancer patients, right? he said. I mean, I don't want it to just go to some barber school. LOL Sweet man.


So I think I'm getting a real hair cut, not just a trim. And I've read LoL's website. Looks fine to me, but if y'all know of a better organization, that's fine, too. Whaddaya think?

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I never knew there was an issue. I have grown my hair, cut it short, grown it again several times. My daughter has done it once (though she doesn't plan to cut it again now that it's long). I really go in that cycle naturally only semi-considering my donation each time.


Unfortunately, we have a pony-tail here. It's long and beautiful. I will watch the thread to decide what to do if someone has a better suggestion.

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LoL is a good organization, but it has flaws. GF had beautiful waist-length natural blonde hair and cut it off and donated it to LoL. Several years later was struck with autoimmune deficiency AND cancer:angelsad2: The autoimmune deficiency caused her to lose all hair (hair,eyebrows, lashes, etc). LoL would not *donate* a wig. She had to purchase one if she wanted any hair. I was crushed to hear this as it seemed contrary to what we believe they represent.



I would still donate the hair if I were to cut that amount of hair.

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LoL is a good organization, but it has flaws. GF had beautiful waist-length natural blonde hair and cut it off and donated it to LoL. Several years later was struck with autoimmune deficiency AND cancer:angelsad2: The autoimmune deficiency caused her to lose all hair (hair,eyebrows, lashes, etc). LoL would not *donate* a wig. She had to purchase one if she wanted any hair. I was crushed to hear this as it seemed contrary to what we believe they represent.



I would still donate the hair if I were to cut that amount of hair.


Oh, how sad! What was their reasoning? Was it because GF was an adult? Otherwise, I just can't imagine, & even then...I guess I'd hope for some leniency.

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My SIL is being treated for breast cancer so my daughter decided to donate her hair. It was a very emotional experience as she really liked her long hair and always had it long. (Even I felt like crying when the first lock was snipped and I'm usually much more matter of fact than that.) But, I assured her, her hair would grow back and in the mean time she was making life a little more pleasant for someone with cancer.


Anyway, our hairstylist sent it off to LOL.

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Oh, how sad! What was their reasoning? Was it because GF was an adult? Otherwise, I just can't imagine, & even then...I guess I'd hope for some leniency.

Not sure of reasoning, and yes, she is an adult. We spoke today and she'll be in TX next month :) I'll certainly ask her then.

Her DDs also have the aforementioned hair. They won't be donating it to LoL.

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To be fair, Locks of Love is an organization that gives wigs to disadvantaged children. Their mission doesn't involve adults or people who can afford wigs on their own. They sell some of the hair they collect (dyed or permed hair, gray hair, less than 10 inches, etc) and they use that money to get the wigs made.


Beautiful lengths is an organization that donates wigs to women:


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Check with your salon or stylist when you make the appointment. There may be a local organization that provides the same service to children in our community.


I'd only heard of Locks of Love, but I got my hair cut from mid-back length to chin length, and the stylist asked if she could donate it to the local foundation instead of LOL.


I am lovin' my short do.



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Did you know they are using human hair as mulch now? Apparently it has had great success in weed control.


The story I read stated they get the hair from China- :glare: Hmmmmmmm.


So my question now is...how transparent is Locks of Love? I really don't know, but now that I realize there is a profit to be had, I would look more closely.

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Check with your salon or stylist when you make the appointment. There may be a local organization that provides the same service to children in our community.


I'd only heard of Locks of Love, but I got my hair cut from mid-back length to chin length, and the stylist asked if she could donate it to the local foundation instead of LOL.


I am lovin' my short do.




Well, a friend here is cutting it, so I don't know if she'd know....hm...

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Did you know they are using human hair as mulch now? Apparently it has had great success in weed control.


The story I read stated they get the hair from China- :glare: Hmmmmmmm.


So my question now is...how transparent is Locks of Love? I really don't know, but now that I realize there is a profit to be had, I would look more closely.


All the more reason not to throw it away, though, huh?


Wait. Do you mean *I* could sell it? I could tell mil I got a job!!:lol:

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I've cut my hair and given it to LoL, I looked for others, but didn't find one. Just a warning though, be prepared, it's hard to go from long to short! Mine was from mid-back and got cut up to my ears, I cried, but thankful it grew back and I feel like a girl again:D!

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LoL is a good organization, but it has flaws. GF had beautiful waist-length natural blonde hair and cut it off and donated it to LoL. Several years later was struck with autoimmune deficiency AND cancer:angelsad2: The autoimmune deficiency caused her to lose all hair (hair,eyebrows, lashes, etc). LoL would not *donate* a wig. She had to purchase one if she wanted any hair. I was crushed to hear this as it seemed contrary to what we believe they represent.



I would still donate the hair if I were to cut that amount of hair.



Never mind - I see it is only for kids.

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I've cut my hair and given it to LoL, I looked for others, but didn't find one. Just a warning though, be prepared, it's hard to go from long to short! Mine was from mid-back and got cut up to my ears, I cried, but thankful it grew back and I feel like a girl again:D!


Eh. I've bounced back & forth between short & long for years. Actually, the shortest I've ever had it was right before dh & I married, & this is the first time I've had it long since.


I don't like it. Something's changed since highschool. It's not as straight as it was, so it doesn't have that glossy look. But it's not curly, either. :glare:


I had a haircut a couple of yrs ago that I *loved,* & I figure I'll just do that again. Whew, just the thought makes me want to dance a jig! LOL

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