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I just finished The Count of Monte Cristo, sigh. What next?

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After having seen 2 movie versions with different endings, I now know the whole story. What a great book, so satisfying. And no, I'm not telling how it ends. ;)


I'm enjoying my summer break by reading!


Suggestions for a next great classic book I'll be happy I finally got a chance to read?

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I'm reading a Tale of Two Cities and enjoying it much more than I did in high school. Dickens has a wonderful, dry sense of humor I never picked up on as a teen.


I love this line from Chapter III: "His message perplexed his mind to that degree that he was fain, several times, to take off his hat to scratch his head. Except on the crown, which was raggedly bald, he had stiff, black hair, standing jaggedly all over it, and growing down hill almost to his broad, blunt nose. It was so like Smith's work, so much more like the top of a strongly spiked wall than a head of hair, that the best of players at leap-frog might have declined him, as the most dangerous man in the world to go over."


Or how about Bleak House? The mini-series w/ Gillian Anderson is outstanding and the book is supposed to be one of Dickens' best.


I recently watched Middlemarch and that made me want to read the book by George Eliot. It's supposed to be her best.


If you're looking for another long, classic, "must read," how about Anna Karenina? It's an all time favorite. And some day I'd like to read the Brothers Karamazov - maybe when the kids are grown. :)

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Brothers Karamazov - great read, especially if you have a dysfunctional family. :D


I also liked David Copperfield - much easier reading (to me) than BK.


Lord of the Flies - didn't read this until I was an adult and was really surprised by what a good book it is. (Not a *fun* read, but very good.)

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If you're looking for another long, classic, "must read," how about Anna Karenina? It's an all time favorite. And some day I'd like to read the Brothers Karamazov - maybe when the kids are grown. :)


Oh yes! Brothers Karamazov is a must read. I am finally getting around to reading it this summer. I read Anna Karenina last year, too. In college I read lots of contemporary books and 20th century lit, so over the past 15 years I have been doing nothing but reading the ancient classics. The 19th century was completely neglected.


I am only 2/3 of the way through it, but I can now see why many call the Brothers Karamazov one of the greatest novels of all time. It is a psychological thriller and murder mystery, interspersed with discussions of the big issues of faith in God, etc. For example, the issue of "how can man be good without God" is discussed by the brothers.


I am reading that one along with rereading The Iliad....and hoping to squeeze David Copperfield in there somewhere. :)

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I second The Man in the Iron Mask. Just as good as The Count.


My favorite Jane Austen book so far is Emma. Love her spunky attitude!


I love Chesterton's Father Brown mysteries, but have a hard time remembering which ones I've read because I have several compilations on my Kindle and some have the same stories in them. So I end up re-reading some. :D


An aside on Chesterton- I heard somewhere that Charles Dickens was one of his favorite authors. Great writers think alike! :001_smile:

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